Subtitles spoil scenes right before they happen

>subtitles spoil scenes right before they happen

Other urls found in this thread:


>perfect hearing

try not being deaf

Time to get a hearing aid, grandpa.

That's what subtitles are for

>make a post not mentioning deafness when it is incredibly important to the argument that you are making
>act like the one poster who calls you out for using subtitles at all is woefully ignorant

Please get the fuck off this website

>subtitles fuck up the comedic timing

>not watching foreign kino

lol you ok bro?

not an argument

If you're not going to take the time to learn their native language, you don't deserve to enjoy a nation's cinematic output.

>closed captions
>captions don't match the actual dialogue

Sorry, you just got a little bit mad there for a second.

OP is a massive faggot for leaving out that he is watching foreign films then.

not an argument

>casually implying languages and nations have a simple and direct relationship
You don't deserve anything

>watching american film or tv show in my country
>always hard subbed
>can't conventrate because the incorrect subtitles distracts me

Just tell me if it makes you angrier and I'll make one just for you jimbo.
Or just reply with the same if you're mad.

not an argument
