Who would you like to see portray Lara Croft on the big screen next?
Who would you like to see portray Lara Croft on the big screen next?
Rhona Mitra
Is that Remy on the left?
Denise Milani
is the left shooped?
why's her head so big?
Daisy Ridley
What the fuck are you retarded? How do you not know who that is and how do you not know who Remy is well enough to know that isn't her?
>inb4 protagonist is a white girl
>inb4 protagonist's love interest is a masculine black man
You just know that's going to happen.
Daisyfu, probably the only one to make me care about it.
She's 4'2''.
Don't height shame
homosexuals confirmed
The lady from Deadpool.
I miss prime Angie
There's just something lacking.
I can't quite put a finger on it.
Small screen presence maybe?
Little exposure to Hollywood?
Teeny tiny experience maybe?
if i wanted to watch a film about some uninteresting bimbo I'd watch porn.
Sophie Turner
in this reboot, lara drops the guns and just bites tigers and monkeys to death
she's suppose to be like 17 in the current iteration right? why not any actress that age?
Well who do you suggest? That's why I started the thread!
>how dare you not recognize some bitch on the Internet
I'm really fucking drunk rn senpai and going through some personal hardships
AlI ask is that you relax
Can we agree Angelina Jolie was 10/10 casting for Lara Croft?
Dani Daniels
If you don't know who that is and you don't know who Remy is well enough to know that it is not her, then I don't want you in my thread. Take your excuses and shove them up your ass, then get the fuck out of my thread.
Can she do a British accent?
Double confirmed.
Thanks senpai, I appreciate it greatly
Relax dude, I will reiterate, I am really fucking drunk and not going through the best of times
>hurr muh tiddies
>funnyjunk-tier gif
12 y/o confirmed
she prefers her box office poison accent
B-b-but San Andreas
at least im not a daisyfag
Literally the most critically acclaimed part of that movie
>at least i'm not an irredeemable piece of shit
Maybe her
Seriously this. She may be too old noq though. Also, her acting is questionable...Y'know what, I take it back. No, I don't agree with you.
>Y'know what, I take it back. No, I don't agree with you.
Maisie Williams of course
Literally the only choice
Come at me broseth
>showing your autism because someone doesn't know a porn girl
This is the next Lara Croft
Barren Womb Raider?
Suri Cruise
Idris Elba
Go all My Fair Lady on Gemma Atkinson and let her loose in the tank top and shorts with a posh accent.
Hasn't pic related already been cast?
Someone that actually has tits, not these flat chicks.
A bimbo. Juxtapose a bimbo with some well done production values and oh boy you've got something special
She would actually be a perfect Lara
The non sjw one at least
But thats a nigger, Croft is white.
Young Ryry bouncing around in tights shorts and tight tucked in shirt getting sweaty and jumping around in slow motion
I know no one else here is hyped for this but I am. And all those who disagree with this casting has the worst taste.
Hyped as fuck.
Thats the (((British))) beauty we all know and love as the impossibly strong and voluptuous lara croft.
Shes not the original Lara. Shes the superior reboot Lara
> he has never asked his doctor for a testosterone level test as he just gets on with everybody and is doing great even his crush's boyfriend says so
chanel preston
her name is Kira Orsag
This is good, why don't more people suggest her?
> "if i stand like i have autism i can pretend ive got a good figure!"
don't forget the sharp knees, killer
Kira has a nice ass
Well post a picture of it then, sitting on a rail/bathroom sink is the biggest fake going, dont be an idiot and fall for it.
those arms are pure sex
u mite b gae
*ding* *ding* *ding* We have a winner!
just no
>pigeon toes
at work, faggot
just got fired. thanks.