Goys, I need counter arguments fast!!! Help he's a anarcho capitalist that says Hitler is a socialist

Goys, I need counter arguments fast!!! Help he's a anarcho capitalist that says Hitler is a socialist

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Hitler was a dirty fucking socialist. Live with it an move on nazi faggot

/leftypol/ nigger BTFO you people made these faggots

he's correct
can be both fascist and socialist at the same time

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
National Socialist German Workers party

you even more retarded than your anarcho capitalist friend

nationalist socialist...

noun: Nazi; plural noun: Nazis
a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

>a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
> National Socialist German Workers' Party.
>Socialist German Workers' Party.

Why would your idiot friend think that, OP?

not true

If you can't come up with argument yourself, don't try debating the issue, you dumb cunt. Fucking pathetic.

National Socialist German Workers Party. Pretty cut an dry if you ask me. The thing about left and right is if you go far enough in either direction they start look pretty similar

Op is a dumb faggot retard. Case closed

Fascism and socialism have some key differences between them, you're friend is wrong but not so wrong that it would be easy to prove to them how stupid they are. You guys should avoid having strong opinions about things you don't know much about and go back to watching my little pony



kek /thread

National Socialist German Workers party

These other niggers don't know what the fuck they are talking about. Hitler wasn't socialist. politicalcompass.org/faq#faq19

open a goddamn history book you absolute tard

then die

I mean guys*

Guys, I need counter arguments fast!!! Help he's a anarcho capitalist that says Hitler is a socialist

you're wrong the only answer is suicide

there was no redistribution of wealth simce there was no wealth except for the top .01% which was hitler and other high ranking officers.
it was complete facism/totalitarianism. The government didnt even attempt to restart germanys economy they just let it be and killed juden claiming that would solve the problem.
also this person is retarted because redistribution of wealth is communism. Socialism is just an incredibly scaled back verssion of communism

That's pretty radical

National Socialism isnt to be confused with Marxist Socialism
You can feed your own people, but you'll starve to death trying to feed the whole world

He killed tons of socialists.


But Hitler's government was kinda socialist... nothing wrong with that.

The socialist wing got killed off after the Röhm-putsch. Hitler would gave never seized power if he had really pushed the socialist agenda. He was in fact backed by parts of the old elite of the empire, e.g. prussian landlords, and these would have never supported someone from the left.
The NSDAP only was socialist in it's early years till 1923