Percfag here

Percfag here
About to pop 8 5-325 oxy/ace
Will my liver explode or am I good

how much do you normally take?

Only used twice, 3 the first time and 5 the second

You'll survive as long as you aren't already hepatically impaired, but you're getting up there towards the limit. Definitely not a dosage you want to take often. Acetaminophen is the leading cause of liver failure.

Probably gonna be the last time I take this. So not lasting damage from the 8 pills??

Your liver would be fine. I used to take 15 of the orange 7.5/325 percs every single day for about 3 months. It was very expensive and very stupid. Just buy blues or heroin. Not a opifag anymore but really taking that much tylenol for that little amount of oxy is pretty useless. You could take a blue and get just as faded with far less damage.

Liver regenerates. You'll be fine.

i'd work my way up

Lol it won't be last time your already upping dosage so much after 3 times

you might fuck up your liver, 2600mg of apap at once is fucking hard on your liver

40 mg of oxy is not that risky t b h, judging by your fingers you've got some mass to you so you'll be alright.

Using these from my girl's script and she's not getting anymore

Only taking more because the 5 didn't do as much as I was wanting

>So not lasting damage from the 8 pills?
Not likely. The daily limit is 4 grams for short term prescriptions. If you did this every day for a decade, it would be a different story. But one day won't kill you.

218 lbs 6'

go for it, it's not going to fuck your shit up

Thanks niggers. Now that my problem's been resolved let's have a general drug thread, what's your poison


do a cold water extraction. it's easy as fuck and you can take as much as you want without worrying about hepatoxicity

I've seen some simple and some autistic complex versions of that, what's the proper way

Iv been taking dirty 30s with Fentanyl in them bomb as hell

I hit that acid my nigger

Gel or tab?

Toxic tylenol amount is 150mg/kg. You're on B so lets assume you weigh 150kg. 150kg x 150mg/kg = 22,500mg. So your toxic dose is probably about 69 pills. So yes you are fine. In fact, you are a pussy and not even close to dangerous. Eat up pussy.

Just do a cold water extraction OP.

Grab icy water, stir your pills until they dissolve and then run them through any kind of filter and drink up. Infinitely better experience and it is not difficult.

(pic related, made my own diy filter setup with a starbucks cup and a ripped up cotton shirt aka don't be a lazy shit)