Celebrities that trigger numales

Celebrities that trigger numales


Steve Harvey is a champion. I honestly, seriously don't believe I'll ever get tired of his schtick.




And there it is. The "alt right fedora". Right on schedule.

You are the cancer that destroyed this place and is now proceeding to destroy humanity. Everything you touch, is shit. YOU are shit. Everything you will ever amount to, everybody you will ever know and everything you will ever do, will be shit.

You rob everything of its integrity and you spew your "buzzwords" as though they're gospel. You brag about accomplishments that aren't yours to what passes for your "friends" and they reward you with empty applause. Empty. Like everything else in your life. You have never possessed one ounce of dignity, honor or self-respect. Others do not respect you. In all likelihood they will NEVER respect you.

I do not wish death upon the likes of you. I do not wish for you to end your vapid, hollow existence. Instead, I revel in the knowledge that, with each year that passes, you will descend more and more into the despair and depression that will inevitably follow your teenagehood. I wish I could be there to see the look on your face as the revelation hit you. The revelation that you are nothing and always have BEEN nothing. I wish I could be there to tell you, "I told you so" with a wry smile on my face.

That this will never happen, is my only regret. Enjoy what passes for your life, child, because in a few years when adulthood hits you with full-force, you will not even be REMOTELY prepared for it.


You sound like you've been triggered, my good sir.

>he doesn't know about this pasta

He was evidently annoyed enough that he felt compelled to paste the pasta. Good enough for me.


I wish Bernie Mac was still alive.

>not seeing an opportunity to post prime pasta

Oh, Jew!

>they don't realize it's ironic/bait

it's clearly meant to be ironic


Yes, but not on purpose. The first one wasn't showing up, so I tried again with a different one, and of course the first one appeared after that. Thanks a lot, chinamoot

Sometimes its really hard to tell the difference when it comes to Sup Forums people

>Sup Forums people
grow the fuck up. who doesn't at least browse Sup Forums? if you don't like offensive humor(regardless of politics), then you don't belong here.

What's that? You don't like those of us from Sup Forums?

Oh, that's a gosh darn shame, that is.

t. 16 year old in his secret club

>he browses Sup Forums

might as well declare yourself to the world that you're a cuck mate

>secret club
hi /r/Sup Forums

I'm cool with offensive humor. I don't browse Sup Forums though because they're serious.

Not just browse, but post. Where the fuck else are you supposed to discuss current events? There's so much shit going on all the time, and anyone who thinks it's all NatSoc retards has never even been there.

>they're serious
It's still fun/funny, faggot.

>I don't browse Sup Forums though because they're serious.

How fucking new can you get?


>Look at how cool this nigger is, guys, I think I'd even let him fuck my wife don't you agree?
Fuck off kike

Literally no one but you was thinking that