If I pretend to be a feminist, will my chances of finding a girlfriend go up?
If I pretend to be a feminist, will my chances of finding a girlfriend go up?
just look at onion-san and go see for yourself.
Nah mate. Britbong here... Even the radical feminist bitches at uni here are either fat lesbos or ridiculously hot ones who go out with Chads or "older mature men".
All feminists are pretending to be feminists.
Every last one of them.
So, yeah, sure; it might work, if you want to get with some chick who is pretending to be a feminist. Knock yourself out.
So it's true. It's not about your inner beauty. Fuck women.
saying you're a feminist increases your chance of getting a gf the same way as saying ''i'm the faggotest gay"
get abs
Feminists love abs.
Not necessarily. Women don't want to date feminists, especially not feminists. They want a guy with confidence.
Do what I did, and date an ugly girl who will be really appreciative, and build your confidence, and then dump her, the majestic douche butterfly you have now become.
It's fucked when the ugly one dumps you for the same reason
Luckily for me, it didn't play out like that. I felt bad though, she was desperately in love with me, and I was kind of using her.
But since highschool, thanks to her I have started working out and have the confidence to just walk up to girls at a bar. I do feel bad though
Third wave feminism is just a bunch of women pretending to be feminists, i think you'd fit right in!
Let us know how much grapeape armpit you smash!
No, because even feminists are women, and women like men, not faggots.
Yes, but you'll attract the wrong kind of woman.
The best thing you do is be totally neutral and stop worrying about women's political opinions, they are totally emotional and only see what they want to see.
Just pretend to agree to anything she says.
women will think you are weak and a cuck.
Pretty much so.
Feminist guys are generally their friend zone safe space. You will be the one they come crying to when their alpha man screws their sister, mom, or best friend. Then you get a hug, and a wet shoulder.
she just needs to let me lick her bald pits
If by girlfriend you mean a friend who's also a girl, maybe.
>hey guys if i pretend to be something i'm not and be manipulative do my chances go up
>omg i have proof women dont want inner beauty
nice logic there