

Other urls found in this thread:






Few free to test this kinda stuff on me anytime






I'm just persnickety about filenames. I got a mega with a shit ton of sissies if you're interested.



Go for it



it's syncing.




























if u dont like an artist its hella easier to delete their stuff, but i like all of these guys



Hero, thank you







Taking in the essence.



So much poju.

Don't get me wrong, I love poju but I've pretty much seen them all.


Please forgive me, but this is a very selfish thread. I wish to rename because my autism prefers numbers over shit like "f73dea" as filenames.








So why are you posting them then?


I worded it wrong, though I do want to "re-name" them, just downloading it again with "po-ju_" infront of them saves me hella time. I'd donwload the mega if you'd wish to see more. I'm almost done, sorry.

I'll try to post no-names later.






No need to apologize.

But why the hell don't you just use a renaming tool?




I had never occurred to me such a software existed. I feel retarded, but really grateful right now lul