Ask an immortal anything

ask an immortal anything


Is this your masterplan for tomorrow that I just heard or should I safely ignore

Wheres the wind going?

Why did you leave the persian army?

Was rape in the middle age better than today?

Is Christian Bale or Ben Affleck a better Batman?

I feel like Bale is too small and uses a shitty voice but those movies were overall better

Where as Affleck is 6'4 and a fucking savage, a better actor, and uses technology to alter his voice but the movies he was in sucked asshole

What's the optimal pan temperature for grilled cheeses?

it is coming back around! I mean only: we are seeing the resurgence of revealed religion.

today, we are seeing the great boomerang: from the revelation of the soul, whispered in the backwater regions and distilled into the revivalism of populism and fundamentalism today, the great claims of the enlightenment are finally giving way, and--my god!--the HUMAN emerges once more!

oh how excited i am! you wouldn't believe the treats we are in for...concentration camps and all that, sure, but it is all so splendidly fun to see it refound itself every so often!

i wasn't born too far from polybius, you know; i think the wind shows that he is right....

patience, friend! our own little walpurgisnacht is upon thee

i was never in it....

what a silly, ignorant question. i will not entertain such stupidity, beyond only reproach.

christian bale, obviously; the overall entertainment value behind the films were much higher, as was the sophistication of vision (which isn't saying much)

i truly hate that sandwich form; therefore i cannot answer

But rape was pretty common back then. Am i wrong about that?
Also what are you planning to do with your infinite time?
When and how did you find out that you are immortal?
Can you be wounded?
Does your body age?
How old are you?

How did u become imortal? Or where u born that way? Which Era was teh most fun to live in?

what i am planning on doing with it? building the political apparatus that enables you all to catch up; my objective is simple: to revitalize the programs of utopic pansophia that i was instrumental in during the 16th and 17th centuries--that is, to bring both technology and religion to bare for man the fruits of his own immortality.
i work to instrumentalize human government to that end: i seek only to provide a home for my fellow travellers; i grow tired, i grow weary, i grow bored of this perpetual perishing that surrounds me. i want to externalize my infinity.

my body doesn't age; i am set somewhere between a 25-35 year old body type, depending on my sustained diets.

i can be wounded; my brother, the only other immortal i have ever known, died through enough immediate bodily harm. my healing and regeneration seems just as slow as yours, and i have no specific resistances to any pathogens or anything (i have been very, very, very ill, and nearly have died myself). i can scar, i have several noteworthy ones, including a rip down from my sternum past my belly button where i was one stabbed in a duel and torn open...i healed, but only barely. i have been shot as well, but healed--again, only within inches of death.

but i am certain: death eventually claims all, and sooner or later the palm holding me up will gently turn asunder, and lay me down upon the dirt of all my days....until then, this is simply the universe in which the version that i am hasnt died yet. that it is all there is to it, really.

U lonely?

So, where were you born? And when?

i was born in 84 AD--i am aiming to celebrate my 1933'rd birthday this year.

i found out i was immortal simply by first outliving those around me; my brother and i (i had a sister, but she died in childhood) were born in a region called Dacia; our father died when i was 2 fighting the warlor decebalus, and me, my brother and I were sent back to rome, where i lived and worked for some 40 years--i hardly aged as those around me fell victim to all sorts of infirmities and physical deformations. i moved to thrace for purposes of education, where i spent another 30 years--again, not again.

by the time the second century had rolled in, my borther and i had realized that we were something truly unique. i have no answer beyond that.

Tell me about Keanu Reeves

not at all! i am a very active person--i just happen to move a lot, dip in and out of peoples lives.

right now, exactly 14 people know about my condition. 13 of those people i trust with my life; the 14th is an asshole and sorta blackmailing me, but i'm kinda like whatever, you know? i doubt many people would believe him even with direct and overwhelming proof. not too worried, fuck that guy.

nah, but otherwise i've loved and been loved by countless people. it's a wonderful experience, and i enter it freely and openly each and every time--caution only arrives when it needs to.

odi et amo!

>century had rolled in, my borther and i had realized that we were something truly unique. i have no answer beyond that.

So which Late Roman Emperor is your favorite and why?

i don't know much about him...
i think that he was pretty much born to play "the one" type of roles? i also think his best work is somewhere between my own private idaho and john wick

Can you write someting down in ancient dacian?

Clearly your life isn't worth living.
So whats your excuse not to kill yourself?
Really. Stop for a moment and think of that.

maiorianusestamicusmeus! etrususvalensetaurelianusiterumsuntoptimaeducationeigituretmeusventus

wow, good point! you're right up there with Camus!--whom i knew, btw.


i never learned it; i was born to patrician roman parents. by definition i was not allowed any other language, beside greek, and whatever i decided to smuggle behind the scenes. i know numerous languages; though latin is my home language.

How have you lived so long?

Organic products - food, essential oils, consumables...a bunch of bullshit, or worth the extra cost? Also - are those women who are obsessed with essential oils onto something?

Obviously I had no friends among emperors, so its hard for me to pick the favourite one

dude you're right.

The name's Mbeke.

I'm a proud white european time traveler... From the future. The picture I posted is a fierce battle robot from the future.

Also there will be a war against the self-aware baseball bat wielding pussy robots. The picture I just posted is a proof of this all being true.

And now to prove how superior I am, I will proceed to travel back in time to the day you were born. And I will beat your ass. And molest you.

so i think it is total bullshit in terms of exploiting marketing potential--you could have an organic farm growing next to yucca mountain if you wanted to, given the arbitrariness of those linguistic categories


the return to farm to table is absolutely worth it. world class restaurants--i am thinking of blue hill at stone barns, for instance, the owner of which i know well--are absolutely turning to this philosophy: grow and consume locally from farmers who treat their soil well!

it is a simple, beautiful, eager principle, and for some x-thousand years of human agricultural development, all we know is: the more life in the soil, the more creatures and organisms and natural processes brimming and fomenting and falling upon itself, the better the food will taste and be.

treat your soil well! y'all really dont have a clue how much of human life was just fucking farming for a SHITTON of people until pretty recently. aint going back to that yeoman bullshit, you fuckers.

So, how was life different for you after the fall of the Western Roman Empire?

How do I become one of you?

names some famous ppl from history that were your friends

dude not much. i was living privately in spain; i didnt even fucking know the political situation for some 250 years or so. nor did many others.

this idea that ancient man was informed about the politics that you learn about now is a joke. most of the people i knew at that time period lived and died, with knowledge of the ruling emperor only faintly and scantily felt--in icons here and there, news from trier or antioch that moves from passerbys, etc
but most of human life was unimpacted by those types of developments--or at least the impact only meant more difficult access to dependable trade routes. but even those regulated themselves fairly durably.
the "dark ages" actually had plenty of economic activity--only at that point, none of the florentine bankers had pushed into geneva, antwerp, london and the economic hinterlands of the modern era. there were bustling, localized economies that were fairly unimpacted--i was a part of those for quite some time

aint no french revolution, lemme tell ya

god fucking damn you type really slow for an immortal. i've seen 14 year olds who type faster than you.

Alright. And lastly - lavendar or sandalwood?

well that makes sense. im sure this guy hasnt taken a typing class/lesson

although there are plenty of websites where you can train

the whole point of being immortal is that you take EVERY class there is

sandalwood. it's actually my go-to aftershave.

my cat has more intelligence and refinement than you

Alright thanks! Have a nice...uh... life I guess.

But how about the Visigoths? How were they treating local roman ppl? Do you see any analogies between those times and modern-day europe (refugee crisis)?

I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. I was born in 1518 in the village of Glenfinnan on the shores of Loch Shiel. And I am immortal.