Ballbusting enthusiasts welcome here

ballbusting enthusiasts welcome here.

if dubs bust yourself and report

c'mon Sup Forums, I know damn well I'm not the only one who likes it when the boys get a nice thump




What does EY mean?

Also, why do my bumps not do anything, did the rules change?

my sweet nuts....sauce?

That looks just like some other videos I've seen, but never saw this girl before

I'm saying hey you fucker

oh, ord


what? You scared of what you see?

There's a self bump limit

Yeah but in the past my posts would at least move up a couple pages.....doesn't do much good if they stay on page 10 lol

Guys, why in the actual fuck is this even a thing.

Like, there's a pretty high chance it's going to fuck up your nuts if you do this shit.

Not even thinking about the pain this would cause.

fuck... I used to know...was looking for her. Now it's all night trying to solve this mystery

same reason women like getting spanked. kinky and fun. also pretty exhilarating when a woman has that much power over you not gonna lie

Some people are into prolapses. Different strokes, user, different strokes. Welcome newfriend.

No no no. The equivalent to this would be the same fucking thing for a dude. Or getting pegged because both of those has very little chance of severe injury.

This would be like women getting punched in the ovaries.


hurts like hell, wont do it again

Pain in the fucking point. Also, some of us don't care about our nuts.

Ok so, not sure if you realize this or not but just like in real life the porn version of this is way more intense than what we're all actually into (probably). I'm just talking about some fun, light slaps to the junk that make you flinch. I'll even admit that second one is a little rough for my taste.


always worse to do it to yourself I've found

Well I am really into bdsm, ball busting, dominatrix shit but that's just sexual fantasies: I will never do it in real life cause I don't want lose a fucking testicle.

shit man now you got me worried. my gf and I do this from time to time and it's pretty fun. i've never thought of losing a fucking testicle over it tho

No dubs here

You aren't spanking their ovaries you fucking retard

bless you user