Should we have listened?

>People are just now waking up


Thank you for keeping Sup Forums alive

>hillary gets elected instead

Everybody who hopped on this had no political understanding whatsoever
Total pleb-magnet

Trump won on a technicality. Hillary won the popular vote. Not really something to brag about especially considering that he's shitting the bed on a daily basis.

>implying you have any political understanding

this is the most retarded strawman I've ever seen

I bet all these hoodrats are very educated about politics

Probably more educated than his supporters.

Original polls showed Hillary losing to Trump back when Bernie was in the running, if I remember correctly.

I'm guessing the shift to Hillary crushing Trump after Bernie left is the result of one of two things, or just both at once: news outlets with a stake in Hillary winning choosing to lie out the ass to convince people that she was gonna win anyway; or the way libtards decided to make being Republican synonymous with being racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/Hitler incarnate, thus making being honest about one's Right-leaning views really ill-advised.

True, but I remember some of those polls showing Hillary slaughtering him in the popular vote, which simply is not what happened. Maybe I'm remembering that wrong.

I'd probably trust a random "hoodrat" more than a random user on Sup Forums desu

>tfw 2 hours away from Toronto

I'm out.

the left won the culture war.
They think thats a good thing.
It isnt.
All it did was give exploitive capitalism a kinder face and made right wingers more clever about hiding in the shadows

I hate how you people treat politics as some kind of game

Yeah cause you lost

I'd say it's less them winning the culture war, and more the result: that they closed the door on any kind of conversation or compromise. I can't say how much of a chance there was of that NOT happening, but it still happened; being a Republican is now potentially dangerous.

(If this comment and the one you replied to suggest I'm a Republican, I'm not; I lean hard to the left but I've withdrawn from the Left/Right game completely. There's nothing but bullshit to be found in such a false dichotomy.)

this is what I'm talking about

gottem xD

realest shit that was ever said about trump. YG saw through him straight away.