Post wow cringe and shit food

post wow cringe and shit food

>fresh oc from facebook itself

What the fuck is that? There's rice and then something which looks like dog food.


Looks like a sauce with meat in it. It looks fine to me, would eat.


>Looks like a sauce with meat in it. It looks fine to me, would eat.
Fuck you cunt that's not cooking, it's an atrocity.

needs a veggie and too many carbs from the rice but its otherwise fine


Grow some balls you picky bitch. Bet you've never even killed and cooked a fish.

i bet u r gay

Im a man.

me 2 wanna slam???

The mrs must be a socialist.

>plebs have never heard of curry or meat stew

His wife is probably Filipino, looks like adobo.

OP here, they're both Scottish
>mfw not haggis

Yeah well most of these fuckers are from 'Murican so they only know greasy fries and burgers

isnt there like an entire board about food and coocking?

My third successful pizza. Sauce was weak; not enough seasoning. Too much cheese.


looks aight, would eat

thats curry you fucking dip


why the fuck did you divide the toppings like that

It's curry you dumb fucks. Shit is fuckin delish

Fuck that looks nice as. 10/10 would eat

Everyone wanted something different. It's a normal practice.


yeah, what the bloody fuck do you call it pisswank, cocking? thats a fucking retard call mang, what a fantastic fucking idea, lets call it cocking

thats wrong with ye my man? cocking is when you cock a gun, coocking is when you coock food, gash darnit, y'all yanks are fuckin dum when it comes to speelling or what?

bloody hell man, i dont have time for this gibberish nonsense, user, i have to take a drink, tell me when you stop being a gilbwarter, ciaop ya boy.

i have stopped and i am sorry


Thats a white dick tho
