/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

Remember To Change Your Strings Edition

How do I start learning guitar?

Suggested Practice Routine:

Guitar chords and inversions

String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):

Music theory:

Hal Leonard's Bass Method:

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout

Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick

Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar

Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene

Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav

Old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone have any experience with these?

Looking to upgrade my shit Squier JM without having to buy a whole new guitar

which scales is best to play over D G C A?

A dorian?

C major
keep it simple

A dorian isn complicated
C major would change one note from A dorian, causing the D's third to be a minor third

all major chords?
sounds like ass
I'd say mostly D mixolydian, and D major over the A

maybe the A is minor i dunno
D mixolydian = G major = A dorian lol

then make it stupid like F# mixolydian

thatd sound weird

it's the same notes but a different tonal center
D mixolydian is a lot more logical than anything based around the A

but it rests on the A

and before the D G C Am its C G Am Am


Did the last thread 404 before bump limit?

wtf it didnt 404

made this solo for band's new song

>acoustic bending

$20 Garbagecaster update

Almost done with the headstock.

totally different thing if that's Am instead of A

Good morning Reddit!

NPD here. Can't wait to build atmospheric walls of sound with this baby. Anyone else use it?

itll be played on electric, fool

what is reddit spacing

>recording something on the instrument it wont be played on

actually it doesnt matter much, what is mixing major and minor

what are you doing? Missed that last few threads

>what is a "previous thread" link
fucking attention whore

How can I improve my singing voice?
I have a passable baritone but I want to sound better at higher/louder levels and I just wish I had better control and tone in general

Are there routines/exercises I should do like the guitar stuff in the OP? Or do I just kind of sing like normal until I get better over time?

pic unrelated

mixing major and minor is making a totally different song and sound out of it, actually

actually it only changes the solo

>Remember To Change Your Strings Edition
I pay 40€ for a set of bass strings but yeah, I ordered some on Friday...

> /dead instrument general/

Post pedalboards.

Got the guitar for $20 and now I'm trying to make it look like this

>guitarist thinks he actually understands music theory
Hilarious as always


did this


waste of money

fucking hell, buy a microphone that isn't completely shitty

and some headphones that don't leak the fucking click track

/wasteofmoneyinstrument/ general

that mic is good

No, it isn't. It sounds like complete shit. It sounds like a phone mic at best.

My amp just started making this weird high-pitched whining noise like a dog whistle
It functions totally normally except for that sound and it gets worse the more I turn it up/add distortion
It also keeps going when my guitar's unplugged so I know it's not a problem with my pickups or cable or anything

Any ideas on how I should troubleshoot?

yeah, weird how the phone could hear the click track but samuel couldn't isn't it

still does?


it's called feedback user.

Can someone recommend me something along the lines of this to learn? Preferably in a simple tuning, standard, drop d etc


This song was my introduction to finger picking. It's easier than it looks, mostly just arpeggios and such. I need something else that's as fun to play.

are you fucking kidding? noisy as shit, no bottom end in the recording

buy a proper mic or give up recording


Friendly reminder that p-90s are 6 conductor pickups



that noise in the second clyp is added vynil noise and i do bass cuts on my recordings.

>bass cuts


added vinyl noise


try buying a mic that isn't made in Brazil, and not being Brazilian

>he doesnt know what a hi pass filter is
>yet he wants to talk shit on how to record and mix stuff
added vynil noise cause i like it and want to

sounds like complete ass, though.

does your ass sound like acoustic guitars? whatever, my dick is deaf

would you like to see precisely how many hardware high and low pass filters I have right here? would you really?

why you have that stuff why lol why

maybe pull the fuse out of it then

Novak makes the greatest jm pickups, hands down

Why don't you just get an h9 jesus

two Frequency Central HPF/LPF/BPF
LPF on the Pittsburgh Synth Boxes
Intellijel Korgasmatron HPF/LPF/BPF
HPPF/LPF on the Intellijel Atlantis

Yeah, I should trade them in really but they've got all my programs and tweaks on them now and it takes months to sort that shit out on new digital stuff.

>expensive hacks for fucking hp filtering


try recording with a mic thats not completely boomy


you don't have any idea what that stuff is, do you?


Sontronics STC-3X condenser boomy? no, I don't think so

enjoy sticking your SM57 beta in front of an acoustic, fagballs

Why are you always here

I only came for that little bit of motivation

maybe I'm just always here when you're here

we'll never know for sure will we


>hp filters


>claims it's not boomy
>still needs to HP it


Like someone said, you really have no idea what all that rack gear is do you

two Frequency Central HPF/LPF/BPF
LPF on the Pittsburgh Synth Boxes
Intellijel Korgasmatron HPF/LPF/BPF
HPPF/LPF on the Intellijel Atlantis

Just ignore him

Aww, you think it's for frequency rolloff on mics. Aww, that's adorable. Like a little kid who wants to know what daddy's working on. Bless.

no, its for hi-pass filtering stuff, not only mics
yeah, you're old enough to be an adult's daddy, yet you spend your time shitposting on Sup Forums

samuel fuck of already

does that evem nake sense

I get that you're impressed with yourself for making a shit recording. I get that. And I like how you're all excited because you just discovered that you can play minor and major chords in one song. Really, that musyt have been a big moment for you. But your recordings are shit, the click's breaking through into whatever shit mic you're using, the playing isn't in time with the click, you've rolled off way too much bass and the vinyl effect sounds like tape hiss. Go spend a long time learning to record and play then come back and we'll talk again. Now run along and play with your train set little boy.

does shitting up each and every thread make sense?

he's absolutely resistant to criticism, his shit posted on here and /prod/ for months is getting worse and worse so don't even bother, m808


>19 Posters
>82 Replies
People who play guitar are not only dumb they're gluttons for punishment apparently. You all deserve it for being this stupid. Burn it down roman.

yeah, classic case of this


> I try guitar once but I was bad so now I hate guitar player

no one should lurk or post on Sup Forums for any reason

>I get that you're impressed with yourself for making a shit recording. I get that.
no i'm not impressed with that song's mixing and i just posted in resposnse to "that mic doesnt pick up any bass" post.
i've made better mixes than that but still i'm not satisfied with my mixes.

>And I like how you're all excited because you just discovered that you can play minor and major chords in one song.
is this a fucking joke? not going to get me. i knew that even before i learned harmony. it's not like i'm retarded like Paul Gilbert who thought he could only pick upwards before someone telling him its not

>But your recordings are shit, the click's breaking through into whatever shit mic you're using
again? you're still using that as an argument? top fucking kek.
i kept the click track on the rendered audio. at -10db or something.

>the vinyl effect sounds like tape hiss
wow you know how tape hiss sounds like?
wow you're really experienced.
you really have lots of knowledge.
i really can feel that through your need of constantly posting your gear on /gg/ even when nobody asks for it.

that made me laugh

>acoustic simulator on a bass pedalboard
post clyp


hey, wait, that one is not me. dont go on future /gg/s saying oh look at the bullshit samuel said *screenshot.jpg*

Post people keeping guitar alive

of all the cancerous generals on Sup Forums this one is somehow the worst. at least kpop shitters more or less like kpop. what in the fuck is wrong with you turds? goodbye. sage

Hey /gg/, look at this bullshit samuel said

Cry harder birch nerd lmao

What's the best hardtailed dual humbucker guitar I can get for £400?

seriously you guys probably should stop posting/lurking here

get out while you can

You should seriously kys

>thinking a thread is cancerous because there are several opinion instead of one circlejerk