when is it OK to RAPE WOMEN ?
Other urls found in this thread:
When Sharia dictates
Only in self-defence
Why would you put your dick through that pain?
Only if she is asking for it
Only when they're knee high.
>when is it OK to RAPE WOMEN ?
When she say no.... You can put your dick into her vagina
When she's ovulating
When its ok for me to rape your mother
Only when they're quiet, innocent, or scarred. Bonus points if your doing it for the soul purpose of emotional damage
As a weapon of war
When ISN'T it?
Legitimately, if someone held a gun to me or my family and told me the only way we lived is if we raped a bitch
Obviously if you are going to RAPE a woman, she has to say no first... cause if she says yes, it is no longer RAPE
It isn't RAPE then.
You can't have both rape AND consent.
wen uz is blak and she ain't cause uz life matter an shiet
You know OP's mother is dead, right? He didn't respond to one of those posts and she did in her sleep… Anyway, does this mean always?
when they consent to it
Pretty sure he means "Asking for it"
Oops. I meant when it was ok for me to rape his mother when alive.
it is okay when it is used to further the aryan race
So it's not OK when she's dead? What have you done to the Sup Forums I knew?!
Who has the Video of the rape of the 15 year old girl by 4 refugees-???
gross race mixing
when you're a Muslim
When they're eight.
Frat boys are white ghetto trash with money.
When they say no. Just fucking agree and it wont be rape.
>I wanna be raped. but
>can't be raped when you want it
Not possible.
Not possible.
When she's unmarried.
When you are POTUS and your daughter says no.
Also checked.
>Not possible.
Cash me outsah howbow dah?
>Not possible.
See; Paris Hilton
>being this stupid
the average black has an IQ of 85
the white average is 100
top lels
>doesn't know what IQ is
>When she's white
>And you're not white
>triggered nigger
imma need sauce on this one
You're the one who made the post of someone with an 85 IQ, not me.
Also you should delete that before your mom looks over your shoulder and slaps you.
sometimes you're at a company picnic and someone's wife is being a tease so you dress like a tree wait for her to hit the bathroom and sneak in for bathroom sex time by now the costume is off and sex is on
god i dont know what youre on about
but you are triggering some autists right now to actually be interested in rape
ayyy crackas
no call the other guy a nigger
you're telling me when a girl is wearing something showing off her tits, you're not just standing there like
"oh shit, i need that now"
Pretty much, no. Let's weigh the options out here.
Decide to rape some random bitch
>go to prison where you become the bitch
>bitch could have crazy STDs and now you're fucked
>she is an MMA cage fighter and she breaks your dick off and kicks it around in the dirt, for fun.
No rape
>maybe get a girlfriend who will flick your little dickie
>jerk off and watch youtube videos
>be free
Ill take option 2 for $600
Can we stop having this thread all the time?
now that backfired
Do you know where you are? The fucking door to plebville is that way, son
I want so little...
tits or gtfo
Thursdays, after 6pm
same fagging this hard
Actually no. Ask mods if you want.
whenever the fuck you want to.
Use a fucking condom tho.
Just because you´re a rapist does not mean that you´re an animal.
anytime a good time when you dont get caught
When you're this guy, and the girl is her.
Before theyre old enough to remember
Can anyone read this and NOT hear his voice?
before you commit suicide