Kevin Smith is watching the last movie you've watched. At what point does he start crying?
Kevin Smith is watching the last movie you've watched. At what point does he start crying?
Other urls found in this thread:
>poor little white guy 4
>the end because it finished
>Tucker and Dale Vs Evil
You tell me, mate.
probably at the scene where Bradley Cooper gets drunk and goes apeshit
Probably when Quicksilver dies
>Last Samurai
probably at the start desu
Pan's Labyrinth
Uh... I dunno, when the gang member gets mind fucked by Anderson, maybe?
Star Trek Beyond
Probably almost immediately. Either the first appearance of Chekov or mention of Leonard Nimoy's death
Probably immediately cause "the plight of black people" or some shit like that
>Ted 2
He cries when Ted loses the lawsuit and then once again when Morgan Freeman saves the day.
Into the Wild
Probably the end
Tears of joy maybe.
Sharknado 3
>cries before it even starts because he didn't think of it first
Why would a white woman saving herself from a skullfucking make Kevin Smith cry?
> The Lost Boys
When Bill from "Bill and Ted" dies
Batman v superman, when superman died
>About Schmidt
When Jack's wife dies, and when he gives the speech at the wedding (and completely misses the point), and the ending.
When he runs out of popcorn?
Why do you guys make fun of the kino king?
Right at the beginning when Ryan Reynolds is being tortured by the bad guy from Bad Boys II and the supremely hot german chick
>he cries when he finds out they'll never actually meet for real-reals.
Star Trek Beyond. The dead Spock/Nemoy tribute. Without looking it up I fucking guarantee he's admitted to this already.
Because he's a fat beta nerd?
No he isn't, he's one of the best directors of all time.
He doesn't
Are you 12?
Are you new?
American Ultra
The bit where jesse eisenberg asks if he's the tree
why do we hate this movie again? it's kino. inb4 go to bed max
>it's a Sup Forums blindly hates one of the most talented directors of the modern age because he reminds them of themselves episode
>why do we hate this movie again?
>jesse eisenberg
You answered your own question
>A Clockwork Orange
definitely when Alex and his droogs are beating on the writer guy and raping his wife
I've just finished the book. Goddamn, was McCandless the ultimate idiot or what
Would he direct a kino DCEU kino?
>Escape Plan
When the Muslim dies
says the guy sitting on his arse all day on Sup Forums
at least he lived a full life
when he realizes he is a fat balding manchild in his 40s who disgusts all women around him
The part where kelsey grammer makes rob schneider walk the plank.
Poor schneider....
The end scene
>Probably where Morgan Freemans characters gets killed
Stop posting that because it's already a thing.
At the end of clerks ll.
>Keit愛 OST
OP Full:
ED 1 Full:
ED 2 Full:
>Keit愛 TVアニメ
EP 1:
EP 13:
>When Mike goes to meet Stevie at the vet hospital
>The part where he realizes it's three hours long and he has no idea what's going on
>small soldiers
Probably when Troblocon "dies" at the beginning
He could go at almost any moment desu.
A normal-ish person might go when the valley is invaded and King Jihl dies, or when Nausicaa "dies" and is revived by the Ohmu near the end.
But Smith is that special kind of sensitive faggot who'd probably get teary eyed right from the start because of some delusion where the sweet, independant, spirited little girl who everyone loves, makes him think of his daughter.
When the fat one talks about no girls wanting him. He relates and breaks down
No he cries when the homeless guy gets crushed by the door
>grown men crying
is there anything, literally anything, more pathetic than that?
uhh... at the "catharsis" passage, maybe?
Didn't he say he thought the movie sucked then changed his tune a few days later when the Jews smacked him around?
The Thing
When they comfort the half digested dog
No matter how pathetic I may be I don't exclusively wear oversized jorts and hockey jerseys