Wwyd brutal no remorse edition, pic related wife
Wwyd brutal no remorse edition, pic related wife
Couple more
Just how flat is her chest?
break her facial jaw gap even wider with my horseman cock
Not the best pic but there, they're not THAT lopsided I guess it's just the angle
she looks nerdy and small
show her what an alpha does
probably be scared afterwards
A little lopsided, but cute and bigger than she appears. Probably a solid B cup?
32-34 b depending on the bra
Wwyd to these snobby rich bitches Rachel and Brittany?
Tie the left one up she kinda ugly then shit in the other ones face
have them dominate and humiliate the fuck out of me. For real, bratty rich girl doms are the best.
Find some way to shove left's hat up her bitchy ass while I play with right's feet.
I would give her the option of letting me film her barebacking with 6 or 7 homeless guys or a hung dog like a mastiff.
Piss in her ass
Fuck her face then piss on her face
She likes having her throat fucked
Jizz on her face, steal her car. Throw her out while it's moving.
Wife and sis in law. Wwyd?
Fuck it! Ex girl!! Played hard to get but was worth it!
Force ass to mouth, cum on her tits
I did! She was a pleaser. Big daddy issues.. she enjoys anal
Wwyd to this whore?
More? I'd make them eat each other out while I took turns on each
Dudes look like they'd rather blow each other than take this shitty picture
I would make these rich bitches take turns giving this this slut a rimjob. Then I'd make them lick her feet just to humiliate them. Then I'd slap their faces and tie them up and make the watch me duck the slut while I called them ugly b
Forgot pic
steal her bike
forget her name and face forever
haha i know her
make her commit to a mortgage with an obscenely high interest rate.
Bad & Boujee?
These threads are fucking stupid and are cancer
Ugly and Fattee
whip each with belt until she learned to ride a cock properly.
id introduce the left to a transgender therapist so she can become the man she always appeared to be
id introduce the right to an interspecies therapist so she can come to grips with being a porcine mutation so she can return to farm life
You're stupid and cancer
How ? Prove it. What's her first name ?
thread cord through nipples and tie it to that railing, so she couldn't escape.
id have my lawyer issue a subpoena to both so i can bring charges against them for polluting the local environment with their faces
How do you know Dana? Ever fucked her?
tell her the shitter's full so she has to poo in my brother's trailer.
Yea I did
id give her the number of my home remodeler so she can get some more attractive wallboard -- maybe some kind of stucco or real wood paneling
then id teleport a mini black hole into her abdomen so it would suck out some of the waist fat that prevents her from fitting into her pants properly
drop her iphone down a sewer grate and replace it with an older iphone.
nope she went to collingswood
What was she like? And what's the name of the town your from?
call her and say i'm her dad and i'm still alive.
You lost 50 bucks
im guessing you dont know her? Her pictures are everywhere
Ha. Where did you go? How do you know her? Do you still think she's sexy now that she's fat?
holy shjit she is hot post another
wwyd to her?
reply for reply
I know her. I'm fro Oaklyn and I found these. I jerk off to her all the time.
id introduce myself as an alpine guide since she is obviously part of a lost swiss miss expedition
id mislead her and take her to a cabin in the woods, which is actually my gynecology practice
there i would offer her a free cervical exam, hoping to make her comfortable in the presence of my assistant, Ellen Page
during the inappropriate physical contact disguised as clinical service, i would make the suggestion that Ellen and she are actually sisters, and that incestuous lesbian acts are part of the clinical examination
no i worked with her..i know a lot of people from collingswod though. got any others from area
say hello
ask how her day is going
tell her i'll watch her kid if she needs to work on sunday.
Wife. Whatever
mmm wow i would turn her around pull down the stockings and stuff it in her wight there post another like this
show her a dead fox by the riverbank.
yea i dont really know her all that well. those pictures have been around for awhile tho. i have no idea who posted them
Love me some thick girls. I'd love to make her suck my sick and bust in her face. Ant body pics?
Does that mean you know this piece of shit?
I break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No, I go for the chandelier. It's priceless.
As I'm taking it down, this woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night.
In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police.
I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris by the Trocadero. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin.
That's where I stashed the chandelier.
id falsify a document to make it appear as if she is a surplus nose donor
then id dope her cappucino so she would fall on the ground and appear to be expired
i would then alert the organ transplant agency so they would arrive and harvest the surplus nose she has on her nose
then she would awaken and realize that shed be able to spend the money she saved on rhinoplasty on a better quality knit hat
id tittyfuck till i came all over her pretty face
What's up with that kid at the galaga cabinet?
Present day Dana
hahaha omg. suppose she sorta looks like a stripper doesnt she. kinda thick for a stripper though..
Who wants her?
I teach her how to code. She gets a way better job out-earning her peers. She leaves you for another man.
id pay her what ever she wanted to give me a lap dance and grind her sexy body ll over me and make my cock rock hard
Fuck I do. I'll eat her out under that dress
You got any of them in bikinis? How much do you wana fuck her sis?
I wonder if their pussy juices taste the same. Id fuck one in the ass and make the other blow me after then repeat with them switching roles.