Shows/movies only people with autism enjoy

Shows/movies only people with autism enjoy.

Batman vs Superman

I watched a few episodes and it just rips shit from good lesser known sci-fi.

F Is For Family

rate my wubalubawub cosplay attempt, Sup Forums
So cool right?

You first

Look its not confirmed but it 10/10 would not surprise me if I found out I had autism. Some of the shit I say and do, I gotta be on the spectrum somewhere.

And also I love Rick and Morty so I probs am.

this, might aswell rename it autism v aspergers

I love this show. If the reason for this is that I have autism, then I'm happy I have it and I pity you for not having autism.

[[cringe intensifies]]

threads only redditors desperate to fit in make

>mfw Sup Forums is too cynical to enjoy a show that on paper is perfect for them


i actually have autism and dislike this show

it's only a show liked by edgy idiots from reddit who are under 25 and never grew up with the simpsons in its prime

overrated cartoons that reddit and most of Sup Forums loves:
>rick and morty
>adventure time
>bojack horseman

Instead of claiming superiority by disliking tv-shows, perhaps you could explain what exactly you don't like about the show, with some examples?

Well I love all those shows so I dunno, guess I must be easy to please.

Suicide Squad and anything Marvel has put out in the last 3 years

I like it. It's cynical as hell. If you're watching it for the sci-fi, you're watching it wrong

What's up with autistic boys having a fixation on penises?

they're just not funny. watched 5 episodes each of Rick and Morty and Archer and barely smiled

i can go on youtube and easily find a dozen funny clips from the simpsons, south park and seinfeld
i can't do that with any of those other shows i listed

the keyword there is "on paper".

it just finds a way

I watched about half of the pilot.
It's beyond me how can people sit through let alone enjoy this shit.

>not knowing a very large portion of people are mouth breathing retards

Wait, the Pilot Pilot, or the first episode? the first episode is pretty slow, just skip to episode 2



>watching ATHF while not high

Idiot, why do you think it's called hunger force?


well there's your problem! your a normie!

don't know, don't care, no I'm not gonna watch fucking episode 2. I'd rather watch a white wall and meditate.

However, can you tell me why you like this show?

>they're just not funny. watched 5 episodes each of Rick and Morty and Archer and barely smiled
Well you are literally autistic so

I don't know how anyone could think the simpsons or seinfeld is funny

archer was funny in the beginning but it deviated from what it was trying to aim for which was a spoof of james bond now" its lets reference the same joke several times throught the same season because lol comedy"

Then why does Sup Forums hate this show?

why go through the effort of putting in contacts and then not even do the star shaped pupils?

can anybody who likes this show tell me why do they like it?
I don't wanna bully, I'm just curious.

>It's a "Sup Forums acts contrarian over acclaimed, well written TV comedies" episode.

>Bojack Horseman
If I see one more fucking thread about that show...

>acclaimed, well written TV comedies
>rick and morty

ok reddit

I haven't seen Adventure Time discussed much outside of Sup Forums, and even then it's taken a backseat to Steven Universe.

I assume Sup Forums's impression is "le random badly drawn tumblr cartoon".

It's incredibly stupid and smart at the same time, most shows take a few episodes to hit their stride

Cartoons are fucking gay.

>stupid and smart at the same time
is "quirky" the word you're looking for?

>Trailer Park boys

No, Watch season 2 episode 1

I won't. But thanks for trying to explain why you like the show anyway.

f is for fuck you fucking fag, that's a great cartoon

how can anyone stand watching this with all the fucking stuttering and clearly shit ad-lib?

It's not something that's explainable

i mean people complain about rick and morty, eric andre, bvs, man of steel, but they never really answer the question, if rick and morty and all the shows and movies stated are bad then which ones are decent, what is good comedy, what is something interesting and well paced go ahead 4chin, try to prove to me that you are not being full contrarian autists.


im not that guy but i watch it when i get drunk, along with adventure time & the amazing world of gumball

which i suppose means that you have to approach it with little no expectations whatsoever

its not a good show. but i like it.

peaky blinders drama, archer comedy

but thats just, like, my opinion, man

>if you don't like what I like, then you're just a contrarian

Whatever helps you sleep.

>MLP: Friendship Is Magic
>Steven Universe
>Adventure Time
>Regular Show
>Powerpuff Girls 2016
>Rick and Morty
>Bojack Horseman
>Modern Simpsons and Spongebob
>Seth McFarlane shows
>Pawn Stars, Storage Wars, etc
>Tim & Eric
>The Eric Andre Show
>Trailer Park Boys
>Impractical Jokers
>Better Call Saul
>Orange Is The New Black
>The Walking Dead
>Sons Of Anarchy
>Game Of Thrones
>Any Marvel or DC show
>Any Netflix or Amazon original

Sup Forums truly is a shithole.

I like this show but its cringy as fuck because the fanbase thinks that its themes are super deep and complex

My friends have literally said this show 'blows my mind'

well see thats the thing its a fuckin solid show for laughs but thats it

nothing more

be honest are your friends retarded

well i don't know about that, i haven't seen something happen in other cartoons like it did in the sixth episode :^)

+ bob's burgers

Eat some mushrooms and watch Robin Hood: Men in Tights.

>Storage Wars
You've gone too far this time fuckface

Because I'm not a faggot that judges a show based on a single episode. Seriously, if you do this shit you're a massive cunt and I'm fucking glad that you'll miss out on a bunch of great shows that have shit first episodes.
>trailer park boys
>bojack horseman
>the sopranos
>the wire

Only dumb people and people with aspergers enjoy superhero movies.

the wire's first episode is great.

anyway, I'm not gonna argue. You remind me of my grandma the day she forced my sister and me to eath raw sea urchin while telling us "you have to get used to something to learn to like it! now eat you fucking brats!"

bye bye

The Wire
Twin Peaks
Boardwalk Empire
True Detective
The Leftovers
Breaking Bad
Mad Men


Everybody is autistic?

Anything on the History Channel

these are all normie shows aka not autism

Spongebob... now that's autism

Whatever show you like, I imagine

>it's the "comedy must match my autistic sensibilities perfectly" meme

Rick and Morty is cynical, absurdist comedy with nihilism cropping up every so often

Seinfield is absurdist but it is also slice of life, and not nihilistic

South Park is a social satire that takes current events, dumbs both sides down to their most insipid and stupid, and then makes fun of both

Like not everyone is going to enjoy every form of comedy, but I thought that Sup Forums wasn't so retarded that they can't articulate what they are and how they're different


cept for vikings, which is loved by autists and normies alike

>list literally every normie show of the last 5 years

whatever you think normal people watch is actually for autismos

>ITT: Desperate autists claiming that every popular show of the last decade is only for autists, blissfully unaware of themselves

>He thinks south park and seinfeld are funny

Yep, you're autistic alright.

>autists and normies

And what's left then?

Why bother contributing to the discussion when it's way easier to just fling shit about?
It's like when people call something overrated. They can't actually think of anything to say, but still just want to be contrarian because it makes them feel smarter to disagree with everyone.

>In this post: desperate autist claims that a bunch of other people are autists, blissfully unaware of himself.

i like it desu. great characters. kinda cringe at some parts though.

like what?

Yeah but in this case Rick and Morty's first episode is literally the worst of the entire series.

Well, this is a great argument. Simply dismissing something because you have no knowledge about it is easier than being intellectually honest and actually doing something to know

what can you tell me is good about those titles? You're doing the same thing you're accusing others of, being patrician doesn't make you exempt of justifying your tastes. If you won't justify your own you have no right to tell someone else to justify theirs.

if you don't want to watch it fine but you're still a retard for doing that off the back of less than one episode.

I like the Seinfeld pilot

>I'm a retard for not wanting to persevere in an experience that I didn't like.

ok then mr. hypocrite.

Oh? you're not a hypocrite? So if an aids infested 300lbs dude rapes your ass and tells you "just wait, it'll get better!" you're actually gonna take some time before forming an opinion that this is, actually, a bad experience?

He is responding to pretty much every post above, he doesn't have to justify anything because he isn't stating anything. His post doesn't say whether he thinks Rick and Morty is a good show or a bad show, he is simply asking people who say it is bad to put forth an example of something that is good.
What is there to justify on his end? He has no opinion in his post.

Watching a film or a single episode from a TV series you're not interested in is hardly comparable to gay rape with a side of AIDS.

You might have issues. Even fat fucks who make food analogies don't make them out to be this masochistic.

thinking in extremes helps get to consensus faster, imo.

Pointing out others doing wrong doesn't make you right. Stop avoiding the question. what are good about the titles you listed?

Lol you got a green penis hanging out of your mouth

I get that you don't like Adventure Time. I don't like it either.
But what's the deal with the other 3? OK, Archer Vice wasn't that good, but the newer seasons redeemed the show.
Also Bojack Horseman is one of the better shows out there but I watched it when I was in a downhill so I guess that's why I really love that show.

ITT: good movies and shows that Sup Forums doesn't like because they're popular.


>star shaped
their just scribbles

Hey, come on, I'm diagnosed with autism and even I don't like that shit.


>NO U: the post -- an autist's journey :^)