Ask a fucking pedo thread, bring it on boyz
Ask a fucking pedo thread, bring it on boyz
>Age preference
>Race preference
>Experience preference
>Do you believe girls of age 9-12 can orgasm?
What do you think of my poem
'I think u should go back to florida'
I think u r a whore uhh duhh
'I think u should go back home'
I think i will write ur tome
So i start my line
You were doing fine
But then you go and lie
My o my o my
You want to go and walk?
U want to find some cock
16 looks just right?
Afternoon delight
My mother was a whore
I dont love her anymore
You still love yours
Youre deep inside her 'purse'
You want to spank your kid
It gives you a hard clit
You think that makes me happy?
Go take a fucking nappy
Bet you still think im gay
I dont know what to say
I hope that all men die
I really hope all men die
Women are saved for torture
Torture them as slow as a tortoise
God it makes me smile
Ill torture you for more than a while
Ill torture you all sunday and have a fun day. Next one is your kid, a whore and a pig.
Shes a pretty girl,ill give her head a whirl
Throw her to her death, til shes out of breath
Id like to throw her shade
Just because shes gay
I dont agree with you
Youre a dead dead jew
Kill whores. Selah
I am Papa
And now youre not ready to marry
Youre a whore and so youve been embarassed
This is your own doing
Ill be doing the sueing
Too bad im not a money whore
Pedophiles make all the purse
I guess thats why im so pretty
More beautiful than a child, thats me!
Even when im old
Cause i always do what im told ;)
Perfect submissive bitch
Come and scratch my itch
have you ever been accused of molesting a girl?
how do you like them?
have you ever creampied one?
do you download any cp? if so, where?
>Have never fucked one
>Love rape
>Yes, but in rare cases
So you enjoy defiling girls rather than making love to them?
CP is ez to find on They even have customer service.
One and only question, most time you've came to CP in a day.
Never been accused
I like them young and innocent
I do, but not gonna say from where
I love making them feel miserable about themselves, as well as fucking them, yes
Do you have Kik or wickr?
do you recall back in the day, a vid floating on p2p programs of two young girls kissing and a guy cumming on their face
>Do you believe girls of age 9-12 can orgasm?
Not OP
Of course they fucking can
Why wouldn't they?
What the fuck are you smoking?
What is p2p? Penis to penis?
Well there's no grass on the field yet I think.
peer to peer, kazaa limewire etc
Kik is insecure.
how much for you to tape my kids?
Not OP but I want to asnwer this.
>Age preference
About 11 - 15. It doesn't really matter as long as she shows signs of development.
>Race preference
Doesn't matter.
None, I just like pics. Am I still a pedo?
>Experience preference
>Do you believe girls of age 9-12 can orgasm?
What does biology say?
gr8 trole m9
I'm not saying I'm doing anything illegal there tho
hey OP do you like pickles?
i want to keep the thread bumped for you
Do you have wickr?
Admitting to it online is fear enough is it not?
how much for you to pickle my kids?
pickle fag too tired to dump you niggers got off easy tn
On goes cucumber out cum pickle. $5.
I don't even know what that is.
A more secure version of Kik. Basically deletes itself after predetermined time. Just looking to chat with other like minds ;)
Sorry, that's not really my thing.
>no preference
>had sex with a 15 yo unwittingly when I was 21, she's a model now
experience preference?
>yes I've heard it's possible
Not much of a pedo I just like telling that story
>Caucasian both
>no experience
what is kik?
Does this tickle your fancy
Fuckin pedos die reeeeee
You're not a true pedophile.
Define pedophile
Very much so
What's a Spider-Man thread??
Ohello Sup Forums, my name is Chips Handon. I always like to lork at 7cham and I also like mudflips too, as you do. DASU DASU LOL. I also like having sex with underage children (HOES DON'T KNOW ABOUT MY DICK), shop the wops, do a battle roll and i just lost the match. Due to the fact that i'm not a noobfag i know that /random/ is in possession of a great variety of "PC", at least those of you that aren't underage B%. in a nutshell, I need Anomalous to deliver to an Astrafaglian /re/tard some of his "PC" (you know what I mean LOL). ROW ROW ROW THE BOAT. PLEASE DONT MAGE THIS THRED IT IS NOT COPYPIZZA, BUT ORIGINAL COMMENT.
(In all seriousness, though, all of your IPs have be traced and party vans will be at your locations within the next few hours. I highly recommend you kill this thread. Not that that will matter soon anyway. :^) )
nature or nurture?
cant find more of this girl
Code word for all out CP thread until ban hammer comes along and whacks the moles.
Of course
is she supposed to be underage or something?
Is u anonymous haxor 1337? Can you hax my email for this scammer nigeria?
Nurture. Not a mental illness just like homosexual is not a mental illness but rather a preference.
I mean, I'd say I am, but it's nothing sexual. When ever I see a cute 6-12 y.o, I just think about being their dad and all the fun things we would do together - giggle while watching funny movies, get ice cream, eat pizza, always having someone who loves you, being there when she has problems she wants to talk about, having tickle fights
I sooo wish Maddie was my daughter
Idk what do you think
Not OP, but here I go.
>Age preference
>Race preference
>Experience preference
Willing participation
>Can a child have an orgasm?
I've seen it happen plenty of times.
She's a being who wants to be treated with the utmost respect.
so gay is a decision but age of attraction isnt?
well she's hot so I'm gonna say i hope not
Then stop daydreaming about fucking little girls, find a woman and make that daughter you desire, you fucking degenerate.
Other pedo here
>Age preference
6 to 10 +-2
>Race preference
Just a little touching
>Experience preference
I want them to love it
>Do you believe girls of age 9-12 can orgasm?
>have you ever been accused of molesting a girl?
>how do you like them?
Cute and full of energy
>have you ever creampied one?
Sadly not yet
>do you download any cp? if so, where?
Maybe from the deep onions back in the day...
Too old
Mostly nurture
I feel ya
>shop the wops, do a battle roll and i just lost the match.
This pasta still makes me kek to this very day
oh boy
I wish could find her videos
If anyone has wickr and looking for a good text based chat, drop your wickr username.
It's very very easy to find her whole dump....
Hola amigos
I happen to have that exact video. Only one I was able to grab before the darknet started to suck.
Well Im a retard I guess Cuz Ive turned up nothing lol
where do you find this stuff?
Man you are lucky ;-;
Oh her pics
Please stop. Don't kill thread.
do you think the FBI is monitoring you?
its very easy once you start looking. Dont even need deebweb
What is this supposed to be from?
What was Masha's little sister called?
Hello FBI.
FBI going to snatch you scumbag.
Masha thread?
LOL you're a retard
I second this
roll trips I'll drop pizzas
I honestly don't believe they would watch consumers. Stopping consumers does nothing, while stopping distributors gets rid of the content so the consumers have nothing to...consume.
Don't crash the thread, mates
Why do parents allow their kids to be child models? Unbelievable.