RIP Nostalgia Critic Thread #10: The On the eve of Twilight Special

Avast! The time is almost nigh, in 1 day, the rage of geeks and fans will open the floodgates of hell as the beast known as the clipless review will be unleashed, prepare for the ultimate shitstorm that is the demise of NC

Note: Please don't call this thread shitty or try to avoid it like the plague. This is a very important thread. Please stay and have some discussions about CA, The Upcoming Controversial Review, and more.

>>Look at the Previous Threads Here as proof that the thread is still popular, with a few duds there on out: Nostalgia Critic/

>>NC's Doomsday Clock:

>>See the Leaked Review: or

>>Watch the Editorial:

>The Upcoming Controversial Clipless Review is on Early Access on Vessel:

Any Questions?


Okay, I give up as a God Tier SJW Anom. Happy now that you are still hating me for making more threads that you bullied me as shit?

I had worked hard to make the greatest god tier thread that will shake the internet! And you still ingnore me in like my previous threads after #7 or #6?

I am mad right now. If you keep ignoring me like the plague. I promise to god I will hack the Channel Awesome Site after the review is up!

I am serious. Just you wait!

You will see me do it as I will make this review the worst NC episode of all time by hacking the website

I'm Going to do it right now. I'm making a thread

kill nostalgia critic

he is a cuck and a homosex

HAHA, That's a good joke in mind Anom.

Sorry for my rant. But if you like to talk, this is the place to hang up here.

>Thread #10

> Youtube Celebrities General

Do not respond, do not post, report and move on

>serious business

Classic Sup Forumseddit

Stop spamming this shitty thread on every Ghostbusters-related thread. I hate Dog Wanker too, but I don't give a crap what he does.


help in the effort to make Spoony work or kill himself!




oh nice capping your own posts that's always a sign of quality

When did i said i am not posting there?
start working Noah

The God Tier SJW Anom you are a cancer to this board, do us all a favour and fuck off

What does Latza think about all this?

What is going on, I havent been here for a week.
What is this Nostalgia Critic stuff all about?

fuck off

Op your heart is in the right place, but TGWTG threads have to have a certain finesse to them. Thanks to you and Eggkara most people have seen the all three NC GB reviews, now we wait for the back lash tomorrow aka something new to talk about. CA is a pool of metal illness to talk about, there is more than just Doug, other great topics include.
>Jo's sex change
>Luke Mochrie transition and media black out
>Paw and Elisa mentality ill parenting
>Ellis attacking Based Trump on twitter
>Todd being a super cuck
>Spoony's insane rants on twitter/patreon dropping to $1,784
>Film Brain's hair plugs
>Jewario's crazy wife
>Brad's shity gf no# 2340, and his attacks against the church

So much other stuff worth talking about. If you want to stir up some real shit, let AVGN fans know about how Doug would not defend James during the GB attacks. And let Doug's fans on FB know how Doug is a snake in the grass that would not stand up for the man that made him what he is today!

>Pic is what Luke has become


His ghostbusters review has been on eggkara for a few days now