Scat thread?

Scat thread?

After that she might as well kill herself. Could never go back with that type of shame.

That's a lot of shit. Sure this isn't fake?

Jesus Christ. That's not like... A little bit of shit, that's like a weekend at White Castle. How the fuck do you drop a full deuce like that while you're passed out?

Know who she is? Have a picture of her? That'd make this even better

Thats A LOT of shit. How did she shit so much shit?

No way that's real

you gotta eat to take a shit like that

Anybody have a name or face to match to this chick?

Gotta know who this is.








holy fuck, from this picture you can tell the log was cat in half by presumably her panties too

That was way funnier than it should've been. My sides are in orbit.




>nothing left RIP