Why are school shooters always white?
Why are school shooters always white?
because they go to school
Because the media only reports on white school shooters.
Blacks don't go to school.
They learn how to sell crack on the streets, not in a classroom.
most guys on the charts are white
Eliot Roger hasn't killed 20 people did he?
has he*¨Fuck my english.
Because niggers hold the gun sideways
because they're put in the same public schools as niggers and wetbacks
because they have fathers to steal guns from
Killed six people and injured fourteen others.
why are all the good rappers always black?
You meant rapist right?
Because in white culture being alpha is taking your anger out on betas. And that whole system probably falls apart pretty quickly when it escalates to use of automatic/atomic weapons.
This. You realize the V-Tech shooter was asian, right? Also he's not just another school shooter, he still holds the highest score for school shootings and had the highest score for ALL mass shootings for almost a decade straight until Orlando.
Kill yourself, your argument is invalid. Also sage.
because blacks don't go to school
didn't the texas guy shoot more?
No, in fact even Sandy Hook's death toll was still lower than V-Tech's.