Other urls found in this thread:
When you feel running liquid pouring over your body, you think of butts? That's.... Actually really concerning.
You guys wanna hear a story?
>cursed picture
"Just a taste, james" you say as he continues slurping down his gravy. "We both need out breakfast, correct?" Faintly nodding his approval, you get eye level with the yellowed crust flake on his toe. "An appetizer", you say. James eyes light up and he inquires, "where?" Ignoring him, you slide the tip of your tongue up the edge of the flake, a small piece breaks off and becomes soggy as moisture is returned. Swallowing it, you tilt your head to the left and align your bottom teeth under the crust, moving slightly forward and slicing off the whole piece. "Mm" James grunts as the flake slides under your tongue, the oniony piece turning spongy. You swallow, but with an audible gulp - as large as it is, it didn't go down easy. "Now for the main course" you say wryly. James beady eyes dart all over the room past his plate of gravy and steak, desperately looking for a fuller meal. Holding your nose up to the fold of his legs you take a deep smell all the way into your core. Cheese, mayonnaise and the smell of full rot enter your lungs. You gag, but you will not be denied your feast. Taking one of the leg pustules into your mouth, you bite down hard - thick, yellow pus shoots into your throat and strikes your uvula. With the taste of pure rot, your gag helps the half mouthful of disease get down your throat and into your stomach. This feels wonderful, as you haven't eaten in a day. Finally you pull apart the crux of his legs do reveal half an inch of incredibly thick goop lining the folds. "Laygs" was said from the corpulent James but you barely notice. Sliding a finger into the goop, you happily place it into your mouth and suckle it down. No longer can you help it and you go hog wkld, drinking mouthfuls of what used to be skin and fat down your hungry throat. Stomach full and picking your teeth of bits of flesh, you kiss James deeply through the remnants of sausage and gravy lining his lips. Falling asleep on his huge fatpad, well, today was bliss.
you deserve to get shot
I've been on Sup Forums too long, this wasn't really unsettling. I wanted the reader to tongue the now gaping hole of the cyst.
from previous thread i got distracted
>this girl sitting on a faceless anons face reverse cowgirl style, extra thicc if you please
my discord id is #1842.
accepting requests!
draw your OC doing this pose
delete this
nice work, can I get her on his face, reversed position and naked tysm
im gonna need your name too
u silly butt
Its copypasta More disgusting stuff here
useless without the full name
/r/ naked abused doggo emotionlessly spreading legs while being whipped there
sup max, scribbles
i never asked for this.
I've done a similar pose before i'll repost it hopefully that counts
thank you but sorry im getting tired
hiya Grips
yo sup?
yeah I know but it almost made me puke
Just remember that every time we see you in that barrel, it's filled with more of that fermented crotch butter.
>i got distracted
by these lovely pelicans right?
>the joke is great pelicans instead of nice tits :^ )
what even.
how are ya scribs?
i should've never clicked that link.
we don't talk about it anymore since the fire thing
So guys did nameless ever finish that one picture of the dating sim?
>the fire thing
That much oil and rotten flesh would become flammable pretty quickly. The smell too...
. .
pretty tired how are you?
>rotten flesh
Do I look like the embodiment of obama's policies?
/r/ drunk femdoggo snapchat
/r/ doggo snooping as usual
just listening to the new gorillaz track
No, but after spending all that time in that barrel you probably smell like them.
that thing reminds me of those carnival attractions where you squirt water into creepy clown heads to pop a balloon
Trips won't save you, you fucking spider!
You look like KYS
She asked for it.
By this logic only underage b& want to fuck the bunny. Seems accurate.
You're all fucks. I love you Sup Forums, and I don't have morals, but this whole edgy shit is childish as fuck. When you gonna grow up and get the fuck out of your goddam house for once? Fuck yeah, let's make fun of the tumblr fatties who claim being fat is healthy and normal, I'm okay with that. But this guy, I don't care that he's fat, he's just tryna have a good time by himself at a strange place he's never been to before, and I'm sure more than most of you don't have the fucking testicles or willpower to do what he did and dance in public like that. I'm dissapointed in you Sup Forums. I'm dissapointed that we're not doing cool shit and raiding stuff that matters and now we just shitpost and be edgy in every goddamn thread.
>Inb4 moralfag
>Inb4 leddit
>Inb4 Inb4 Inb4 Inb4
Shut the fuck up.
Grow up you cucks. Go make fun of something that actually deserves getting made fun of. I bet you're all just as fat anyway.
Fucking pussies.
Eat shit.
OMFG yesss! i've been waiting for their new stuff
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─ ─ ─ ▄ ▄ █ █ ▌ █ ░ ░ HONK HONK- ITS A TRUCK ░░ ░░ ░ ▐
▄ ▄ ▄ ▌ ▐ █ █ ▌ █ ░ ░ FULL OF DICKS ░░░ ░ ░ ...░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ▐
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Your janitors/mods are not doing their jobs. These threads get spammed to hell with gore and walls of text. Multiple people have sent in reports and nothing happened.
Sup Forumsdrawthreads are actually one of the only damn threads creating OC on Sup Forums, why can't you have a janitor/mod check it periodically? It's REALLY obvious when someone is spamming the hell out of it.
Nah man
Cheeseburger rand, fuck off.
gib her back
The furfags got #rekt, so now I'm bored. Have a dickbutt.
>avatar facing left
>minor /soc/ spawn
>blogging central
>deviantArt tier character whoring
You are
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It's kind of hilarious, because when I see you sperging out like this, I just turn away and do something else and have a great time.
I meant
▒█▀▀█ ▒█░▒█ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▀
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░░███░▌▄█▌░░▀░░▀██░░▀██████▌You've been visited by autist loli-sama!
░░░▀█▌▀██▀░▄░░░░░░░░░███▐███ You will never get a real 2D girlfriend.
Isn't that unfortunate when those are the highest standards on Sup Forums?
or will it?
i seriously had goose bumps when i heard saturnz barz for the first time.
I'm not even the spammer.
I'm just pointing out why mods don't give a shit.
This thread isn't for OC, it's a circlejerking general thread coupled with a tumblr hugbox so people waste their time away doing jack while treating it as /soc/.
gon pass
>new gorillaz song
sounds good fam
No need for the lube, I'm going in dry.
ah fuck
I need rolls
Who cares? Sup Forums shits all over the place constantly. Why do you care?
we need more femdoggo, fam
>but this is high quality OC!
>except it isn't
>be shit
>blame being shit because of Sup Forums
What makes you think Sup Forums cares about these drawthreads when they have one themselves which is 10x better?
Literally nothing that I said. You are acting like a child.
I'm gonna rape and torture one, wish her luck
>b-but i didn't even claim that was my starting point, who cares! LALALALA
Post more random reaction images, I'm sure you'll drive your point across that way.
still accepting requests
do you have a fetish for iku being emotionless or something
>be shit
>blame being shit because of Sup Forums
Learn to read user. I was pointing out hypocrisy. I also never suggested Sup Forums has anything to do with drawthreads, except maybe for being an even bigger circlejerk.
Holy shit you're retarded lol. I guess you can just make up whatever and cry about it.
Except Sup Forums is also hated and people are well aware of it's problems.
Are you trying fo change the subject here over why mods don't care...?
How did you know
I love them struggling and then to become emotionless from the despair
>ad hom