Any advice on sleeping outside?

Any advice on sleeping outside?

Close your eyes like you would inside. It's pretty easy.

Don't wear boots, they can kill you for a couple of good boots.

Cardboard is the best to reflect human body heat, so you can cover with old boxes.


Protect your butthole

Yeah don't

If you are good-looking, make sure you cover your face and wear a belt.

Where do you live?

Obviously outside dumbass, geez you are fucking retarted do you have ass burgers

Get the proper gear to do so with.

>find a friend, family member, church, or shelter that will let you shower and use address.
>bed for money, do odd jobs, recycle cans and bottles to get money for a cheep cellphone
>get any job you can
>>get off the street

Sell drugs and your time spent on the skreets will be far more enjoyable

Get a job faggot you're ruining the street

Trips confirms it
And checked

I was a drug dealer before I took an arrow to the knee

Migrate to a warmer and richer part of your country. You'll get better tips then to

Don't forget to bring a towel

Always sleep at the top of any slope, in case it rains. Trust me, you DONT want to wake up in a pool of run off. If it cold, old news paper is an excellent insulator, crumple it up loosely, and stuff your shirt, and pants with it. Construction sites tend to have plastic tarps to cover material. Find one, steal a tarp or two. They're easily folded up and carried, and make great impromptu shelters. Lay one on the ground to protect against ground moisture, tie the other one off and presto, instant lean-to. Food can be tricky, either visit soup kitchens, or make friends with employees at a couple local restaurants, and ask them to slip you the shit they would otherwise throw out. Beyond this, it's all about being stronger than the environment you find yourself in.


Pics Or It Didn't Happen


But first, let me get a little high

Last night around 9pm I ate a taco 12 pak and around 2am I vomited up this orange liquid many times. Can post pics if interested

find somewhere that has shelter

youll need thick clothing and a blanket
if you get busted stealing then you get free housing in a prison for real you get food and a bed

try and find a restraunt they toss out alot of food

basicly alot of stealing and finding dry spots

maybe try and make friends with anotuer homeless

Yeah, don't.

There's an entire field of arrays of reasons why people developed shelter before we were even close to having cities and towns. It's such a crucial thing to find a safe place to lay while you're UNCONSCIOUS AND VULNERABLE FOR HOURS, that it developed long before we were human, as you can see from most animals retiring to nests, holes, caves, hollows, and whatnot. The ones who don't are usually stupid and prey animals.

Great savings on hotels

Go inside