
>walking to my car on campus at 10pm
>saw the girl I liked.
>used to be talking but I eventually went my own way after she told me she likes another guy more than me
>I knew it was only gonna last for a month or two. And it did

>we saw each other again around February.
>I try to see if she wants to come see a movie with a group of friends
>she says she "forgot"
>two weeks later. Ask her out for an actual date
>says she's free tomorrow. And to text her the details
>she stands me up
>two days later. Texts me to apologize. Says her grandpa was revealed to have cancer and such (most likely an excuse)
>I say I'm sorry to hear that I'm dealing with my grandfather having cancer too(temple of his head. Doctors didn't cut it all out)
>say I'm not gonna be walked over

Fast forward to last night
>I see her in the parking lot
>she says she's sick(she was)
>I just walk over too her
>she asks if I'm gonna hit her
>I put my forehead on hers and then hug her for about 10 seconds or so
>she Hugs back.
>never changing expression. Or tone. I say I have to go

How screwed am I. I usually don't care about most girls or people but she's the second girl I have ever truly cared about.

I feel I fucked up. I didnt feel like I had control over my body. I wanted to do more than hug her to be honest

I was shaking. Like part of me was running while part was pushing me forward

fuck this is pathetic get on with your studies she ain't interested and is actually scared of you just leave her alone you creep.

fuck off faggot



To be fair. We were making out at one point.


Yeah sure. You'd have put that in the OP since it's very relevant info. You mentioned a creepy cuddle but not a kiss?


You're very close to getting the cops called about you, seriously.

>>I put my forehead on hers and then hug her for about 10 seconds or so

What so you reject her after s´he stood you up on one date because her grandad MIGHT not actually have cancer? You didn't even confirm this.
And then she comes to you when she's crying and you leave? Why? I thought you liked her?
If she comes to you crying, she obviously feels SOMETHING for you, so why not find out how far her feelings go?
Why did you just walk away? Why did she think you'd hit her?

The kiss was before. She even says she still like me.
The creepy cuddle. She was horridly sick. Creeping over to her car to get stuff. And she waves me down. She wasn't pulling away from me. More or less pulling closer.

She thinks I'm angry from her standing me up. Hence the you gonna hit me comment. (Probably should have mentioned that she said it laughingly. I don't hit women. She knows I wouldn't). She's a black belt in karate. Us fighting was an inside joke usually

The whole confession of the grandad was over text. I've seen no confirmation yet. Hell. She's not repulsed by me.

I think you should hit her. It sounds like she wants you too. Bitches love that shit.

Girls brains are weird and if they know they can get a guy they stop trying because they feel like they can do better. Act like you're no longer interested, stop contact and she if she comes around. If she doesn't then she isn't interested in the first place.

The forehead thing was more of a kiss to the forehead then we stood there holding each other for a bit.

Autistic I know. But I've never had trouble talking to the prom queens and shit. I'm not myself when I'm near this girl

Why did you leave? WHAT?

Girls are people too, you know? If you don't know what is going on between you two you can just talk to her. She'll probably even think you're great because you've seriously thought about this.
What do you even want? Get that sorted out and then talk to her. Dude.

Also, fuck off.

If she asked you if you were going to hit her you are fucked... That's a def sign she's just playing you for attention.. you were supposed to get confused or mad "why would I hit you!?" then ask "have guys hit you before?!" Then you're hooked .... you feel you HAVE to protect her.
Now she can manipulate you as she sees fit.

With any other girl. I could do that. No problem.

I've only ever truly liked two girls in my life. One I accidentally set up with a friend. But seeing how happy she is now. I'm happy about it. She's helping him through chemo atm

Again. The hitting thing. She said jokingly. We joked about fighting a lot. Black belt and such. She thinks she could kick my buff ass

you're a buff-assed faggot dude... get over yourself and the bitch. Plenty of fish and all that ....

She was talking about losing her virginity.
Told me she wants to lose it while dating a guy. Has to be perfect
Says she likes this (literal taking too many shirtless selfie pics in the mirror) fuckboy.
Two months later. Look at snapchat. She broke up with him. Calling him Worthless guy and the such.

I left because this exact thing has happened to
Me three times in a row.

I was also constantly on meds. Failing classes and stressed out as fuck. I left to focus on college. I'm good now. Or at least I thought I was better No more meds. I feel alive and not lethargic for once.

I only got bigger so I could stand up to my roided brother without getting my ribs broke again. I can get another girl no problem. But for some reason I feel repulsed by the thought of being with a different girl

Then what's stopping you? Call her, go there, what ever! Just do something. Show her that you feel something for her. She'll notice and respond. Do it, man.

We both have class all day and work all weekend.

The only times we are both free. She acts interested and then never answers and doesn't speak to me for a couple days.

All I've been told is to fuck off and leave. By family
Members and friends. But I can't get myself too.

Call her, drive there.
Either it works out and you get together and everything is fine and dandy, or she says she's not into you like that and then you can move on.
The way it is now it's just causing you confusion and that's not helping anyone.

But she's extremely sick atm. And doesn't answer me if it seems to be anything somewhat serious. (Then says she never got the text. I hope that is true). Or just doesn't answer my calls

Then talk to her next time you see her. Jesus, you're old enough. Next time you get the chance you start the conversation.
I know it's scary and there'll always be a reason why "it's not the right moment" or something, but once it's done you'll feel better.
Being sick is a good reason not to start the conversation right now though.


>falling in love with women
>being tricked by their deceptive personalities
>not being gay
>finding women attractive enough to have sex with

There is nothing pretty about a man. And yes. Traps are gay.

leave OP alone Sup Forumsfags he's a mercy lover therefore better than all of you


Gotta keep the tanks long juicy heathbars topped off

issa healslut

ayy fuck you, boys can be plenty pretty.
Of course traps are gay, they have dicks.

Nothing pretty about a man