This is, legitimately, a fantastic album.




Grimes is Best mufu




It's a fantastic collection of pop songs. Greg camp is also an underrated guitarist.

Smashmouth overall, has a very distinctive sound. They always stood out amongst the top 40 sludge that flooded the radio back then. I have to give them that.


>Fush Yu Mang paragraph notes the band's music is uninspired and he gives it a 5/10
>Astro Lounge paragraph says it's solid, has impeccable melodies, and literally says nothing negative and he gives it a 5/10
how inconsistent can you possibly be?


Who's There, Diggin' Your Scene, Satellite, Stoned, and Defeat You are fucking 10/10 songs

the album as a whole is ironically 8/10

fucking autocorrect

i'm not into memeruffi but there actually is a noticeable difference in terms of the songwriting on fush yu mang vs astro lounge. they're both good pop/rock albums, but they're way different in quality. fush yu mang is definitely on the more amateur/generic pop punk/ska side, while astro lounge features a much more mature greg camp writing very solid pop/rock songs. you can also compare sugar ray's first album vs the albums that followed, there's an even bigger difference in song styles/songwriting, although they were never as good as smash mouth.

pretty much. but i think greg is one of those guys who probably worked best with the guys in smash mouth even though he was the best musician in that band, because as a solo artist he hasn't done a single thing of note.

i'm surprised smash mouth hasn't cashed in on a tour of them just playing fush yu mang and astro lounge in their entirety (or the best tracks from fush yu mang with astro lounge in its entirety), they would totally make a shit ton more money than they do now when they play at places like malls, county fairs, and casinos. maybe they'll do it for the 20th anniversary of astro lounge, with greg camp (maybe with michael urbano too) back in the line up. i'd go see that.

but that's not really my point. He has two very different opinions on the albums yet gives them both a 5.


this was the first album I ever bought in my life, followed by I think green day's international superhits and then believe by disturbed


oh i didn't look at the score. either way i've never used reviews to tell me whether something was good or not.

>worked best with the guys

It's true. It's weird how that works with some bands. Graham Coxon had some fantastic guitar work with Blur, bit his solo stuff isn't nearly as interesting, (except "The Spinning Top.") Then again, Albarn was the chief songwriter in that group.

But Greg was the guy behind smashmouth's hits. But his solo stuff never worked out.

This was actually the first album I ever owned. I was 8 years old.