GOP cucks had 7 years to create an ACA replacement

>GOP cucks had 7 years to create an ACA replacement
>they win the WH, Senate, and House
>propose a pos bill
>can't even get enough votes to pass their shitty healthcare bill so they pull it

Why can't the Right do anything right? What a bunch of cucks!

Other urls found in this thread:


Socialized medicine is a shit idea to begin with. You can only polish a turd so much. You know what people with money who live in Canada do when they get sick? They come to the U.S.

>this thing will be written and re-written over and over again until its perfect
so they can perfectly fuck you with it
as someone from canada who makes more money then you do, no we dont

It's impolite to lie on the internet, user.

You;re full of shit and obviously have no concept of "socialized medicine" (whatever the fuck that is supposed to be). I assume you mean universal healthcare, which is actually a brilliant idea (not always ideally implemented) and is in place in every civilized country in the world. Only the US is so fucking self-centered and greedy that we won't collectively pay to provide all our citizens with reasonable healthcare

“The worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it."
-Donald J. Trump, The Art of the Deal


This is a broken promise. Trump is a failure. Obama made his happen even with a republican house and senate. And he didn't have seven years to work on it.

Because they were planning on repealing it not replacing, and made the mistake of listening to all you whiners

They made the mistake of listening to the people they work for?

you're retarded and it is obvious you know nothing of healthcare, now get your homework done Billy otherwise mother wont let you have Ice cream after dinner

you mean the louder minority of them, Liberals scream and burn shit until they get what they want

The only ones to blame are the stupid fucks that defected.

I'm just waiting for the next time somebody says "he is doing everything he said he was going to hurr durr"

he hasn't actually accomplished one fucking thing. This is just his biggest failure so far

That's because the specialists located in the US vs Canada.

Their bill sucked to the people that mattered.

I'm sure insurance companies are pissed because they would have made a lot more money with this bill.

The GOP were too greedy this go around

Wow, I've read some moronic shit on here before, but you just made the top three with that one!


Not that user, but you're the one just proved he don't know shit.

Not even enough to mount a good argument.


Oh look everyone, a 14 year old that doesn't know what he's talking about

> Obama made his happen even with a republican house and senate.
Why do progressives keep repeating this blatant lie?

Obamacare passed without a SINGLE Republican vote. How was that possible? Because in 2010, Democrats had the majority in both the House and Senate.

Trump will want to pass the blame, as if #Trumpcare wasn't his even though he campaigned for it. Ryan will be the scapegoat. Popcorn please.

>he Trump administration is doing some unbelievably really really great things, really great.

takes breath


Now that's a solid argument. It's up there with "neener-neener" and "no, you!"

If the free market hadn't been such a catastrophic failure people wouldn't be interested in socialism in the first place.

Stop repeating your OWN lie.

There wasn't support for single payer in 2009, you fucking faggot.

It's up there with "you are a useful idiot."

Which you are.

>The Trump administration is doing some unbelievably really really great things, really great.

shh you'll make faggot mad

Faggot OP




>Why can't the Right do anything right?
Well... They just allowed ISPs to sell and share your browsing history without consent.

I guess that's good... for business

oh look faggot's post was so stupid
he deleted it


To be fair the trump supporters go to arguments are "sure kid", "that's fake news", "faggot/cuck/snowflake" and "WRONG" (

Because all the niggers already on shitcare, we have to do something to keep them on a plan. Personally I say drop ACA and say fuck em but apparently their votes count unfortunately.

Canadians that live here go to Canada for healthcare so you're literally wrong on all counts.

If I found out that my personal info had been sold to some corporation and they were making money off me

I'd sue both the ISP and the corp
and it would be upheld in court

the Republicans dun goofed


>Why can't the Right do anything right?
The right helped defeat this mess.

Have you not read the news or do you live outside the states because.........

Because what?

Because you don't know what a major lawsuit is?

Not one Republican voted for Obamacare. The Dem majorities in the House and Senate passed it.

Not the guy you're replying to, but can you post some of the things he's done?

The Art of the Deal
1. Don’t learn abt the deal
2. Take someone else’s deal
3. Let 3rd party offer worse deal
4. Beg
5. Give up on the deal


He didn't say Canadians don't go to Canada for healthcare, he said those that can afford it - go to the USA for healthcare. This is true. This is overwhelmingly true.

You see, dumbass, in Canada you can be on a waitlist for over a year for a surgery. Even life saving surgeries can have insane wait times. You cannot buy your way to the front of the line. In the USA, you can have surgery anytime you want it. Besides, the best doctors in the USA in most people's opinions. How do I know this? Because follow the money. The wealthy can go anywhere... and they come here. Why? Why not Cuba? Why not China? Why not Kuwait?



Because they pass a bill in the states that will allow that so the only way for that NOT to apply to your retarded ass is if you lived OUTSIDE of the states, or you think it doesn't because you haven't kept up.

No go read the news instead of looking up more loli porn because very soon that info's gettin sold

The right helped defeat the mess that the right created, and left Obamacare completely intact as the law of the land. I guess that's a good day's work, then. Wonder if they're celebrating over a beer...

Stop trying to hide your lies with more lies.

Of course there wasn't support for single payer in 2009. But that wasn't what you said. You claimed "Obama made his happen even with a republican house and senate". Since we don't have single-payer NOW, there's no way you could have been talking about that. So you were clearly talking about Obamacare, the claim that the Republicans controlled anything when it passed is a fucking lie.

A universal healthcare plan like Bernie's would cost literal trillions.

This 'plan' put forth by the GOP was a rush attempt at best that didn't even have the support of those within their own party. It was an awful plan.

I still hope Obamacare is repealed, but replacing it with something like this last proposition would have been almost as bad, if not worse.

Well then you better call a lawyer

OMG, you faggots are retarded.

The rule in question was NEVER ENACTED.

Also, Senate votes alone are NOT BINDING.

Lastly, it's the ISP's information. It exists on their machines that you agreed to use, unless your contract says otherwise.

>and it would be upheld in court
No it wouldn't, see above. And you don't "uphold" lawsuits. Verdicts are upheld on appeal, and laws are upheld if challenged as invalid.

Fucking morons, I swear to God.

Socialized medicine is awsome.
Believe me. I live with it every day. It's cheap, it's good, and it has accidental benefits that are awesome.

For example, poor people who would otherwise be scared and desperate because they can't get treatment for their kid/spouse/dad get treatment for their kid/spouse/dad and are less desperate.

If you're working, get into an accident and puncture your lung you go to a hospital, get out, still have a job and aren't covered in debt from head to toe and don't have to do any legal shit. You can just get back to work.

Not the same poster.

Just hate it when faggots go "durr u had a majority why u no single payer."

The legislation got watered down because of conservatives in the Party.

Fuck you. It's a blatant violation of privacy.

This shit is going to be challenged up to the Supreme Court.

I'd rather see trillions spent on universal health care instead of trillions flushed down the toilet bombing brown people.

6. Blame obama for the deal gone wrong

>everything you post on Facebook is Facebook property
>everything you post on Sup Forums is Sup Forums property.

Remember how Facebook tried to pull that card? Remember how everyone shouted them down and they backed off?

This is how government works. Laws will have opposition to them. In order to get them passed there is a give and taken between opposing factions until both are satisfied. There will usually be a sweet spot in the middle where there is a balance between those factions and the law will pass, aka common ground, etc. Sometimes there isn't. That's when you walk away from the table and try again another day. making deals 101.

The right didn't create Obamacare. Even the Democrats didn't know what they were voting for.

>Muh sociuluzm
>Dont touch my Medicare though

7. Look up Melania's dress
8. Look up Ivanka's dress
9. take out fleshlight later, alone in room

>faggots who fap to my little pony talking about health care bills they haven't read.

" You cannot buy your way to the front of the line"
One of the many reasons I love being Canadian.

Yes they did faggot. Except for the mandate and the pre-existing conditions part.

>The Dem majorities in the House and Senate passed it.
So they could find out what was in it

At least you have something to show for it when you bomb brown people.


Which nobody in the thread said, so congrats on attacking a non-existent strawman.

Though the reason single-payer failed wasn't because of conservatives in the Democratic party, It failed because universal healthcare in general was polling terribly (the majority opposed it, even in the general sense), and full scale socialized medicine (like single payer) did even worse. So the Dems hedged their bets, and designed Obamacare to be a disaster so when it failed they could ride in with single-payer to the rescue.

Which is about as stupid as the Republicans failing to repeal it entirely.

Being this brainwashed is just sad.

America can apparently do anything. They put a man on the moon. They have the largest and most powerful military the world has ever seen. They have more billionaires and millionaires than anywhere else in the world and yet when it comes to supporting and helping those that have been fucked over by rampant deregulation and corporatism to the point where the entire governments (both left and right) are essentially plutocracy's and yet the poor working whites are still brainwashed to believe that universal healthcare is simply impossible and that supporting the poor will destroy the country can be incredibly exasperating to watch.

The working class right wing have been convinced that they are temporarily embarrassed millionaires that are being held back by (Obama, Mexicans, Muslims, etc) when the truth is that they have been tricked again and again in to blindly supporting policy that fucks them over and directly lines the pockets of the already wealthy.

60 people on earth control HALF of the resources of the entire planet. Until people despite their political affiliation realise they are ALL being fucked and that democratic socialism IS THE WAY TO GO then the rot will continue.

You can point and laugh at me and call me a "libtard" for my steadfast belief in SENSIBLE democratic socialism but you're on the same sinking ship as me. "Winning" won't mean much in the end.

Fucking right it will, if I have to write the appeal myself

Trump presidency:
-Popular vote: Lost
-Inauguration crowd: Small
-Nat. Sec. Advisor: Resigned
-Muslim ban: Blocked
-Obamacare repeal: Failed

An additional $18T in debt so that everyone can get the same crap healthcare isn't a deal I can get behind.

>It failed because universal healthcare in general was polling terribly (the majority opposed it,

Bull fucking shit
any poll will show the public has wanted it for years

So you consider Nancy Pelosi right wing?

Do you know how marketing works?


So? Raise taxes on the rich.
Won't affect you.

Prove it. Just as many people leave the US for medical treatment as come to the US for medical treatment. US offers elective treatments faster than some countries like Canada but there is no "long wait list" for life sustaining surgeries in Canada.

> red people

10. Grab them by the pussy.

The Democrats could have come up with a better plan that didn't resemble the Heritage Foundation version, and yes it turned people off.


This is how government works but not how the Trump Admin works. The president likes to bargain with passive aggressive pandering and bold faced lies. He manipulates markets by moving around money to make it look like he has greater influence on them than he has and then he threatens people who don't do his bidding. He did the same thing to the republican members of the senate and he'll try and reintroduce this bill replacement in 2018 after he starts trying to rail against republicans that are trying to get re-elected. I guarantee you he's going to be railing against senate members during their own runs.

Do you know what the 4th Amendment is? This law is un-Constitutional.


refute the fucking argument

there would be ZERO subsidies if the private sector paid living wages

"Why do they call him the Joker"
"Because he wears clown makeup!"

How old are you? Because except for a few very specific provisions (like pre-existing conditions), the polls showed the pubic was strongly against universal healthcare when Obamacare passed.

In fact, that's the precise reason why the Dems lost both the House and Senate in 2010, and still haven't gotten them back.


> The right didn't create Obamacare.

They sure did. It was called romneycare before it was Obamacare. This pic explains it pretty well.

BUT, that's not what I was referring to or talking about. The previous post poster said

> The right helped defeat this mess.

The only thing that was defeated today was trumpcare. Obamacare is still the law of the land.

Hillary pls leave

That's as big a lie as trickle-down economics.

Do you really believe that would happen?

The new taxes people are already paying are too high. Under Bernie he would want a 50% or more tax bracket on the wealthy.

There's no way people would willingly pay that rate.

Instead you'll have what you have now: the middle class buried in additional premium hikes and deductibles for coverage that's worse than when the ACA passed.

Because the only people who vote right are old people who are stuck in a 1950s reagan fantasy or young illiterate rednecks who voted for Trump because he's a non-PC contrarian, as if that somehow qualifies him to run a country.

Anybody who has actually analyzed the feasibility and effectiveness of his policies knows he has nothing of substance to offer, but most people are too stupid to actually do that and so base their voting preferences off of memes and personality traits.

>the polls showed the pubic was strongly against universal healthcare when Obamacare passed.

Horseshit. Article from 2007:

How is it a "lie?" It would raise the needed revenues for all sorts of social programs.