Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums.

What did you do today?

I walked like 4 miles from my house to get to a taTaco Bell.

I found one eventually, but on the walk back I got explosive diarrhea and couldn't hold it in.

Thankfully I walked past a sewer inlet in someone's backyard, ducked into it and shit my brains out.

Pic related

It's my shit


I'm still walking back and I think I got some shit splattered on the cuff of my jeans.

Thanks for the picture and the update.
Really makes you think.

I hope that dudes dog goes into his backyard and eats my shit.

You better fucking wash those things man that's nasty

Good thread bro

Second update.

Google maps asked if I wanted to post a picture of my shit because they thought it was some sort of landmarked.

I posted my shit as a destination at this dude's house.

I doubt it will get put up but still

Thanks man

Thats awesome
Include some information about the leaves you found there. That'll do for google.

I didn't think of anything to say other than "it's my poops"

Someone send this dude a pizza as reparations.

Update 3.

Still not home.

Ass is chapped despite wiping numerous times with banana leaves

M8, i remembered when i shitted on my neighbor's backyard, m8 , was so good, a giant black log of shit, just try one time

I didn't have a choice.

This was either going in that dude's yard or straight down my leg.

But when you get good, try to poop in a ramdom place at night, its good as fuck, its diferent, and i am not an indian, russian

Just saying that i am not indian because they poop in everything

How do you shit in 4 foot snow?

Just be russian

What a life.

this thread

What you've never shared your brains out all over some dudes backyard and also your pants?

Jesus god I'm not even home yet.

Close though.

M8 , i am inspired, tomorrow in your memory i will poop in the neighboor's dog house

So many questions OP:

Who the fuck has a sewer inlet in their back yard? And if they do have one, why did you shit on the ground - and if you shat on the ground, why even mention the sewer inlet?

Shit dude what a tribute


It was a sewer inlet tin the backyard.

It was kind under the normal landscape, so I could hide in the brush and shit.

I would've taken another picture but there were kids playing on the block and I just shit real hard.

Kinda wanted to bail.

OP, you gonna shit on the neighboor's backyard?
Because of the russian guy?

I finally made it home which brings me to this.

It's kinda hard to make out because I tried to wash it off but I DEFINITELY got shit on my pants

I might.

M8, you are fucked, just give it to a hobo

I will try too, it look kinda cool.

No way these are my only pants

Use it to eat your food

Surprisingly I'm not hungry.

Dude at OPs house, he's in the shower now washin his nasty ass off after that expedition. Everyone be sure to tell him next time don't wander that far from the house when you gotta shit

Fuck you dude I had to shit BECAUSE taco Bell.

that's just DOUBLY your fault nigger

You could buyed you taco and taked it back to your home, you could used the microwave poop man...

I just sat around and ate hot pockets all day.

This might happen to my asshole too


why do you americans still eat this beaner crap when it does this shit to you ( no pun intended )
its like britbongs who praise indian food and never leave the shitter the next morning

>I got explosive diarrhea and couldn't hold it in.

This is why I always carry one of my gfs tampons with me at all times

Why i am at this thread, god help me

jesus christ what in the hell

Well I ate Taco Bell earlier. I'm safe at home but in the spirit of this thread if the food pilllages my bowels I will shit on my pants in solidarity of OP. Will post them if thread is still here.


So much samefagging... let it die already



oooooh so thats how they do that

Yep, those are definitely your brains on the ground right there.

i hope your asshole isn't spicy for too long

They don't call it the chili ring for nothing

No I'm okay now.

Nice and showered.

What a great adventure this all was.

Carry on my legend

>not having a bidet

I'm fucking poor bro

>Carry on my legend
*carry on my wayward son

Fixed that for ya

No, you're just American.


So fucking sad, soon you're going to be asking for your own caps, capping your own fucking thread yourself and posting it yourself in best of Sup Forums... KYS it's never too late

3rd world povertyfag detected. How does it feel to know that even a 3 ring circus country is prospering better than you are? lol

Because I have a bidet to clean my ass? Try harder nigger


this is an actual thing you're getting upset at