Good evening, Anonymous. How was your day?

Good evening, Anonymous. How was your day?

If you'd like some advice, someone to talk to, or even just a friendly chat then I'm here for you!

i'm tryna fap myself into a coma

Why into a coma? That just sounds dangerous.

imagine what the hell goes on in a coma
might be pretty dope

Okay. Yours?


Or you just spend a whole lot of time not being able to do anything.

Not too bad, trying to adjust my sleep pattern though so it's a little tiring. Have you been up to much recently?

Well good evening! How are you tonight?

How are you tonight phi? I skipped out on last night's thread due to work. Feel any better today?

My day was pretty relaxing. Got some work done, ate tacos with roommates, watched JoJo's with said was your day?

OR i enter into some sorta fantastical dream land straight outta the silmarillion


Nothing exciting. Just class. Why adjusting?


A bit. Who is this again?
Is this who I usually talk to in Alice threads?


Not too bad, not too bad. Sleepy, but that's how it always is.

For the most part I spend the day in meetings. My team interviewed a couple of people who wanted to work with us, so that's quite interesting.

I'm not sure I'd call what's in the Silmarillion a dream land.

Nope, Saber.

Because my partner is adjusting to a daytime schedule and I have the week off, it just made sense.

Yep, I'll just moniker myself as Sky. Nickname from childhood. LPC level advice (in a strictly non-professional setting as licenses are only state level of course!)

>Mfw Saber gets rekt by the banhammer

You'll get rekt in a minute I swear to god!

your dream land and my dream land are not the same i suppose

That's fair.


I've decided that I'm going to hang myself if I flunk out of college again, and I'm in danger of doing so. I failed two exams in two separate classes due to poor study habits, even though I literally gave it my all.

If I don't graduate with a four year degree, I have nothing else to fall back on. I'm not physically strong enough to do skill trades and I can't make a living working at fucking mcdonald's. I have medical needs that have to be met and I won't have the money to keep getting the medication I need.

I'm fucked, guys.

I'm doing a bit better. Class helped me feel a bit more relaxed. How are you?


No, I just don't really think that having to deal with Morgoth and Sauron is a dream land really...

Got any plans this week?

that would be dank as fuck, i'd gladly get smitten by some dark overlord

What is it that you study? And how much trouble are you having with it? Is there nobody at your college that you can talk to for help?

I really don't think you would. Especially as Morgoth had a tendency towards torture...

ooh, meetings are no fun.

The last few days, well maybe week have been... interesting. Thank goodness things have been slow overnight. I feel sick from when I wake up (4-5pm) until about 4 in the morning. Stomach upset, headaches, fatigue..., but I don't think I'm physically sick. I'm trying to stay positive though. I might have missed it in the past, but what are in classes for?

Just class tomorrow and helping out at a tournament Sunday.


you underestimate my stupidity

As if you could.

That sounds dreadful. I'm sorry you are going through that.
Class is just martial arts. I'm not smart enough for real studies.

don't give up. It takes a lot of motivation sometimes. I was failing classes left & right in my first 2 years of college, then the next I was about to be kicked out. I found motivation though and pulled out a 3.4 gpa by the 5th year of university & went on to a 3.96 in grad school. I have faith in you... echoing saber what are you looking to do?

Sup 2nd best (fate) girl.

I'll be getting my PC in a week or so after not having one in 8 months, I'll be moving to a bigger room and getting some nice furniture and I'll finally get to play video games again. I'm pretty happy dude.

Phone is almost dead but I'm in the hospital with a fractured ankle. I'm at a very low point in life right now. Will take 6 weeks to recover and I won't get to see my kids.

It was a pretty relaxed meeting, but it was still a little tiring. I tend to get called in for them even when I'm not needed.

What kind of tournament is it that you're helping out with?

I tend to just have faith.

I totally could! But you know I couldn't bring myself to...

Soooo... you can't!

Join the army. They're hurting for people they'll take you.

Phi of course.

Martial arts. I help officiate.


Smart is such a... relative term. Like IQ & such it's just soooo general. I believe it takes a lot of focus / skill to do well in martial arts... It's just another type of smart! I wish I had gone though with Kung fu, maybe I would have had more discipline & wouldn't just now be getting stable at life.

It helps echo out into life and it's never too late to go back into it. I always recommend martial arts.


Oh? What kind of specs does the PC have? A bigger room sounds quite nice as well, I've been stuck in quite a small one for a while.

What is it that caused a fractured ankle? And why is it you won't get to see your kids, can't you have someone bring them to visit you?

I'm quite sure that not being able to bring myself to because of how I feel about you is different to not being able to.

What kind of martial arts though?

I'm a social work major, but if I survive this semester, then I'm going to look into software engineering. I'm barely passing my classes right now, and my essays are what's keeping my head above water right now. My midterms for my classes ranged between 70-75%. "C"s earn degrees but I'm one fuck up away from it dropping below 70%.

There's nothing anyone can really do at college. My issues are retaining and recalling from memory but I have trouble even remembering what day it is. There's no tutors to help you with that.

Things are just really starting to close in and I'm wondering if I'm even meant for this world.

Technicalities you fucking faggot.

No I have to be supervised with them because of my ex wifes lies. So with a cast and all I can't stop my youngest from playing with something he could get hurt etc.

I skipped on ice this morning and my ankle went too far so I've got like 3 broken bones.

Tournament is just karate.


well as much as this seems like a self plug. Have you tried going to the uni counseling dept/ a counselor? I always advocate that not just people with a mental health d/o can benefit from counseling. In my work with foster youth I helped with academic work, studies, general life problems and everything there forward. Should be free for students as well.

I'll spare you the boring stuff but
>i5 7400
>GTX 105ti 4GB
>16gb ram
And finally
>got me a ssd you fucking cumdumpster slut

The onky issue us I may have bought a medioctl case.. What do you think of the specs?

Also is it true if it's not ssd, you must hang from a tree?

Hm... Well software engineering can be difficult, but it's also something that's quite accessible to learn. There are a lot of resources on it, and I know I tend to look things up as I'm coding anyway.

If you have extreme issues with retaining and recalling from memory then I'd consider consulting a medical professional, because a memory issue like that sounds like an actual problem.

You wouldn't be able to either, you faggot!

Judo is pretty rad. I was never good at it. I'm too fat. It really depends on style and teacher though.


Those specs don't seem bad. If I were able to go for something a little more powerful then I probably would, but that's more than enough to last you a while.

Having an ssd is nice. I had to go back to a regular hdd after my ssd died on me, and I'm really feeling it.

I pretty much just raised them on my own so yes I care about the alot. My oldest is my stepson and youngest is my bio.

I couldn't for a multitude of reasons~

>I'm really feeling it.

ITT: Greasy weebs roleplaying their own tulpa that they will never have


Good evening or morning....

Anything interesting happen today?

We had some quite large people at our club who were rather talented at it. I think it's all about learning to approach it in a way that's right for you. If you're at a club that adheres strictly to kata then you're going to have problems, but mine was always about learning to adapt the throws into something that you can personally use.

You raised them on your own? Why?

Exactly! So you can't say anything! Or wait, were you trying to say something there...?

Don't be mean to my toaster, she's just been through some hard times!

Maybe I was!


Umm all in all it got up to £1020 all together so I already blew past my budget but I think it's a great build for the money. It's 1080p without having to pay boatloads. And I sprung for some smaller goodies like a cheap liquid cooler and some extra fans.
What do you recommend I install on my SSD (aside from the OS)?

Don you still do it?


More like what didn't.. I was hoping Alice would be better for her thread/stream tonight, but I'm she's not.

Not really much of anything though for me. I assessed one walk in last night that only need outpatient services and then like many a night before I was done around 12am in the morning 2 hours after i started...

Well my ex was there but she mostly was with her friends. Sure she brought the money in with a job but she only worked long enough to milk sick leave etc.

So I was left to care for their daily needs.

thank you for doing this tonight, aneki. please take good care of anonymous.

How are you feeling Jill?


Why is that?

So, basically paid for nothing then?

I'm not sure what's worse, a deadly slow night, or and extremely busy one

Oversaw a text message between girlfriend and her friend where they agreed I was ugly but was a prize anyway

I feel like fucking death

I had to send my 16 year old son to JDC today. Awful day

Yeah, I've heard it can be difficult but I think it's something I would excel at. I love technology.

My memory issues are medication related. I suffer from a mood disorder, and I don't have time to find an alternative medication. Getting on a new mood stabilizer, antipsychotic, or anything else I'm taking would not only take time to get into my system, but I'll have to fight off side effects for a month and I just can't afford to do that if I'm in college.

Thank you for being here, user. I haven't talked about this to anyone. I'd bring it up to my therapist and prescriber but I don't want them to suggest that I visit a hospital to get stable.

I'm not greasy, or role-playing. I'm 100% authentic! I'm so authentic that my girlfriend is talking shit to me as I'm doing this!

Evening! Not much happened today. My team interviewed two artists and an audio engineer which was interesting. We ended up taking on one of the artists and the audio engineer, because they seemed super passionate and talented. The other artist, well, let's just say he was interesting.

You were?

I'll use and abuse you in a minute!

Yeah it's a fine enough build. Are you putting it together yourself or getting someone else to?

I tend to just put the programs that I use the most on the SSD, because it speeds up load times. If I remember right, you want to avoid putting files on there that you change a lot, because writing things to the hard drive is what wears it down.

I had to retire when I moved for university, unfortunately. I miss it a lot.

That honestly sounds like a really shitty situation to be in. I'm so sorry to hear it. I bet they'll grow up seeing you in a much better light than her because of the care you've put into raising them.

It's just the same as always, nothing special.

I just kind of do.

Psych admissions generally fluctuate like that. I run the entire department myself at night, so if things get busy,....they get BUSY, but if we are full (which is sn't hard, we're the highest quality treatment in the metroplex and half the size of other hospitals). I generally do get paid to do be a placeholder until something happens or I go home... I'll reiterate this half the reason I come to these threads. I like being helpful and my work isn't too much on self fulfillment right now...

I don't know!

>But I approve.

>I had to retire
Granny Saber retired years ago.

I don't see any point in life. Why not just end it now?

What belt are you?


That sucks, but remember apparently looks aren't everything. I'd challenge you to work on your perspective. despite that the insult you were just told basically that there is something so redeeming about you, that it overcomes one of society's biggest hang ups!

I'm really sorry to hear that. I dealt with JDC a little when I did work with foster youth. Do you think it was better than w/e alternative was at play?

What's going on? Are these feelings chronic or do they come in episodes?


What if you miss out on finding your point later on in life? You'd miss out on happiness

I probably need to go for a while now. Feel free to stay in here! I'll probably be back at some point.

Ouch. Just... Ouch. I can't imagine how much that would suck, I already get worried enough that my girlfriend doesn't like how I look.

Have you spoken to her about it?

If they're medication-related then you probably do need to look into changing it. I know you're worried that you won't be able to manage with college, but if it's impacting your college life this badly then it might be worth the risk.

You're approving of it now are you? About time.

Black belt.

Ah. How was that artist interesting?

Ok. So your here partially to be helpful, and partially to kill time?


That's no small feat. When do you intend to start again?


It's not that I'm not happy, I just don't see a point.

My day was great because I didn't go to jail! Stay out of trouble kids.

until she leaves me for someone better looking

yea I asked her about the text, she said don't worry she doesn't care about looks

what the fuck am I supposed to take from that? she does care about looks. her ex boyfriend was buff as shit too

When I say interesting I mean that he was an egotistical asshole whose whole everything seemed condescending.

You know, you only need to ask about these things...

When I can find a place where I can do it.

I could use some advice on some very serious mental problems I have, you know outside of, "kill yourself".

Will you love me?No ones in love with me and its kinda bumming me out.

I never made it past orange in Judo. My brother stopped just before his black belt test.


Try harder and start exercising this weekend. 15 minutes a day is enough.

Oh, so not actually interesting, just an asshole. That's no fun...

Try consulting a medical professional instead of seeking answers from no-life shitposters on Sup Forums.

Other than that, you could 1: Do drugs
2: Not kill yourself
3: Control yourself

Dump her.

You don't have to be strong for some trade skills, glass blowing or bartending might be up your alley.

Girls can be heartless. The one will find you. Don't search for one. Oh and dump that slut

no no, I don't get on Sup Forums at work! I like the people here is the other half of the reason.....though if there were enough interest maybe a thread ever so often on an off day could be arranged past 3am...

Maybe try asking her what it is that makes you such a catch? I mean, it's not going to change how she feels about your looks. Sure you can work on that to an extent, but maybe focus your efforts on something you have more control over. Such as improving on things she already loves about you!

....still I feel, I've had a similar experience before. As far as other posting about dumping her. I'd guess that would be up to you depending on how much you value her knowing that your looks aren't why she is with you..

I can give you unconditional positve regard.... It's like love, but you don't have to do anything for me feel like you are deserving of hapiness...

While I am an LPC I can't give serious therapy / advice online as it's an ethical / legal violation, but what is up? I do agree if you feel you need help you should at least call a general doctor for a referral..


Unfortunately it was our only option anymore. He refuses to admit that he has behavioral and mental health disorders that need to be addressed. I have sought out help for him only to be told there isn't anything available or he would flat out fight me to go.

1. Nice dubs

2. Right now I'm living with other members of my more distant family because my father pulled a gun on me and the rest of my family. I grew up abused by him and never had many friends. My mother had panic attack disorder and neglected me while my bipolar father abused me. He did a lot of hard drugs too, and was a part time drug dealer. I have been raised in a shit hole and it's obviously a cause for my mental problems. They only reasons I have not gone for treatment now is because my mother never let me and now that I'm 18 living with other family I have no insurance.

3. Again, nice dubs.


Oh, I thought that it may have been so slow that you can slip onto here for a bit.

1. Nice dubs

2. Do you live in a country where free or affordable insurance is available?

3. Again, nice dubs.

So you ever visit the shrine?


The fuck do you visit a shrine for?

Oh that sucks..... I deal with a lot of individuals who, to everyone around them, seems to need help but refuse. It's never a fun ride, for the person, their loved ones or those of us in a position to help. JDC is a hit or miss kind of deal. I'll let you know that people don't change until there is reason too so strong they can't reconcile their way of life around it. How old is your son?

I'm really glad to hear you have good insight into this! That makes your prognosis pretty good. I'd consider calling your local MHMR (I know, I know, no one likes doing so b/c its for intellectual disabilities too) and asking what they can help with. Also counselors offer sliding scale and some may be able to offer pro-bono work (we have to as part of our license). If you don't need medication assisted treatment (only let a MH professional or a psychiatrist make that call) you may be able to get a lot out of therapy..

I probably could.... but my shift is from 10p-630a, so unless I make a thread... there probably isn't one!