Its happening

its happening

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Literally who?

holy fuck im so excited

is lil b saying that he is the black ken doll?

no, he's the black Kendrick Lamar

Lil b more like lil pp


Will this top Kanye's new album?

I'm so fucking stoked

My House was so amazing

friendly reminder

task force link up

literally the end of kendrick lamar's career

>first official mixtape

hasn't this dude released literally hundreds of mixtapes?

yeah but this is the first official one bro

This meme died when Lil B started showing up on CNN every other month trying to use meme magic to help:

The Golden State Warriors win the 2015 NBA championships

Bernie Sanders win the 2016 Democratic nomination

The Golden State Warriors with the 2016 NBA championships

Kevin Durant become uncursed when Kevin Durant went to the Warriors

The Golden State Warriors with the 2017 NBA championships

>is posting as 'Lil B
>refers to himself, Lil B in the third person
>signs 'Lil B' at the end of his post

The based god curse doesn't dictate reality, it just helps or works against someone.

wew it only took like 2 years

Those were some bitch punches and the dude ran away afterwards

this is actually good
I dig the distorted bass on this reminds me of xxxtentacion

So what have his previous releases been, if not mixtapes?

>Lil B

The distorted bass sound has been a Lil B trade mark for ages

They're mixtapes. Not "official" mixtapes though.

Lil B has defined Sup Forums's vocabulary, he's more influential than any of the so-called Sup Forumscore artists

Dude this sounds like t pain AF

those are The BasedGod's mixtapes

this is Lil B's very first

Name two things besides "based".

fuck yo bitch

Don't need to name anything else since no other musician comes close to that imageboard domination

>reminds me of xxxtentacion

It's confirmed to be 27 songs long and it's being released some time between now and August

that meme is dead

m8 this isn't a meme, I'm legit excited for this

Naw Lil B has released mixtapes, this is Lil b

This meme died in 2012

What meme
