
Why dont the Xindi just fire a bunch of nukes at Earth? It would be just as effective

Star Trek General?

Radiation scrubbing tech is canon. The Vulcans gave it to humanity to clean up after WW3. The Xindi wanted to crack Earth the way their homeworld was annihilated.

perhaps missiles can be countered too easily by that eras tech?

>testing an unfinished wmd on the target
>giving it time to prevent the real attack

what were they thinking

How is Star Trek Enterprise?


It's hard to rank the Star Treks, except that Voyager is last. They all have their ups and downs, and their pros and cons. It's safe to say that it's not significantly worse than any of the other Star Treks, and is in fact better than Voyager.

Its ok, gets better the further u get into it.

My dad reckons its the best one

Your dad has terrible taste

It's different. Not necessarily bad.


First two seasons are a complete miss that instantly fumble a fantastic show premise with a nonsensical time travel plot that even the writers don't seem to understand and a couple of massive bonehead moves (like making the Vulcans patronizing condescending dick heads to the point that they become adversaries).

Season 3 does a serialized plot like DS9 that attempts to make "War on Terror" analogies that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.

Season 4 had the show being handed over to an ascended fanboy who absolutely crushed it and gave us the Trek prequel series we deserved.

Then it got cancelled and we got arguably the worst series finale in the history of television where the producers indulged themselves and made a shitty episode of TNG because that's all they actually wanted to do the whole time and any fan of Enterprise is obviously a complete fucking dumbass for being a fan of Enterprise so fuck you..

Is voyager irredeemable or just not as good as the others?


>and any fan of Enterprise is obviously a complete fucking dumbass for being a fan of Enterprise so fuck you.

So true.

Voyager is absolutely fine and definitely better than Enterprise but nowhere close to TNG or DS9.

It is definitely inconsistent and has some issues but a good deal of the the Voyager hate is exaggerated and amplified by alt-righters hating Janeway even though she's actually pretty based.

TOS: 9/10
TNG: 10/10
DS9: 10/10
VOY: 7/10
ENT: 5/10

say what you want about enterprise, but season 3 was GOAT

Some episodes are irredeemable but overall there are some good episodes and characters, it's just frustrating to watch in order because nothing that happens in any episode matters in any other episode .

Voyager's premise was ahead of its time; they attempted it in a day where they couldn't let go of 100% episodic television

what the fuck does this shit have to do with Stranger Things?

>Voyager 1995-2001
>DS9 1993-1999
>Babylon 5 1994-1998

Nice try, next excuse please.

If shields can be downed simple proton torpedoes and phasers why doesn't starfleet arm themselves with antimatter bombs and warp them just outside ship shields? You would think the released energy would be enough to wipe out such weak shields (and probably the ship as well).

dude the minute you start thinking about warfare in star trek everything breaks down

Why did no one mention the Xindi in the series set in the future?

It just never came up m8.

Don't quantum torpedoes carry an anti-matter charge or some shit?

I just don't understand why transporters are not used in a tactical way all the time. Why send a weapon through space when you can transport it there instantly?

are you genuinely retarded? why fly ships if you can just teleport ships?

Because the ST universe has accumulated so much technology in countless episodes that would so utterly change how warfare is actually practiced that it becomes too difficult to write around it, so they don't. Most warfare in ST is tantamount to old naval warfare in space.

Doesn't Khan teleport from Earth to Kronos in that shit movie?

Yes, Abrams is a hack.

Transporter beams can be scattered, they can produce dampening fields which make a lock impossible.

It would be much easier to defend against.

BTW, photon torpedoes have antimatter explosives already.

why didnt they just send a lump of metal at earth at near relativistic speeds?


If they really wanted to kill Earth all they needed to do is set a ship on autopilot to fly into Earth at warp.

This is the elephant in the room for all science fiction.

I wonder if the new trek will have the Xindi wiped out to explain why they arent there by tng.

JJ trek isn't canon.

That's the same movie where Spock uses a Cold Fusion Bomb to freeze a volcano... because... Cold Fusion has the word "cold" in it...

Trek has had some bad science before but fuck me.