Who nationality do you hate the most and why the Jews?

Who nationality do you hate the most and why the Jews?

all left handed are JEWS

To answer your question, I don't hate any nationalities. Also, Jews aren't a nationality.

Say that the germs

>Also, Jews aren't a nationality

Or humans for that matter.Anti-Human Disease would fit better like malign tumor

killurself f4ggot


jews, niggers, muzzies and the French

all left handed are jews,
but not all jews are left handed.

Well, one of those four is a nationality so thanks for trying at least.

>"Who nationality"?
More articulate than most Jew haters!

When did reddit take over Sup Forums?

In every ancient cultures hate jews, they fucked all the places in the ancient world

>Anyone who isn't an edgy racist must have come from Reddit amirite guise? XD

You have to go back.

But I don't even have a Reddit account, senpai.



so, you mean israelis, then?

I resent this you nigger

Doesn't matter, you don't belong here. Go back from whence you came, newfag.

when did Sup Forums lose any semblance of itself and become politically correct? Who says nationality instead of race or religion? Troll all you want but at least do it accurately

Just stop posting, retard. I've been here for longer than Sup Forums and your unironic racism have been here.

>stop le trolling :DDD

Fucking white people from anywhere

Yep, I'm sure you've been here the whole summer. I should just take my problematic anti-semetic racist evil nazi ass back to stormfront. You've sure convinced me.

You probably should.

Or just kill yourself. Either way