Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums

If it were possible to prevent SJWs from getting hired anywhere through memes and advertisements, would that be considered a good thing the hacker known as 4 chan did, or a bad thing?

You're an autist trying to fit in with a bunch if losers and you're not even succeeding.

If you think about it from a purely financial/ business sense standpoint, hiring an SJW is a stupid business move.

Also, it's more likely you're too stupid to understand that this is an SJW Hate thread.


Wouldn't hiring a social justice warrior make it more likely that that employee (SJW) would sue someone else, rather than increasing the likelihood that your company gets sued?


You belong on 9gag fag

No, and here's why.

When people hire lawyers, the lawyers advise clients to go for deep pockets. They do that because it's in the lawyer's best interest to get huge settlements. Joe in Purchasing is not deep pockets.

Summerfags are out early this year.

Why would the company get sued in the first place and what would the social justice warrior have to do with it?

http:// www.pinknews.co.uk /2016/05/29/teacher-awarded-60k-settlement-in-lawsuit-over-gender-neutral-pronouns/

It happens all the fucking time.

>company hires SJW
>one fine morning, some CIS Christian white male says "good morning" to SJW
>SJW gets triggered, goes to HR to complain about the evil white man who raped her with his privileged eyes as he said good morning
>HR did nothing because they're not fucking insane
>SJW sues the company, citing "hostile work environment"

This bitch sued over pronouns,

http:// dailycaller .com/2014/02/09/disgruntled-worker-who-is-not-a-female-or-a-male-sues-for-518682-over-pronouns/

It's pretty fucking naive to think that lawyers won't talk these twats into suing because the coffee was too hot or the air conditioning is sexist.

Hiring them is a bad idea. Companies get sued but innocent people asking how the weekend was get fined too.

https:// www.washingtonpost. com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2016/05/17/you-can-be-fined-for-not-calling-people-ze-or-hir-if-thats-the-pronoun-they-demand-that-you-use/?utm_term=.21a4693a0e67

It's like that douchebag who applies his own nickname and threatens everybody who doesn't use it.

Only with lawyers.

I have never seen a more punchable face in my life.

It's like every one of them looks in the mirror to be as punchable as possible.

it wouldn't be good or bad, it would just be a stupid waste of time.

It's more fun to just let them get hired knowing a real world job will break their spirit and/or they inevitably get fired.

Ah, I see, the employee (SJW) sues her own company. I ty meant a customer would sue them because of something she would do

*thought you meant

The OP was about hiring, user... focus.

The pic said "...you all but guarantee your company will be sued because someone offended them." Doesn't make it obvious who is doing the suing.

It would be a very, very good thing.