Where's the next terrorist attack going to happen and when?

Where's the next terrorist attack going to happen and when?

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yo mammas house tonight. we gonna blow up dat puss yo!

attack in lille just now: 3 shot. waiting for more deets

I don't think she's up for it, she just got finished beating cancer

Nice try, Department of Homeland Security

>dubz decide
'murica again

It will be in oxford next Wednesday


10001100 1111000 11100000111 011100

In my toilet, about two hours

source fils de chien

in my pants


Some European country that allows shitskins in


Next 3-6 months, it's inevitable

Theres a deadly shooting and hostage terrorist situation in las vegas right now



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Before I read the text, I legitimately thought this pic was a "behind the scenes" of Hot Fuzz

First things first.
What's the payout for disclosure?

Idiot. That was yesterday and it was gang related.



Too late

OK, but watch news for truck bomb, and feel stupid later. Peace, out! :3

REFUGEES WELCOME = let the terror begin