Does anyone else have special instructions for their kino attendant when they go to the theatre?

Does anyone else have special instructions for their kino attendant when they go to the theatre?

I just let them know up front I don't tip so don't expect prompt service.

Servers make minimum wage here on top of tips, so lots make $20/hr

>I just let them know up front I don't tip so they can spit in my meal beforehand

Very specific fetish.

Doesn't happen with servers, its more of a chef thing if you send it back

>Doesn't happen with servers

That's why I've spit on 3 dishes in the last 7 days right?

What the fuck is that image from?

>Someone hands that to me
>Hold on a second madam let me talk to the manager
>Show my manager the letter
>Sorry guys, we have a right to refuse service to anyone...

Hory fucking shit. Are you a jew? Please tell me you're a jews.

Not tipping is degenerate behavior. Just think about it. Everyone knows niggers don't tip. Therefore, if you don't tip you are a nigger. At the very least you are contributing to hostility and poor service to your community, which are common attributes of nigger hoods.

Pay generously for your services and for every person who tries to take advantage of your kindness, you will be repaid tenfold by honest white citizens who provide you with consistently great service.


I kekkled

I like you

Sheltered yank faggot

America is so weird.

Post of the day

I don't get it, why do people do this

>2 Weeks Ago
>Order a Pizza
>Cost 13 Bucks
>Only have a 20
>Dude delivers it and I say sorry I can't tip ya today don't have any extra money as I hand him the 20
>Dude looks mad af
>Smile at him and say by the way keep the change

I am sure he either felt amazed at my tip or he was furious I would try and be le ebin funny man to him.

>A delivery boy driving to deliver pizza, doing his job, deserves a $20 tip?

wtf America


I don't expect muslim eurofags to learn the intricacies of american culture, shouldn't you be praying to mecca by now

>At the very least you are contributing to hostility and poor service to your community

This is some tasty bait

At least Europe is still white for the moment. More than I can say about America.

The large tip was to make up for their being retarded.

That ship sailed ten years ago

Then I feel sorry for you.

You're basically being forced to tip people for doing what their job title says they do (delivery, bartender, valet) because companies over there won't pay a decent minimum wage - they're the real cheapskates

>order food with gf
>get a call just as the door rings
>hand her a 20 eurobucks bill
>she asks me if she should tip
>tell her no
>wrap up call, go to gf and expect my change
>she tells me she told the guy to keep the change
>the fucking total was like 17 bucks
>I could have bought another side dish for that and instead she just gave it away

fucking tipping and fuck women

Servers asked me once a month to do something degenerate to the food. It got to the point that I would just tell them I did it and didn't. Weird thing I noticed though. When I did put some nasty bodily fluid in it, the people would tell the server to give their regards to me. Like the taste of spit or piss was to their liking. I'd say 1 out of every 3 times. ehh

>Europe - 86% White.
>USA - 63% Non-Hispanic white.

You people disgust me. Fuck you, I hope everyone spits at your food.

Don't ever dine out for everyone's sake

What a stupid, obnoxious and patronising image

>If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to go out and eat

Yes I can, I can afford the food at the price stated on the menu, it's not my fault your system for low paid work is so broken people literally need to rely on tips to live.

I know user, from having some experience with actually waiting I won't tip under 10 dollars for a good server regardless of the price of the meal

>Companies don't pay their workers a proper wage
>Don't try to change the system, just pay their wages for them

>Paying some Yank an extra dollar for pouring a beer, or merely passing me one out of the fridge

Get fucked.

>I dont make enough money, give me some of yours

Americans literally
defend and follow this.

I can agree with that, if all you do is seat me and give me a drink you don't deserve a tip

>it's the system's fault maaaan
>who cares about basic social norms that everyone is aware of and expects?

>weeeeeh weeeeeeh gib me mor money for doing this job that takes literally 0 skill, experience or qualification, that could be done by a literal monkey if you could get it past health and safety, this job that I haven't put any particular time and effort into preparing for, for which the requirements are "can lift things up, put them down and write down words that pople say"

Reminder that serving is the absolute lowest tier job, it doesn't even deserve minimum wage, and yet federal law states that if on a given night a servers combined earnings between tips and their wage doesn't round up to minimum wage then their employer is obliged to make up the difference

>inb4 b-but muh minmum wage isn't enough to buy nice things?

Serving is a job for teenagers who live at home with their parents, if you can't live on the wages of your job GET A NEW JOB. If you can't get a better job than serving END YOUR LIFE. Do not expect me to reward you for living your life in a completely pointless and shitty way that has resulted in you being a fucking waiter.

Yeah just keep the unfair system going, that's bound to solve social issues and poverty rates. Imbecile.


I figure it's basically just a bribe so that they might serve you sooner when the bar is crowded next time you're in

I actually don't dine out because I won't tip and don't trust other people to make my food. It's made me a proficient cook. I advise you all to do the same.

>>weeeeeh weeeeeeh gib me mor money for doing this job that takes literally 0 skill, experience or qualification
I could say the same about every single blue collar job, but I have this thing for honest, hardworking people who make a living through good means, even if they're job doesn't revolve around fucking hot girls every 10 seconds. It's called respect, you ever hear about it?

>>inb4 b-but muh minmum wage isn't enough to buy nice things?
Minimum wage can't buy you shit, period.

>Social norms dictate that I cannot purchase an item off a menu at the listed price

Also nice appeal to the imagined authority of the populace, douche.

I bet you defend circumcisions too.
>It's just how it's always been, goy!
>You wouldn't want to question the social norms would you?

They weren't happy enough to scrape the change out of your pockets, they've even convinced you to hand over the skin of your children's dicks just to see if they could get away with it.
And not only do you accept it, you defend it!
The Jews have really done a number on America.

In a bar maybe, but I've gone to a Japanese buffet and that was all they did and expected a tip and just sat their looking at me as I was signing the bill

>their employer is obliged to make up the difference

find a place that does this fuckface

>it's a Sup Forums is Sup Forums thread

>I could say the same about every single blue collar job

People working other blue collar jobs don't demand that you give them extra money for doing that job.

> honest, hardworking people who make a living through good means

That does not describe people who demand extra payment in exchange for not spitting in peoples' food.

It's literally the FUCKING law, mate. If your job is breaking the law and not paying you what you are legally obliged to it's up to you to sort it out, don't expect me to give you charity because you can't summon the balls to fix your situation.

>those 2% who don't tip bartenders

Those are the real fucking assholes.

>People working other blue collar jobs don't demand that you give them extra money for doing that job.
Anybody working a shit job demands to be paid more than they're currently getting paid, I don't understand your prerrogative in this issue. Do you hate it when people wish they had more money?

>That does not describe people who demand extra payment in exchange for not spitting in peoples' food.
Oh, you're one of those faggots. I'd hate to tell you this but ordering food you can't even watch being prepared isn't a good idea in general. Some saliva in my burger is the last thing I'd worry about.

Go be a neet somewhere else, please.

So what's the story behind that picture?

>people are so poor that they can't add $4 or $5 to their bill

You people act like you're have to pay double your tab when you tip. Go out and get a job and I guarantee you won't notice paying a tip.

B-b-but M-muh principles!

*tips fedora*

>Do you hate it when people wish they had more money?

I hate when they want more money and demand that I give them some of mine because they're working a shit job and have no drive to improve themselves

What's your point here? "Waiters are great people, good hardworking honest people, they're going to spit in your food regardless"?

Whenever I get sent out on company shit. I get $70 daily to spend on food. Since I am never going back to these places I always max it out per meal and don't tip shit. I don't get tipped for shit in my life, you don't tip fast food people, fuck I would go grab my own fucking food myself if I was allowed to.

Its so fucking ingrained in society that all my local places always get HUGE tips, then you are well known and whatever, safe from spit, if you keep paying?

God damn it feels great to just fucking pay what the meal cost when I travel.

wha...this bait's gone bad! Waiter! I'm not taking this bait, send it back to the kitchen!

when i was a bartender/waitress i never expected a tip at the end, it was just a nice surprise. but i was payed £9 an hour (just above min. wage here) i can see how american hospitality staff on shitty pay feel differently.

>$4-5 dollars
What the fuck kind of tip is that? 5-10%? WOW, CHEAPSKATE ALERT. You know 20-30% is normal right? Holy shit, cant you afford a few extra bucks?

Waiters should be demanding that their employers pay them more, not their customers.

If your employer doesn't pay you enough money, that's not my problem. I had that problem, and instead of expecting more money from people, I went to college and got a better job.

>By not tipping I'm helping to change the system!

>because they're working a shit job and have no drive to improve themselves
confirmed for privileged sperglord

Wow I thought I was the only one. I love the look they give you at the end like they wish they had known beforehand so they could fuck you over first.

Give up. Non-tippers are never going to win this fight, because they are in the minority.

if the majority didnt tip, then the whole business model of restaurants wouldnt even fucking work.
if the majority didnt tip, then no place could keep servers, or drivers because they wouldnt make enough money to live on.

it works, because most people tip.

and because most people tip, non-tippers and their BS arguments are never going to be taken seriously.
the majority are always going to look down on them, and laugh when they get the shitty service they fucking deserve.
anyone who tips, is going to think its entirely justified, because why should some cheap bastard get the same service they do when they tip.

youre all fucking niggers/kikes
and no one likes you

>I hate when they want more money and demand that I give them some of mine because they're working a shit job and have no drive to improve themselves
Okay, but when does this happen outside of the restaurant and service context? Unless I'm wrong, Americans don't usually tip their plumbers or gardeners.

>"Waiters are great people, good hardworking honest people, they're going to spit in your food regardless"?
>le spitting meme xD

Why partake in a system you don't agree with?
I don't condone homosexually so I don't go to gay pride or fuck guys.
I don't condone murder so I'm not a hitman.
I don't condone violence so I am not in a gang.
I don't condone the slaughter industry so I don't eat meat.
I don't condone America's stupid fucking broken wage system so I'm not fucking tipping 20%.

I refuse to attend the theater after how rudely both my person and my real doll Kuriko were accosted and displaced from our seats.

they had the utter audacity to proclaim that she is not a person, was a shit excuse for a woman, and they didnt allow singletons in their establishment.

it was a terrible excuse for a movie theater. they had no crablegs, tendies, potaoes au gratin, or footy pajama rentals.

what is this world coming to?


*tips waiter*

I hope the entitled faggots who wrote that shit were beaten bloody by their serving staff.

How much food are you eating fatass?

It's a good thing I live in a place with sensible labor laws.

> guide on tipping

>"Yeah sir that will be $2.99"
>"Plus tax."

Why is America so retarded?

I worked through college in a grocery store stockroom. I made minimum wage, ate beans and rice for 4 years, now I'm an engineer. These jobs are not meant to provide a good life for you. They're only meant to get you by.

I have nothing against plumbers or gardeners. In fact both plumbers and gardeners have far more right to be tipped than servers, since they're working in skilled heavy labour positions.

>Drive 18km to deliver three pizzas
>Guy gives me the money
>He asks for the ten cents change back

Fuck anyone who does this.

If you go to a restaurant with servers you're perpetuating the system even if you don't tip. You fuck over the server but the owners who keep the system in place still get all of their money.

>Sorry guys

>tipping for doing the job they are paid to do

You realise that all you are doing is subsidising the tight wad owner's wages bill, right?

When I eat in a restaurant I do not want sycophantic harpies pretending to be my friend in an attempt to ingratiate themselves into my good graces for the sole purpose of parting me with more of my money than the meal deserves. It is a sickening and disingenuous display of the total lack of pride and self worth the fawning clowns possess.

>since they're working in skilled heavy labour positions.
Cutting the lawn and making sure shit goes down the drain doesn't require any sort of skill or heavy work.

See? If I reduce a profession to its most basic aspects it sounds really fucking stupid. Don't do it.

I am really fucking awful about it too. I am friendly, learn the server's name, act super polite and nice about everything, ask for all sorts of extras. Then 0%, makes my fucking night. I've had a few follow me out to the parking lot, one took a photo of my car.

Great thing I learned their first name, then I leave a really awful yelp review and spend a few minutes every day while I am in town calling corporate complaining about the service ect.

Super passive aggressive, but I take what I can get today.

Wow, really angry buddy.
$5-15 ap
$10-20 drinks
15-30 main dish

x2 if I am entertaining, even alone that's already making your $4-5 seem like an INSULT.

Oh, you probably go for their HEY TWO SHIT PLATES FOR $15 MEAL, order water with lemon then toss down some old ones or maybe a WHOLE FIVE DOLLARS

I never got this one. It's just a constant reminder of how much your government is fucking you. The whole time I was there I was like "These roads are shittily maintained, there's no free public transport, and yet I'm paying all this fucking tax?". And it's exactly the same here at home but I'm not pissed off because I don't notice I'm paying tax, it's just built in. It's like they want their population to just be constantly pissed off.

Get a better job you whiny cunt.

>paying over 40$ for pizza
Why do americans complain about their economy again?

>Believing this is real.

This is some low-tier reddit karma whoring

You realize it's not the wait staffs fault the owner is a tightwad right? They're still going to get paid $1 an hour no matter if you tip or not. If they quit then some other desperate person will just take their space.

Your fedora tipping is so cringey it almost hurts

So much of Sup Forums acts like fucking niggers its disgusting, tip your god damn waiters / waiteressess or don't go out for dinner its that fucking simple.

you people really piss me off

It's just retarded that they can't display the full price you're going to pay when you get to the checkout. What sort of fucked up system is that, where you can't calculate what you're going to spend because they're going to throw extra on it when you're paying?

That's hilarious. I wish I could give you a tip.

>As a society we demand that certain jobs be filled for our own convenience
>But we refuse to pay those people a living wage because they don't deserve it

What is more complicated about serving than

-taking orders
-bringing the right order, as written down on the docket, to the correct table
-bringing the dishes back when they're done
-bringing them any other sundry items they might ask for

Because I feel like I;ve covered the whole thing.

Becoming a certified plumber in most states requires 9000 hours of training over 5 years. There's no certification for servers because what the fuck are they going to certify.

>Great thing I learned their first name, then I leave a really awful yelp review and spend a few minutes every day while I am in town calling corporate complaining about the service ect.
>illegal immigrant with ties to narcos takes a photo of your vehicle and plates
>"hehe I left a bad yelp review, suck on that pablo xD"

Average 17% on meals?

I've always tipped 15% for good service, 10% for bad but acceptable, and 20%-25% for above and beyond. Am I a faggot?

>It's just retarded that they can't display the full price you're going to pay when you get to the checkout.
It's not that they can't. They absolutely can. But they don't for the same reason that something is $5.99 instead of $6. More people buy when the perceived price is lower.

Actually no.
Most people who go out already do tip, so it's not like they wouldn't get any tips if I didn't tip.
Also, in America, nobody can make below the minimum wage. If a waiter or server makes less than min wage after tips, the employer must make up the difference.
Tipping the American way is just illogical to begin with. Why tip a percentage of the bill? Is a server really entitled to 20% of my bill just for bringing me a $100 bottle of wine and nothing else? Should I really tip a waiter $100 for bringing me food and wine for 5 people if the food was really good? I mean, that has more to do with the chef. Why should I bribe a person to do a good job? Why is a server entitled to potentially several times the hourly wage just for bringing me food and taking my orders? It doesn't make sense.

>find a place that follows federal law
Wow, so difficult.

>What is more complicated about serving than
You're doing it again, faggot. I told you it doesn't work.

What's more complicated than cutting the fucking lawn?

What's more complicated than unclogging some shitty toilet?

I would say no, you aren't doing it to be an asshole you just didn't know

still waiting on that place.

>not using "guys" as a gender neutral term
If I was that attendant I'd constantly use "dudes."

Girlfriend works pizza.
I would like to inform you that when you don't tip, your address and number go on a list. Next time you order, you are getting more than just pizza. It was likely dropped on the floor, hanked on, stank palmed, and spat upon. Sometimes jizz enters the equation if the owner is away and there is enough time for a fap.

Enjoy your pizza.

shut the fuck up you disgusting burgershit

>living in a country with slavery
I prefer my services to be provided by proper workers, it's 2016.