Hey guys

Hey guys,
League of Legends gold tier ADC main here. I stopped at gold because I was like, hey, I did it. I know I can go higher, but I didn't want to bother with solo que anymore. Now I'm looking at getting a team together.

Post your position main, your rank, playstyle, and communication method here. I'd really like to get a gold, plat, diamond tier team going.

And before those comments, yes, league of legends is so ghey and dota 2 is where it's at. I played dota and won tourneys as a pudge main, I know how it goes. I like league for the faster arcade playstyle.

Personally, I'm aggressive to a safe extent. Keeping track of opponents cool-downs and capitalizing on their mistakes and windows is where I shine.
add at # Jhinjin

add me fgt

summoner name: Chicks With Dix

I'm gold 2 support main if you wanna duo

I'm bronze 2. i main teemo

Summoner name?



na or euw?







sigh, well then.. *zip*




Damn Lulu is a slut



And tastes like purple.

Can play top and mid
Silver 5(stoped playing ranked and play for fun)

similar situation here op.. made d5 in season 5, stopped playing in s6 at p3, and haven't touched ranked this season. hit me up on NA StonersKnight

jg main.. i play all roles though