It's safe to say the word "Nigger" is used a lot on this site. I'm not here to rant about how much I dislike the word...

It's safe to say the word "Nigger" is used a lot on this site. I'm not here to rant about how much I dislike the word, because in all honesty I've been called that so much it has no affect on me anymore and it's more of a feeling of shock rather than anger I get when it happens to me. I actually just came here to ask you guys some questions, feel free to ask me anything as well.

1. Assuming that you dislike black people what was it that made you say "I really hate niggers" was your parents ever an influence as to why you are a racist or did your racism develop on it's own through life experiences?

2. Have you ever had black friends and if so was your friendships with them good or bad?

3. Do you try to just not associate with black people as a whole or are you only trying to avoid the ghetto type of people?

4. This question is a bit different. It's only question that isn't black person concentrated, let's say your a person that dislikes other races, middle eastern, hispanic, etc. What do you do about friends that are cool with people that are a different race? Do you bite the bullet and hangout with them or do you just not attend the social gathering if you know they are going to be there?

I don't take everything seriously on this site, I know most of the stuff posted here is just pure shit posting and edgelords looking for people to bite the bait.

Other urls found in this thread:


What the fuck is this? Weak bait?


Nigger pls

No bait, I'm just bored. I'm really black.



1.) I don't hate black people, but I hate the ghetto culture. Just like I hate white trash culture. I was subconsciously taught to have a racist bias because of my father but was pushed very strongly in the opposite direction by my mother

2.) One of the best friends I've ever had was black - his family were crips and I think he used my house to get away from the culture. Still feel bad for him, if he doesn't change who he surrounds himself with he will get dragged in

3.) I like a lot of parts of black culture. The energy, the music, etc. Ghetto types of people are absolutely avoided

4.) Never been faced with this situation as I'm not "racist"

Right on about your attitude, but fuck this place man. I don't think 95% of Sup Forumstards are actually racist they only do it to fit in but you still shouldn't subjugate yourself to this shit.

Black people and in general other ethnic groups are manipulated by liberal whites into thinking right leaning whites are these racist fucks who want to keep you down but in reality the left use your votes as a tool to spread their tyrannicle authoritarian agenda by faking hate crimes and other bullshit and lying to black communities about the Help they give you rather than encouraging your culture to stop glorifying drugs, gangs, and other crime as cool. Black culture is scary as fuck but it's because the left treats them like dogs and most blacks fall for their lies.

Also nigger is too goddamn funny to say. That's all it is. I don't think anybody but a select few are hateful people. The internet is just a great place to get lolz out of dark shit going on in the world. Don't fall for leftist lies.

There's this one black guy I don't know very well, but we're friendly and he seems pretty chill. Thing is, his voice sounds almost exactly like Ice T. I've got a whole bunch of fake Law & Order quotes like pic related, do you think he'd be offended if I asked him to record himself saying them?

Why do blacks only care about race and not real fucking issues in the world? You do realize other shit that actually matters goes on right?

What caused you to want to be a nigger?

Also I'd like to elaborate on that first question

1.) As a child I was taught "everybody is the same". I was taught "not to stereotype" etc. But the reality is there's patterns in every culture, and when you grow up a bit and finally see it, it kind of feels like a "what the fuck did they teach me" moment. It's easy to rebel and fall into racism because of this as ironic as that is. Those of us who have worked past that mentality absolutely realize the shortcomings of every race but also the importance of acceptance despite the problems.

This is now a NIGGER thread

It wasn't my choice to be this color but I wouldn't change it for the world.

How large is your cock, can i see it

Hi fellow black guy. Can you right RB on the card please?

Did you ever some white small-dicked guy's girlfriend and made her scream because your large black penis is so large and well formed?


Show us your cock to prove your nigger superiority.

1. I started studying crime statistics.
>15% of the population. 50% of the murder rate

2. Ive had a couple black drug dealers, kinda friends. They ended up being incompetent. fucking up weight and being late.

3. Anyone who isnt a criminal avoids sketchy looking people, regardless of race.

4. Im more cautious around non white people but i certainly dont avoid them. its just an odds thing.

Please for the love of fuck post this on

Well when you have cases like Oscar Grant, Trayvon Martin, Eric Gardner, it becomes hard to focus on anything else. Living with the paranoia that "The man is out to get you" is a horrible and deteriorating mental state some people have.

first of all, nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger.

now that that's out of the way

>as a hispanic yes my family was racist, especially my grandfather

>my second oldest friend of 11 years is black. I make friends with black people roughly proportionately to their percentage of the population. I have more black friends in the ghetto of Miami than the white retirement center of southwest Florida.

>an asshole is an asshole no matter the race. ghetto niggers are worse than regular niggers as a whole but that's not to say I don't feel safe walking through a rough neighborhood as long as I stay strapped. I'm usually confident enough that it's a non issue, though.

Average length, not every black guy has a big dick. That stereotype is a myth.

Dude, nobody here is really racist(well maybe except a few), but most people here just use the word for shits and giggles. Even the other black anons use it

yeah this is Sup Forums

for actual racism

No cuckolding is some weird shit that I will never understand and the only time I would fuck someone's wife is if her husband wasn't in the room jerking off.

Interesting thread. Bumb.
(Not racist)

Shut the fuck up fucking nigger

Dont consider myself fullblown racist but I'll give my two cents.
For science.

1. I don't hate black people. I hate niggers. There's a difference. Niggers can be white too. Just so happens that most niggers are dark skinned. And i understand that not everyone uses the word like i do, or that they understand my meaning when i use it. My parents are not racist as far as im aware.

2. Yes ive had black friends and they were good guys. We weren't best friends but we got along real well.

3. I avoid the ghetto type, not out of prejudice so much as not being able to relate.

4. If theyre niggers i wont attend. If theyre decent people I have no problem hanging out with them

1. Because the vast majority of them are retarded crime monkeys with a massive victim complex that try to blame everything on whites. They also have a self-perpetuating thug culture that influences young people to commit crimes and glorify gangs and hate higher education and everything else good in the world. To quote a famous black man: Nothing will please a nigger more than not knowing the answer to a question. There is a BIG distinction between a nigger and a black person, and sadly most of them are niggers. To quote the same very famous black person: There's a civil war going on in the black community, and on one side is black people, and on the other side is niggers.

2. I have had one black friend, in fact he's the oldest friend I've had going on 16 or 17 years now. He is my friend because A. all our communication is done via text and neither has ever seen each other face to face or seen a picture, and B. he acts like a white person. There is literally nothing black about him, and no one who has ever met him has suspected he was black. The only reason I know he is is because he accidentally left his webcam on during a skype call once.

3. Try to avoid black people as much as possible. Sure, some of them are decent enough, but they are like diamonds in a pig trough.

4. I avoid gatherings and associating with anyone who refuses the hard truths of the world. Racism is real, and as much as we might wish it otherwise, there are definite differences between the races. People who deny this are illogical, and I want little to do with them.

I am being 100% serious in this reply by the way.

I don't answer to niggers, the same way I don't answer to animals.

Not that I'm comparing niggers to animals, I actually like animals.

alright, I kinda enjoy surveys so I'll play ball
1. Life experiences, my father is right but mostly silent about politics and not at all racist, my mother is left and pretty vocal about it.
2. No, I'm a loser and don't have many friends, although I hang out with a pretty diverse group race wise
3. Avoid the ghetto type, I judge on clothing first and any time they look like trash, they are. So far no exceptions.
4. N/A. None of my friends hang out with trash.
PS. I've met plenty of black people who are really great to be around, but the unfortunate truth is that a lot are exactly what they seem, every race has their stereotype and it's best to avoid them. I'm open to more questions I guess

Sup Forums is also a place for stormfront fags to beat off to furry porn. Of course you'll encounter the worst of the worst

When you say "He acts white" can you elaborate more on that?



Its hard to describe, really. Blacks and whites tend to have different word usage, different cadence in their speaking styles, different accents, different ways of phrasing something. He speaks like a white person, he sounds like a white person, he acts like a white person in just about every single way. He's also a massive weeb.

1 niggers
2 yes therye great
3 fuck niggers
4 race bait often?

All individual events that got put into the spotlight to PRETEND cops/white are slaughtering blacks in the street but the number is lower than whites dying by cops. It's all narrative pushing. Nothing more, and if civil war comes the libs aren't fucking winning. Their picket signs are shit compared to the patriotic AR15

1) I don't dislike black people. Do dislike the black getto culture because it's a good damn poison, and frankly I am really, really, REALLY sick of every movie/tv show having to have a black person in a main roll when blacks make up about 13% of the US population.

2) Yes, was (and is) just an average friendship.

3) I avoid the getto type regardless of race. Unfortunately in my personal experience that usually means blacks.

4) None of my friends are particular hateful of a specific group.

I'm not rasist, your just a nigglet

1. reading through stats on Sup Forums
2. yes, they were almost best friends, private school in australia.
3. ghetto type
4. i dont care

are u proud of being a kang

Sick burn, dubs!

trips don't lie

A nigger is just a subset of the black population that is poor and stupid and criminal. Not all blacks are niggers so saying I hate niggers shouldn't be offensive to you. It's like if I said I hate white trash (which I do), not every white person should be offended, only ones who fit the description. You can't look at black culture in general and assert that niggerdy doesn't exist and is fucked up.

No movie that I have seen come out recently involved a black person besides Moonlight and Get out? What stuff have you been watching!

And as for TV I couldn't say I don't watch much of it

so here's the reality:

I say nigger this, nigger that, as a shock word. yes, there's this thing called being an edgelord and it's nothing new. I say it because it's funny to me.

I was raised right and taught that we should be colorblind. Funny how that changes when certain groups of people have nothing else to complain about anymore.

I don't say nigger around a black person because I feel they would take it the wrong way. Same concept as when I refrain from saying bitch, cunt, or pussy when I visit my mother. even cussing in general, just out of empathy.

If I come across a scumbag like a thug from the ghetto I'm going to call them a nigger or tell them to quit acting like a nigger.

I have before when a dude in 7th grade was talking shit, calling me a bitch ass white boy, etc, and suddenly he btfo'd when I called him a nigger in front of his posse. like totally taken aback, in shock. he lost all respect from his peers because he didn't want to fight me. That was an 75% black, 20% hispanic, and 5% or less white demographic there at that school.

I recently had a group interview for a job and there was two black kids, my age (22), sagging their pants, texting on their phone, slouching back and yes their momma was there making sure they were paying attention during the whole two hours. They really didn't give a fuck about the job. Seems like their momma just wanted them to do something to get them out of the house.

A properly dressed and well mannered black gentleman sat next to me. Very calm, very attentive. 36 year old, 16 year veteran of the air force. I thanked him for his service shortly after the interview, had a cool conversation about his work. He did maintenance for cargo lanes like C17s, C130s, C-5s. I'm a fangirl for all things military and talked for a good 10 minutes.

The disparity between him, his demeanor, and attitude versus those two kids were telling. It's not so much about race as it is culture.

Don't dislike black people. Just the ghetto ass ones. You know the obnoxious ones that decide to be loud stupid and annoying. Thinking they're better than everyone else. But that's general. I know many white people like that too that I avoid.
I have only one black friend. Been friends for about 6 years? Maybe longer. Cool dude. I just don't get out much to meet people.

Get the book 'Acting White' I don't remember the author but it's a great book. I recommend it to anyone who is curious about race relations and how culture is oftenly mistaken for race.

And yes, it is written by a black man.

Hey there bud. If you don't understand the difference between "nigger" and "black" you really need to lurk more.

I don't loathe in that whole queens and kings stuff. It is important to know where you came from, and I do have pride in my race and culture. Just like how I take pride in being from America, I'm lucky I was born in 1994. The shit my parents and grandparents went through is just horrendous. It's probably why I am so strong today.

>I don't think anybody but a select few are hateful people. The internet is just a great place to get lolz out of dark shit going on in the world.
mad truth in these trips

That took some real nigger balls to do OP, good job

Are you suggesting nigger is used against black people? You're ultimately wrong


I understand the difference but some people will just assume all of us act like "Niggers"

1. I'm not really a racist, I just like calling people niggers. Same with my uncle, who said it many times when I was growing up, with/around his black cop coworkers, so it was never a "ohhh racist" because everyone thought it was funny (this is when I was about 12)

2. I did when I was younger, but not anymore. There's not a lot of black people where I live (mostly just asians) and growing up my uncles cop freinds and their kids who were my age were the only exposure to blacks I really had, but they're all in college and I can hardly make freinds anyways. Not avoiding them though

3. I definitely avoid ghetto people, but not blacks in general

4. I'm fine hanging out with anyone as long as you're not fucking retarded or a drug user

I'm 20/male/seattle for reference

could I see your tits please?
also, fuck niggers.

Also, don't forget there's always a lesson here, being politically incorrect, cynicism is born, which is ethically beautiful.

What kind of bait is that?

Yes I am and I worded it that way because some people do just throw us all into one group that is labeled "niggers"

Saying nigger is like saying cunt.
It's lost its blow
No use in holding the word nigger higher than any other word used to 'offend' people.

Assuming your argument is based on it being racist, would you not say it's more racist to disacknowledge acts of racism in the past e.g. genocide, rather than to get offended by a word which carries as much meaning as most other words in that catagory

>1. Assuming that you dislike black people what was it that made you say "I really hate niggers" was your parents ever an influence as to why you are a racist or did your racism develop on it's own through life experiences?

>2. Have you ever had black friends and if so was your friendships with them good or bad?

I don't hate blacks, and I've had a few black friends and they were pretty nice.

>3. Do you try to just not associate with black people as a whole or are you only trying to avoid the ghetto type of people?

I try to avoid ghetto types, as I just really can't stand to be near people like that, be it if they're black or white trash.

4. This question is a bit different. It's only question that isn't black person concentrated, let's say your a person that dislikes other races, middle eastern, hispanic, etc. What do you do about friends that are cool with people that are a different race? Do you bite the bullet and hangout with them or do you just not attend the social gathering if you know they are going to be there?

I don't really dislike any race, but if I were prejudice I'd just bite the bullet.

I do say nigger however, I also say kike, nazi, faggot, and slew of other slurs.

Mostly as jokes, and mostly to sling shit on Sup Forums, but do I actively take those slurs seriously when I use them as an insult, nope.

well shiiiiiit this here a real response

In the early days of Sup Forums we used to say "nigger" ironically, but the racists are so fucking dumb that they didn't get it, then they all started hanging out here, then they became the majority. So now it's just a bunch of white kids who never knew any black people except some youtube videos they saw who think they are part of some imaginary race war.

Sucks. Anyway, for old times. nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

Well, you are people, if you do fucked up things, you're niggers, like that white kid stealing stuff across the street.

Thanks for sharing

Werer* nigger
Kill yourself

>not racist

>had some black friends, they were pretty ok. We split up we moved to different schools

>avoid the ghetto type as much as I can, don';t really care about other blacks

>my friend who's from Georgia really hates "muslims" (anyone who's arab), but he normally just makes fun of anyone he sees

Oh is that how b was way back?

Ironically, anti-mainstream, satirically or cynical, it was beautiful

moar edge

Can somebody to teach me how type green words cheat

1) I don't hate black people, I hate niggas. Through my experience with living with niggas I realized they are the cancer of society that needs to be stamped out. Difference between niggas and blacks is the simple fact that niggas are degenerate, wasteful, hopeless and quite frankly brainless. No one is going to miss another Mike Brown or Trayvon Martin except other niggas.

2) Yes I have and most were simply 'associates' I would call friends for beneficiary reasons. The ones I would consider my friends were educated and didn't humor niggas in speaking crude ebonics. Overall, we agreed in our dislike of niggas and have a good relationship.

3) Blacks are fine, niggas should be shot on sight. That is how much I've grown to dislike them.

4) It doesn't effect me in the slightest to see them associate with shit-tier personalities but I make it known to said individuals that if I dislike them. My friends know this and let others know ahead of time.

Yeah and trolling meant something too

No, he's just a rudypoo candyass bitch. We've been racist since duckroll.

But guys this guy has just

Well he's been here since waaaaay back guys


desu desu

Read the FAQ.

1. I don't hate black people and my family was always realistic with me. Black people have their problems just like everyone else, but I realize it's very much a cultural thing specific to black people in the U.S. So anyways, not racist. I do have a couple black friends that make fun of racism with me. We call people that are stupid niggers all the time together.

2. I don't care about skin color when it comes to choosing friends. I'm rather introverted myself, so I intentionally have a small group of close friends. I care about character and values more than anything else. Black people where I go to school seem to be (from what I've seen) happy Christians. I'm Catholic so my entire belief system would be compromised if I judged people based on superficial and immutable attributes of genetic makeup.

3. As aforementioned, I'm introverted so my association with people is already limited. But being a 20 year old in college, and having the IQ that I do, I really do not have many people that I can understand and relate to. But there was a black guy I met in the physics department and we did problems together for hours. Completely cool guy. Nice, funny and intelligent, also a really good teacher (he was older than me and was majoring in some kind of STEM field I think). I hope I meet more people like him in the field as I continue to work in it.

4. The only people I abaolutely can not relate to or be around are fuckboys/girls. The dregs, potheads etc. Like I said, I care more about character of content than anything else. And if I have friends that hang out with people I find annoying, I just don't hang out with them.

People on this site who use the word frequently are just trying to be edgy and cool and fit in.

have to buy a Sup Forums pass m8
well worth it imo

that just hit my nostalgia feels

Nice dubs


go back to r eddit you fucking retard

if you absolutely have to have it spoonfed to you, almost everyone here is trolling and just pretending to be racists cunts

you'd know that if this wasn't literally your first time posting on Sup Forums

nice trips get brotha!


Go to bed grandpa.

1. I don't hate black people. I throw the N bomb around a lot though.

2. My best friend is black.

3. I live in southern cali and I'm surrounded by upstanding blacks as well as ghetto coons.

4. Raised in one of the most diverse cities in the LA County area by the beach, nobody here really cares about race.

Delete these lies

Reddit shill spotted

>not having a Sup Forums pass
Nigger detected

you can't hide the truth

every single one of you is secretly a nice, lovable person and you can't fucking hide it from OP anymore

itty bitty baby....



All pejoratives have been used on the site to the point of them losing all of their meaning.
The word fag is now akin to buddy, homosexuals even add gay to their fag, in order to let people know of they sexuality.
Once words lose their power, they have no impact.