ITT: Post your favorite album and anons guess your personality

ITT: Post your favorite album and anons guess your personality



Was ignored in High School

u joking?

You like to think you're more cultured than you actually are
In 20's. In university. Has friends with similar music tastes
Cool, calm but political

you've tried yoga but never really got the point of it
never really understood why people like music
really wants to try purple drank but is scared of becoming addicted

Pretty Shitty thread, basically impossible to tell someone's personality from 1 album.

Should be like top 5 or something.


Closeted extrovert, arts student, half outsider half bandwagoner, has a social life, not to deep, not neet. Will come to terms with how extreme norm-core you are around 27-ish.
Open/Creative person. Clear imaginative abilities. Intelligent.
Trying to please everyone. No will of own. Exactly intelligent enough to know it. Not intelligent enough to come to terms with it.

You're extremely quiet in social situations, and end up overcorrecting for it a lot when you try and break out of your shell and it always comes off weird





is gay a personality?

cool calm and cohesive

Either this or filosofem


woah cool album user, thanks a lot, I'm really enjoying this

r8 h8 discrimin8

only ever heard one album in his life, and this is it
shitposting aussie



every time i do this i'm ignored because my favorite album isn't Sup Forumscore and no one seems to have an opinion on it


These are good

your initials are "ML"
you are more likely than not still in middle school


been listening to a lot of emo as well

would chill with



You don't know what you want from life

Panda Bear - Persons pitch

dis one

Loves living in the city


had huge aspirations when you were 18, now they're smaller but you're happy
gets hoes discretly
ravioli is your favorite food
you have friends of all ages
long time girlfriend but you think you can do better even though you love her
went you spent the night at your girlfriend's after record store day you were surprised at the strength of your erection
plays intramural sports like dodgeball

Avoided smoking pot in high school because he was a bitch. Probably smokes pot now.
You played way too much Baldur's Gate and Diablo as a kid.


scarily accurate

scarily inaccurate

Reserved but has a good sense of humor. You get frustrated because it's hard for you to find people that like the same/enjoy music like you do
Really chill, really trustworthy, and a very good friend. You accidentally get into arguments sometimes because you assume everyone shares your opinions.
You're fun to hang out with but you distrust a lot of people.
You sometimes get down on yourself because you think you are too critical about things (music especially), but you really aren't.
Good at making people see things from a better perspective. Well respected by people but also mildly intimidating to those who don't know you too well.
Wants to be in a band but is scared it won't go anywhere. You love being comfy and have a fairly comfy life.
If you are a musician/artist, you are very determined/good at it. A lot of people respect you for that. Also you can hang out with basically any type of person but dont stray from your friend group too often because you don't like being around people with a different sense of humor.

Now mine
>inb4 gay


Either incredibly intellectual and modest about it or the direct opposite
thinks he's better than most stoners because he listens to dream pop instead of dopesmoker and black sabbath

I listen to a fuckton of Black Sabbath. I've actually been to a concert there. And I've never smoked pot. Only ever gotten drunk and done a lot of ritalin. So no, pretty inaccurate




You love your mom
You live in an urban city
Has a goofy laugh that makes other people laugh

while i do live in an urban city, which explains my love for the modern dance, i dont know if that's my personality


The goofy laugh thing is actually pretty true.



Nah. Weed is just expensive as hell.

you have good taste in music I bet


Loves the feeling of being asleep/woozy like state

Daddy issues

Only one in their friend group that doesnt love to do drugs 24/7

Impulsive buyer

Angrier than people think

Cries a lot

Practices conversations before you have them


you're boring and lack any intellectual depth in conversations.


you have no friends
you're gay




Has a lot of ambition but doesnt have the energy to do anything with it

Chill but political

Lives in NYC




lazyposts on Sup



Cool pick user. I rarely see EBTG on here. I used to listen to Walking Wounded pretty frequently and I've been meaning to listen to Idlewild again.

you're embarrassing yourself

saw yourself in the image, huh?



respectable person

That's their worst album, m8. I don't know what your personality is, but it's now intrinsic to sheer disappointment.

wow you really got me good user
how do I upvote again?

Intelligent, fun to be around. You have a close group of friends but are the only in the group that plays music. You dream of living a beautiful psychedelic indie rock star life.

you need to smoke some weed, pal. get's yr mind right.

you sound about as wise as joe rogan, which is to say not at all

cool guy

Go for it.



Needs to learn when to shut up

Sincere. Too sincere.


Wow, I think this is the first time I've seen this posted on Sup Forums, you're probably a well rounded individual with a healthy relationship with their peers and many hobbies.

Likes the idea of walking through a forest in Autumn, but wouldn't actually do it



this guy fucks


This is one of about three jazz albums you listen to regularly.

You're usually pretty placid, but there is a short list of very specific things that make you very mad.

You like mazes.

You look up to your dad.

You've been in one or two failed bands.

When the going gets tough, you give up.

You're a connoisseur of cheap beer.

You take up and give up hobbies very quickly.

You're a cool person.

Right now it's pic related

Massive Attack vs. Burial - Paradise Circus

cool, refined personality. people think you're pretentious until they actually get to know you

slightly missed out on the 90s revival trend and it's killing you inside

most of favourite albums are ones his/her parents recommended

superficial personality. Initially charming but actually horrible to hang out with

/r9k/ robot (lol)

just like the album, extremely annoying

you like to grit your teeth and get on with things even when the going is tough

contrarian. if you attended a left-wing school you'd take a fascist stance in political debates just for shits and giggles

white boy with like 2 black friends who strongly influence his music taste

intellectually superior, but doesn't feel the need to show it off, resulting in no-one ever recognising it

pretty normal person.


has never actually been in love. listens to this album to replicate the feeling of heartbreak

loves panning and stereo effects in music

genetically inferior. you tease suicide a lot, but the fact that you like this album is unrelated to that

part-time "chill"-coreian, part-time weeb

Pretty much on the mark, damn.

which were you?

salad days, at the bottom.