Story time Sup Forums hopefully you'll take some knowledge from my giant cluster fuck of a life now

Story time Sup Forums hopefully you'll take some knowledge from my giant cluster fuck of a life now.
>I'm not greetexting it because I don't want to put in the effort to type like an autist

About 4 years ago I was a member of what we'll call an alternative sport. Every year people from all over the country would spend a week camping, beating the shit out of each other and engaging in debauchery I can't even get into. Almost all of it was done in tents and out of plain sight. It's not like it was some bohemian love fest but I digress. I'd been attending for about 5 years before this and finally became legal to drink. My girlfriend had broken up with me the month before and I had just paid her way across 3 states to get here. We met at this event so it only made sense to end it all there. It was also the day we moved out of our apartment officially. Our relationship was shit and by now I was over it looking for something else and boy did I find it.

We'd always had people under 18 at the event every year but I never paid it any mind until the year before we almost got shut down because of it. Site owner was pissed and I took it upon myself to assist in the problem. This year we only had 1 underage person that would've caused problems. She was developed for her age and was cute as a button. I knew that she would be pedo bait and all these nerd fucks are vipers. So I decided I'd keep an eye on her. I told her that I was with the events security (which was true) and that I'd be her chaperon when she was out of her camp. It was very common for us to do things like this for safety. Her parents understood it was for safety and so they agreed. She really wanted to get involved in the sport but wasn't old enough to sign her own waiver, so I gave her lessons she could take home with her. She took to it really well and showed a lot of drive. It was obvious she wanted to be involved in the sport but she was being blocked by her parents.


After a few days I noticed she wasn't in any trouble as our pedo problem makers were dealt with and I'd pretty much told everyone else she's underage so I stopped chaperoning her. The problem came when she started coming up to me. If I was on the field for a long time she'd bring me water when I stepped off. If I went back to camp she would follow me. Kind of weird having a 15 y/o girl following you everywhere. She was really interested in hearing about my life and my opinions. It became very obvious that she had become fond of me. As I'm not a pedo I found this unsettling but my twisted mind created an opportunity.

I started training her more and stayed off the field for a day or two. I taught her not only the inner workings of the sport but a mentality as well. I told her to be strong, independent and never be afraid to be different. When the week was over we had to part ways. Her eyes were brimming with tears when I had to leave. She later added me on FB and we stayed in communication. Her family life was awful and she had no male role model to teach her good values. I took it upon myself to try to help make her world a little brighter. From the beginning I told her that we could never do anything lewd and that's not what I wanted. She agreed and referred to me as her mentor from then on out.

Over the years she changed so much. Bits of her entitled millenial personality started to disappear. She started to get involved with skills and hobbies that usually men get into like firearms, hunting and mechanics. A few years ago she went to a snowboarding tournament and took 2nd which was amazing. She became so strong, independent and different. It was like a little grooming, some positive affirmation and praise could change everything about someone. I'd never thought all these years ago she would grow up so much and actually become what I groomed her to be. A strong woman. This would ultimately be my downfall.

You see in the beginning I wanted to groom her. I saw the potential in her to be a great woman for a great man. Unfortunately I thought myself to be that great man. I thought that with the distance between us and me not being a clingy shit would make her grow up and forget about me. We all know how it goes with long distance relationships. This didn't happen though. She became more attached as she got older. I know she's had boyfriends and always has a new one. It's not like I told her not to date. On the contrary I actually told her to go out and date people. When she tried to pull this "you're the only man I love" shit when she was 16 I told her to grow up and date a guy. So she did. Through it all though she's still attached to me so hard. What's even worse is I've dated as well and have been in a 3 year committed relationship that's going south real fast.

In 6 months she turns 18. She's been hinting that she wants to change the dynamic. She's been asking me different questions and treating me differently. The whole ebb and flow we use to have is now changing because I think she's viewing me differently. I'm 8 years older than her and that makes it really weird. Things have never gotten lewd and never will but I feel like she wants it to once she's 18. The main thing she's talking about right now is all the money she'll be getting once she graduates from her family to go travel and that she's going to be coming here first. The shitty thing is I live with my girlfriend and she's already told me she won't play nice. No chance of a Three's Company here.

So here I am Sup Forums painting myself into a corner with time running out. I've got an 18 y/o girl who in every way has been groomed to be perfect for me and my girlfriend of 3 years of hard work. In 6 months she'll be coming here to see me and meet my roommates. I've never been more terrified in my life.
What do I do?

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Fuck off kike.

No sport is played inside of a tent aside from professional ass stuffing you gigantic turbofaggot.

No the degenerate shit happened in tents not the sport you mong.

Make this sport or fuck off you cum guzzling sodomite


I don't want to drag their name through the mud anymore than I already have in the past.

It was a full contact medieval combat society.
>INB4 LARP/Amtgard
The difference between us and them is we beat the shit out of each other instead of roleplaying.

You break with up your girl you said its going south anyways. Otherwise that 18 y/o will come over, there will be a huge fight and you'll say I have feelings for both of you I cant deny that or some gay shit and then your current gf will leave you right there. Either way youre gonna end up with this 18 y/o just one way isnt as rough.


>I started training her more and stayed off the field for a day or two.
>we beat the shit out of each other instead of roleplaying

OP beat the shit out of a 15 y/o grill... For two days straight...

>muh HEMA
>muh SCA

I've put in so much work though. I can't just throw that all away.
>Either way youre gonna end up with this 18 y/o just one way isnt as rough
How so? I don't understand how I don't have a choice. I've still got time.
I quite like how my life is right now and don't want to watch it get out of control again.
Damn right. What have you done with your life lately?
Be mad.

No one believes you. You are obese and have greasy cheeto fingers toy fag larping fuck

Tell your current gf to fuck off and go for the girl you've been grooming you pedo faggot. It's not a difficult choice to make, you're just wanting approval and someone to tell you what you already know.

If I knew what to do I wouldn't be asking you faggots that haven't even seen a woman.

I'm freaking out man.
This is what happens when plans go too well.


add me in the screencap

I don't think it's that good honestly.

So you're just here to shitpost and feel bad about yourself, make a decision and stick to it.

Not yet. OPs autism must be further groomed to fruition

No faggot. I deliberately leave cunts like you out.

do it, youve done no wrong so far. break it off with your current gf and let it happen

>make a decision
>literally a thread asking what to do
You can't be this retarded.
>just here to shitpost and feel bad about yourself
Like you're not doing that right now.
>done no wrong so far
For real? I've heard nothing but the opposite from everyone else I've talked to about this.

We've told you what to do and you're still being a whiny cunt.

It can't be that simple. I've been racking my brain for weeks over this problem and it can't just be that simple.

I live with her. She has nowhere else to go.
What do I do then?

Kick the bitch out and fuck the kid!

Seems so awful to do something like that to someone you care about though.

People say the opposite irl because they are used to the you with the bitch girlfriend. Maybe you do enjoy your life the way it is now, but later you will regret not giving the young girl a chance. If you can forgive yourself after letting her slip through you fingers, then go ahead and let things be the way they are and dont make it sexual, but if you even consider changing things to be with the girl, you already know thats what you want and just need approval.

It is that fucking simple, your gf sounds like a bigger cunt then you are and having this obsessive younger girl around will only drive a wedge in your relationship. Pick the one you like more and go for it.

>People say the opposite irl because they are used to the you with the bitch girlfriend.
>later you will regret not giving the young girl a chance
>If you can forgive yourself after letting her slip through you fingers, then go ahead

Way to put things in perspective user.
I've really not made a decision which is why I came here. I knew that the normies I hang around wouldn't be much help but I really didn't want to come here with this.
>It's not my blog

Thanks for the perspective.

>Pick the one you like more and go for it.
That's the problem. One I've had living with me for 3 years the other I've only talked to online for the most part.

Younger girl seems to have a brighter personality.
My girlfriend has dealt with my shit everyday for 3 years.

Fucking threesome then. Fuck I don't know. Just take someone's advice and fucking stick with it.

That's the point of this thread you fucking mong. I'm not just going to take the advice of one person I'm going to get multiple points of view and multiple pieces of advice. That way I don't go into this half caulked and irrational.
>Fucking threesome then
I could only dream.

MODS prune this thread as I am finished with it.

Fondle the child. Godspeed user

She's not a child anymore though.

No, I'm going to keep bumping it.

Fuck off I'm deleting it.
If she saw this shit she'd hang me when she gets home.

>I had just paid her way across 3 states to get here
>Shes 18 soon
>Fuck my girlfriend of 3 years amiright?

This just sounds like a bad idea user, keep your girlfriend

I think you're mixing things up here. I had a gf before I met this younger girl that broke up with me.
I paid her to go across 3 states.
Then younger girl.
Then my new gf.

I'm going to shit up this thread since I can't delete it.

my bumps mean nothing

disregard this thread


post killing this bitch



no posting anymore


prune this thread



It has to die

Does your gf browse Sup Forums or are you just being a faggot?

Yes she browses. She usually comes home to lurk for about an hour which is why I'm killing it.
>She could be in this thread right now
>or on her phone lurking

I'm just being a faggot





Bumping for OP's girl to see








keep it alive anons

I won't faggot. Unless you go balls deep in that sweet sweet 18 y/o pussy

You should just talk her and deal with it, you're going to have to sort this out eventually.


No go away. Leave me to my sad thread.


Yeah in like 6 months. Fuck you man just get out of the thread.

Dude check it.

You have the SAFE, but FAILING choice: stay with the chicken you've known three years because it's easy and you know she'll stick around. This would largely be considered the "sensible" option.

You also have the "fuck my whole life let's throw caution to the wind" choice. Break up with 3 yr long gf and dive headfirst into 18 yr old snatch. Will it end in catastrophe? Will you alienate all your friends and family in the process? Or will you find true, everlasting love and happiness? Who knows? Do you want to take the chance?


No faggot. We want to watch you profit from barely legal snatch but you're too beta to do it!

Fuck autocorrect, clearly I meant CHICK not chicken.

Both are awful.


>30 minutes to kill a thread




Just turn off my lights fam.


No, you got yourself into this situation now you have to deal with it.


Fuck it. I can't even deal with this shit any more.



This is fantastic

As for OP why not both? When see comes to visit you can feel out the vibe. Lead with how you're miserable in your current relationship blah blah blah. If it feels right kick out the old and move in the new. Fucking simple.

Check em.
Just for good measure.

>why not both
My current gf has already made it plainly clear she won't play nice with anymore girls after I fucked my ex in our old apartment to show her boyfriend he was a cuck.
>They're still together

I'm a piece of shit human being that doesn't deserve to be happy.