Sadly, cutting my wrists vertically is my only option for suicide tonight because I don't have rope anymore...

Sadly, cutting my wrists vertically is my only option for suicide tonight because I don't have rope anymore. Will I even be able to die this way? I really don't want to just wake up in a hospital. I know that aspirin and a warm bath can help already.

Jeez bruh what happened?

Find a really tall building or bridge. If your gonna die, then at least do something that pumps the adrenaline like skydiving

get some help. call a friend. call a hotline. talk to someone. there is hope.

stab your inner thigh as well, just don't hit the bone other than that it will barely hurt

Bleeding out is painful as shit but go for it, run a warm bath to make it easier to flow out. Also only fucking retards try to die from aspirin, it's practically impossible to take enough to die without making a huge amount of noise due to the massive amount of agony you go through from liver failure.

Truly appreciate it but I can't stand hurting people anymore. My behavior is uncontrollable and I want to use lose my last shred of humanity for something good. I know it's still selfish but I can't take it.

Hmmm how would one get to top of said building? I honestly don't want to fuck up my pretty face lol

You literally just go to any apartment complex/regular building and make your way up. There is always an entrance to the roof which is marked. Is this your first rodeo?

>Also only fucking retards try to die from aspirin,
its all about making the blood thinner, at least in this scenario

Also you're not fucking up your "pretty face" you're fucking up your dead face. Dying isn't glamorous dumbass, if you're trying to be Hollywood about it and make it some big dramatic scene then it's no wonder you "ran out of rope"

lol because not wanting my mom to see my face that she created smashed like a pumpkin is Tinsel town. Fuck off

You'll be dead you dumb cunt. If you cared what she thought you wouldn't kill yourself. Stop thinking your death will be something out of cinema you faggot fuck, you clearly don't even understand the levity of what you're doing so you're approaching it like a massive fairy.

I'm actually facing jail time so this isn't a emo bitch suicide. Oh and realize you should kill your self for arguing with a stranger about a topic you created yourself. I'm not even trying to disprove you lol

"A bloo bloo bloo I don't want my precious parents to see me with a smashed up face!!!" As opposed to them seeing you naked in a bath tub bloated as fuck, or hanging from a rafter reeking of shit and piss with claw marks at your neck because your body naturally backed out at the last second. They're going to be burying your dumb ass regardless and death isn't pretty so stop acting like you have some kind of morals about killing yourself when it all ends up as the same life long destruction of your parents regardless of what you do.

Oh okay so you're just a massive coward then who can't serve out your sentence, any semblance of sympathy for your parents that was there is right out the window because of what a soft cunt you are so thanks for that lmao

Try putting a plastic bag over your head. You'll basically fall asleep, and it easy to take aplastic bag off of your head if you change your mind.

>seriously, whatever it is, it's not worth ending your life. It gets better. I k ow because I (poorly) tried killing myself 3 times.

saw this episode yesterday kek

srsly. just kill yuorself. if you dont you will be some mopey faggot the rest of your life. either that or go on a serious bender and hope you have an epihpany and turn your shit around. highyl doubt so end it.

Oh no!

What the fuck happened to your rope?

Revenge first right

What are you being convicted for?