Other urls found in this thread:

Stop this fucking stupid memes you fucking little autistic kids
you are really big guys for this meme

Diagnosis : fever
Symptoms : Hot Head

If I take away that vicodin, will you die?

it would be extremely painful

you're a big poster

Tell me about Chase, why does he wear the mask?


You're a good doctor.

Dr. Wilson, I'm C.I.A
Callous Introverted Addict

Was getting addicted part of your plan?

Or perhaps he's wondering why you would cure a man, before sending him back to death row.

That is some funny shit right there.

I love you

Of courshe!

what does the original sign say?

>80 years later, all your grandkids want to marry/become japanese


Now I feel bad

I liked that one

Lotta loyalty for a hired doc

wtf I hate Bane now

Only members of the CIA may post in this thread

"the smee"
who is he?
why is he on the flight plan?
he's key to all this.

What about their ali...I mean friends?

you don't get to bring friends

Dr. House I'm D.E.A.

cool off man

>Stan is literally CIA
>Roger dresses like CIA
Damn, really makes you think...

Keep moving slant eye


Lottaloyalty for a hired gun Or maybe he's wondering why you would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane? At least you can talk Who are⁉⁉ you ?? It doesn't matter who we are what matters is our plan No one cared until i put on Da Mask If i pulled this off will you die? It would be extremely painful Your a big guy 4U4U4U4U whats the next step of your plan? CRASHING THIS PLANE WITH NO SURVIVORSTHE FIRE RISES

nice find. I've been looking for something similar.

Been rewatching it lately. Been collecting reaction images.

No matter how shitty of a day I'm having, a Bane thread will always make me laugh. I hope this meme never dies. I've been laughing at these threads since 2013.

Take on for the road, friend



Recommended treatment: Dubs