Help me do my homework Sup Forums im stuck

Help me do my homework Sup Forums im stuck

pls b0os i'm suffering.

#4 is 8.4

thanks, need help with 2 and 3 please

more questions

Sorry Sup Forumsro wouldn't know where to start on that one. Just punched that 4th equation into an online calculator.

ah damn lol. thanks anyway Sup Forumsro

It's a system of equations. Just multiply the bottom equation by 2.5 and subtract them for number 3

so multiply bottom by 2.5 so the first are equal? and then subtract them?

(Same guy) or if it makes more sense, solve for P in either equation and plug it into the other one so that you have a single variable. For example, you could work on the bottom one by dividing by 10 then plugging in the resulting expression in the top equation everywhere you see a P

Yep, that way when you subtract both equations, the P goes away and you're left with only Qs

okay ill give it a try. do i do the same for question 5?

Don't do this or you'll introduce more work. You'll be solving for quantity when you want price.

Instead, solve both equations for Q, then set them equal to one another. Solve for P, the equilibrium price.

I'll post the answer in a bit so you can check.

hm a bit confused so should i make q=(......)?

anyway i got -23.2 im sure that is not correct.

/b is not your personal army
newfag thread
youre all complete faggots GTFO
didnt even read the rules

you're right Sup Forums is not my personal army, they are my Sup Forumsro's helping me.

Getting connection errors; sorry about the late reply.

oh wow, thanks for that. Thats a different way from what i learned.

He needs price as well as quantity, which is why I suggested starting with P. It doesn't matter which one you start with since he needs both

also to get equilibrium quantity do i substitute p with one of the formulas? e.g. 25p=200+4(14)?

You got it. For number 5 you're going to do the same thing, only you're given the equations for P and you want to find Q. Set the equations equal and solve for Q. Since it's a quadratic you'll have two answers. Only the positive one makes sense here since you're dealing with a quantity.

P=14, not Q. You can solve for Q by replacing everywhere you see a P with the actual value. In the resulting equation, there should be no P variable, only Q

You're right. I hadn't read ahead to the next question.

so you mean i do this 25*(14)=200+4q
and 10*(14)=540-3q?

Yes, but I goofed in the original math. P=24 Q=100.


oh wow thanks so much for all the help friend. you have no idea how much i appreciate it.