Album Cover Thread

Post some good/memorable album covers




I just wanna stare at it


What is that he's holding?


unironically this

I seriously wish there was an alternate reality where Sup Forums didn't completely ruin this album for me


Why is everybody in this thread posting Terminal Redux by Vektor?

Certified classic

It's unironically a good album, Sup Forums can't ruin it for you. That's just you being swayed by memes. That's your own fault, not Sup Forums's.





Oh that's a good one.


And Arca's newest release grabs me



Rooted in my mind since the first time I saw it like 10 years ago.


dont let people on the internet ruin something you like
my favorite


no wtf is this

love these

it's PIL, newfag

Apart from these two, album covers so far seem to trend towards cleaner, simpler designs. Are there any other good ones that are cluttered?

That's a good fucking album

This album cover put Nagel on the map

I'm very partial to this

Fits the album perfectly


It always stuck out to me because the symbols look like the same symbols Predator uses on his little bomb timer at the end.

Then I got told it was the member's heads displayed on a digital clock and I went quiet for a day.

contrarian here, what do you think of this cover art?

I like it, personally.

This one is better




oh buddy, we can play that game all day.

Wouldn't you recognize it without the words?

Memorable to me. This was one of the first CD's I bought myself.


nobody posted this?

Yeah, I guess.
Actually, the bit that bothers me most IS the words. That grunge-font look hasn't aged that well.


i like the record version better, actually.


Yeah - I had a similar experience. I choose to ignore the 'its the members heads' interpretation, and instead focus on maybe that's what digital readout would look like if the Machine was haunted by a Ghost.

The Predator interpretation works for me too.

Meant wtf is this as in the cover is absolute garbage

ITAOTS transcends Sup Forums and all human existence.

The best part about it though is that Copeland's "head" is slightly longer than the other two's.

Ok - now I kinda like the 'heads' interpretation.

minimal art blows your mind so w/e


Ohh yeah, that's a good one.



I really like minimalistic album covers desu

Like their music or not, Muse has some good cover art. Except Drones, that's shit.

no.... This is just a album cover you see a lot, not a memorable one.

dis niggler

> Idk if this is good but its memorable.
The blue album was more memorable. Perfect example for this board.

Makes for good wallpapers

pretty good

this album go through the entire universe



excellent cover art, on the other hand we have an extraordinary album with high repelent pretensious vibe


>50c sticker

I'd get this as a shirt without the words

still the best cover art of 2017



you both imply that you can 100% segregate an album from its reception

don't act as though you're completely objective, I still cherish the album and highly regard it, but damn is it hard to ignore the countless forced memes about the damn thing

with something like death grips, it's not a big deal because they thrive off of the conversation and reception of the internet, but something earnest with a heart of pure gold like ITAOTS deserves to be preserved



>you both imply that you can 100% segregate an album from its reception
No I didn't. My point is that your subjectivity and your flaws with your subjectivity is your fault and your problem. Don't blame it on others.

>damn is it hard to ignore the countless forced memes about the damn thing
It's very easy for me, actually. So as you can see, this is about you, not anyone else. Being influenced only works when you enable it. And when you are influenced, you're enabling it, whether you realize it or not.


This, I've seperated the memes from the music

this counts


I remember seeing this cover when i was a kid and losing my mind.



oooh that's a good one

True classic





>Post some good/memorable album covers
whats the key in creating a memorable album cover Sup Forums?

Something that fits the music, while cutting out the extraneous details? A lot of the albums on here that have good album covers tend to be more minimalistic. I guess stuff like hardcore or grindcore can have more cluttered covers, but then again, that fits the music.

Also, I'm kinda surprised there hasn't been a Beatles cover on here yet.

Great Cover, Great Album.


>Something that fits the music
what about this? id say that this is a very memorable cover but in my opinion I don't think it fits the music all to well
