How often do you think about suicide?

How often do you think about suicide?


At least once every minute

Maybe 6-12 times a day.

Never because I don't have depression or any mental illnesses like that.


What mental illness DO you have?

multiple times a day, lol

Shut the fuck up

Maybe, once a day

A few times per day on average.

Once a month

are u the same guy for past days

uh huh

About as much as I watch anime

just want to say i really liked k-on, the ending part makes me cry. wish there was the college season in anime though

not anymore
also where is the bug haired girl gone?

Not daily, but pretty close.

I like this better

Pretty much every morning/night, sometimes during the day.

Because of meds, not nearly as often as I used to.

you're a cunt. face it or die. newb. lelelelelel.

Sometimes I can go a few weeks without thinking about it, then it hits me and I fuck everything up.

suicide pact?

Some time ago, every 2-5 days
2 suicide attempts
Nowadays it's a very rare thought ever since dropped uni

Every day
Every night

not much since ive discovered the joys of scat porn

What do you do all day?

Every moment
pic related