Movies where the baddie wins

Movies where the baddie wins



guess how i can tell you're american

both characters are piece of shit people and they both lose in the end. they deserve each other



Not yet.

>not american
>defending a murdering whore

guess how i can tell you're a cuck

>zero reading comprehension

yeah, definitely american

>The literal murderer is as bad as the guy who cheated


it's implied that he's also a child molester


where does it say they're equally bad you cretin

are they both pieces of shit? yes they are

beyond that i dont care whos a bigger piece of shit

there cant be a bad guy if theres no good guy

these are not complicated concepts



Except Ben Affleck repents and comes forward about the cheating. And you're still comparing cheating to murderer by saying they deserve each other, one of them is far worse than the other.

Any world war 2 movie
Any movie about colonialism
Any movie about American slavery



not really a """"""baddie""""" but you know

It's not, that guy is just retarded.

I've seen the movie twice and read the book, it's not even implied. He banged a student as a PT junior college teacher, which is scummy, but the girl was plenty old.

I definitely missed that part.


Its not gay to like futanari. Okay?


Ex Machina
No Country For Old Men

>there cant be a bad guy if theres no good guy

I'm sorry but the idiotic way you presented your post makes me have to ask. Are you actually saying that there can't be a bad guy if there is no good guy?

Because there can be.

gone girl was fucking horrible

im talking about the good guy/bad guy duality so prominent in american movies

of course you can always have a character who is a bad person

Got ya. Next time don't post




Your moronic ideas, it makes it hard to tell if you are just an idiot with boring opinions, or a schizophrenic idiot with boring opinions.

Colossus: the forbin project
Phase IV

i'll post




Ben Affleck was clearly the protagonist of the movie. He was a flawed protagonist, but aside from cheating (which he had fair reasons to do), he didn't really do anything malicious. His wife straight up murdered a guy and tried to get Ben Affleck executed.

You can have a character be a protagonist or a "good guy" while still being flawed and imperfect. He did something that many men do, which is be unfaithful during a troubled marriage. Doesn't make him the bad guy.

His wife was straight up evil and psychotic.

>book was written by a woman
Well, that explains a lot.

I didnt see the point of her going awol. In the words of peter griffin it insisted upon it's self.