24 year old male here about to get a nose job because my nose looks like this...

24 year old male here about to get a nose job because my nose looks like this, and I'd like to get some female attention for a change.
How do I face my friends/co-workers with my brand new nose without getting roasted to oblivion?

move states/countries

Switch jobs and do the nose job in between.

>now was that so hard?

This. It's 2017. Who nose, it might be the best thing for you.

Fucking sucks but this may be my only option unless someone can give me something better

Yeah thats a pretty good idea. If you saw your homie with a brand new nose one day what would you think/say?

roasting would ensue for decades to come

Pussy is more important

Ask them what they would have done.

Lol fuck might have to move cities then, at least I'll be getting my dick wet I guess

Its stupid though, like if you were born an ugly cunt, and you could spend a few thousand to not be an ugly cunt anymore, you wouldn't do it?

youre getting a nose job. your obviously getting roasted constantly anyway so who gives a shit

If it made them more happy then I'd compliment it

id do it, fuck it

My niggas. Looking forward to going from a 4/10 to an 8/10 to be honest, gonna fuck so many shallow club whores.

lol, watch out for the herp and hpv my man. virtual high five

Before operation, go to job with bandage over nose and act like you broke it. Then, when the nose looks good, say that they reconstructed it like that.

Lol thanks dawg, good advice
It's gonna be hilarious when I get some hoe pregnant and the kid ends up with my old nose

Best advice yet
I can say I broke it and it became crooked afterwards which was the last straw for me to get it done
Great advice ma nigga

lol you sick sick bastard

Better yet, say it got broken by neonazis who thought you were a jew and kept yelling "how do you like all the free air now you kike!" while they were beating you.

Lol very believable, holy shit dude I'm so excited for people not to wrongly assume I'm a Jew anymore. It's gonna be awesome

Ask how many girls got a boobjob at your work and why no-one has an objection to that, that'll get the haters to shut their pieholes.

>who nose

Just dont give a fuck what they say youPUSSY.

here's some advice from someone who's 33 and pretty balding: Never do something that you can't stand for. Just own up to it. "my nose looked like shit and now it doesn't."

Exactly man, fake tits and fake ass and blowing your lips up like a fucking balloon, looks stupid as hell and unnecessary.

I just wanna fix something that has made me stand out and hear a bunch of stupid Jew jokes all my life haha.

True dude, gonna take this approach. But might also throw in the broken nose excuse. No one can really argue with that shit.

Right, do what you want for YOU, not for the dickwads who'vs never been in your shoes.

Pic related, sumsit up nicely.

Tbh, I like hawk noses. I think they're interesting and when taken a photo in profile, they're gorgeous. That's just me though.

Fucking this.

Be a man, confidence is what's attractive. Sure, the new nose will make you slightly more pleasing to the eye but the confidence boost will be the real game changer. Anyone asks then yeah, you got a nose job and you think it looks great. If that were me, I'd even make poor jokes about it, like saying my face needed a new centrepiece.

Your both right, maybe I shouldn't even bother with the broken nose bullshit.

Who gives a fuck how they react. Just say you are the next "Nosetradamus" and wait for endless swarms of pussy wanting your take on their sexual future.

Accidentally "Break" your nose in front of some people (group of friends/coworkers) .
Then, when you get it fixed, they won't be able to roast you as bad.
Just say something along the lines of, 'Might as well have it improved while they where at it'.
Boom. Makes you look less shallow and makes you seem reasonable/smart.
Good look b/ro

>from a 4/10 to an 8/10
My ass you will

Slipped in tube and broke your nose. Got it fixed. Or some cool bar fight scenario where your nose gets broken

You weren't happy with your nose, now you are, end of story.

tell them you were in a horrible accident and slammed your face into the pavement requiring massive plastic surgery

at least you dont look like this poor schmuck

Keep drinking that haterade.

No exaggeration man, if you look at people with massive hooked noses who get them fixed it instantly makes them a shitload better looking. And I'm not really that ugly if you disregard my nose.

Oh man.... Add a huge Jew bump and hook in there and I'm not far off

If it wasn't that bad I wouldn't ever consider something like this.

Say they had to remove something for medical reasons and had to remodel your nose, win win girls will think that your life was in danger and wanna bang you

hope to hell you don't fall into the same trap michael jackson did with the constant reconstruction, or you will be strapping on noses the rest of your life.

p.s. just get it done. don't tell anyone, just show up the next day a changed man. why the fuck would you make stories up? say it is a fuckin life choice, shut up and move on.

Nah man, definitely not obsessed with being the best looking guy on the planet.
All I really want is to blend into the crowd, such a strange feeling to have people often stare when you walk past. Kids pointing and laughing at and it that kind of shit, gets real old knowing people are constantly looking at you on buses, trains at work etc.

Poop on heir face