Why are there so few movies about massage therapists and the cucks who date them?

Why are there so few movies about massage therapists and the cucks who date them?

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I'm so fucking lonely lads

Same here 2bh

Me too


Do you know any massage therapists? If you knew any you'd know that only a tiny, tiny fraction give out handjobs, and many of those aren't even licensed. I really do feel sorry for them, it's decent money, but they're constantly propositioned.

can you guys stop posting my sister?

I'm not. I spend 13 hours a day here ironically.

I wanna cum all over your sisters horse teeth

you're joking but I actually spend at least 10 hours a day here

We're all lonely here. Together in our isolation.

At least the dota is starting soon

fuck you retard

Me too
>one relationship that lasted 3 months six years ago
>so uncomfortable around people I can't meet anyone
And I don't have the will to end it.

I made this reply four weeks ago but didn't get any (You)'s. You've copied me twice and gotten 40+ replies.

And here's another

Do you got any more pics

>spent my whole life making fun of jaded and isolated losers
>realized at 23 that I was that jaded and isolated loser

I didn't need to feel this.


Sibling cuck

who is this literally

>fast approaching 33
>still posting on a Japanese image board with teenagers
>accepted the fact that this is my life

I found this in ~45 seconds.
Still can't find anyone to talk to or a job.
This is my life.

I got married last year

This, if there's more photographic evidence of this fine girl then by all means MOAR

How much does she charge for happy endings?

And to add, all my friends are getting married within the next year or so. And I think I'm the only one rsvping singly.


>23 year old jaded NEET loser
>but I've had gfs and stuck benis in vagina so I'm not entirely worthless

It's a nice feel

I just had sex with my gf

>he still fell for the friends meme

top kek

Why does he look so alpha bros?

>And I think I'm the only one rsvping singly.

Ugh, every time I see a girl my age on that who seeeems half decent I scroll down and she has one or two kids.

Because it takes a true alpha to step up and raise another man's kid


What qino is this masculine embrace from?

Rome, nyuggah

Only thing that helps me get through it all is that I recently found out one of my friends is a literal cuck.


I hold no ill will towards him, but the guy I buy my drugs from literally got cuckolded* by his ex girlfriend and he was tricked by her into raising the child of the guy who she cheated on him with 2-3 years ago. Everytime I would see him, he would wax poetic about the joys of childrearing until one day he found out that the kiddo wasn't his and I was like "oh...damn."

Women my age (20-25) are just not worth it right now, in my opinion. They're too jewish and treacherous.

>* = he's black and the guy who cucked him is a mexican intellectual, so take that for what it's worth

How did he find out?

I didn't ask specifics, but considering the kid didn't look even 1% black, there was probably some kind of motivation to do a DNA test by that merit

either that or someone told him the skinny (like when I had to tell him he was being cheated on)

I honestly feel bad for black guys who get cucked because they really aren't meant to handle that thing, or any sort of emotional pain. They're like children or 2 dimensional characters, when you see them try to process an emotional betrayal like that, or a death in the family, or any other trauma you can tell they don't know how to react. They live only for carefree shit and wanna have a good time, man, they aren't meant to deal with any major issues like that.

Well I only see him when I buy drugs but he seems to have bounced back from it pretty good. He doesn't really talk about his ex or her kid anymore, he's dating/fugging new pussy, still skating and going to concers, and he's making steady money in his legit job in addition to his side income.

so I guess he's been living for carefree shit and having a good time

really made me think

Girl I knew got gigacucked.

Boyfriend cheated on her, knocked the girl up, got the kid and is raising it with her. He also gave her an STI he got from the slut he knocked up. Kids probably retarded.

Yeah but he's a drug dealer and they get so much pussy.

Used to have one living across from me
>outside playing with my dog one day
>white girl knocks on his door
>goes inside
>about 20 minutes later the guys wife comes speeding home
>runs in the house
>other girl comes diving out of a window with just a shirt on
>takes off running down the street

Legit one of the funniest things I've ever seen. And that was just one time of him getting caught. Dude would literally sit in the car in his driveway and get blowjobs. Apparently his wife is batshit insane and has stabbed him before.

Well he only sells weed and he lives with his parents too but you're still mostly right since girls my age will do dumb shit for some loud

swaglord how do i trick girls into having sex with me

he doesn't
he looks like he could fuck my sister though wtf

Me too brah. I'm crazy in love with a coworker at our small office and she's been acting like a bitch towards me for a while. I'm trying my best not to talk to her. It wouldn't be so bad if there were other girls talking to me but none of the dating apps and sites have worked out for me.

online dating/dating apps are a scam if you are not a vagina-american

Sigh .. I match with girls here and there and then we have to talk ... and then I usually try to get a date out of it but the last 5 girls I've talked to, the convo has gone to shit and no dates have come out lol

join a gym and gain some confidence. join an aerobics class where you are around woman and they cant run away. smile. take it easy man...

She's a therapist?
How much does she change for a happy ending?

That's your problem, fampai. The only time I used a dating app, I used it to get some benis in bagina action, not trying to get """dates""" out of it.

Women only use dating apps for dick and an ego boost nowadays

>Australian bot still not permabanned

You didn't read the last thread? It's not a bot, it's a phoneposter

something about a thin face looks wrong on a man

>mfw this thread still here

Tattoo money on your dick.

the pedo poster is a bot

Why would they want to put money into their ass/vagina/mouth?

>who is this literally

"swaglord" a mod on Sup Forums. He is dating a "masseuse" who has a kid of her own from another relationship

Holy shit. The only time this is acceptable is if you're in your 40s

I worked as a massage "therapist". Contrary to what porno tells you it is way less finger blasting barely legal teens and way more working on plumbers and roofers with shitty backs

you don't understand women

why are there so many single mothers

Before a woman who left her husband for trivial bullshit would die poor and alone now she can have Daddy Government give her alimony and child support

Did you even need to ask

My housemate once told me that the massage place next door gave happy endings. I refused to believe him, but went in anyway

After massaging me for half hour the Malaysian hottie whispered in my ear "would you like happy ending?" when I said sure she popped out of her dress and sat cross legged on the table, wrapping my legs around her waist, and using both hands as she kept saying "strong cock"

Needless to say it was most intense orgasm I ever had

Fuckin kek.

I laffin

>ywn get told you have a strong cock

Eh. True enough. I don't understand humans in general. No autismo

Mr. Mayor, that's a big strong dick you've got there and I see you know how to use it

What is this meme?

About to hit 30 and I'm getting better pretending I'm a normal human being. I think some girls at work like me but who even knows. Want to meet a girl and make the move, but the other part of me just wants to sabotage relationships because some part of me thinks I deserve to be alone. I legit think Sup Forums fucked me up. This place ate up my life and depresses me, but the thought of meeting a girl and leaving it behind makes me sad because this site pretty much raised me.

Wait is that gingercuck

There are but the only movies that accurately depict the life of a massage therapist are porn

massage kino



Qt feet

We'll be lonely together lads.


>realized at 23 that I was that jaded and isolated loser
Fuck this. 23 and have completely devolved from alpha chad to robot
All because I switched from /fit/ to Sup Forums

lol fag

>Women my age (20-25) are just not worth it right now, in my opinion. They're too jewish and treacherous.
enjoy meeting the love of your life at 30yo, raising your children, gibing them little kisses on their foreheads, until you start thinking she has sucked two cocks and its kissing them with that filthy mouth...

>tfw lost two of only 3 friends on my birthday the other day

>had a gf, tons of friends, partied every night
>lost it all
>reverted to my pre-college days
>sit in my apartment getting drunk alone every day
>the few times a girl is actually into me i'm too uninteresting to keep her interest
>physically feel the weight of loneliness on my shoulders day and night
>tfw failed normie

what happened

same here nigga, I don't post much but this is me. Sup Forums is my family and friends. I love you guys

Reminder this is literally a my wife's son tier situation

>tfw spent more time on here since my early teens to now at 22 than anywhere else, or with anyone else

Told a couple friends I didn't give a shit about their gift they got me I was black out drunk and got perma banned from league, don't even remember saying it to them but it's pretty clear it's because I was mad if they want to be faggots about it whatever

im sorry user, they'll come around. it's a stupid thing to be mad over.

when i was black out drunk a month ago i called my jewish ex girlfriend a kike. we don't talk anymore now. oh well.

and Canadian

>Told a couple friends I didn't give a shit about their gift they got me
>i was blackout drunk
>friendship ended
>got perma banned from league
Must suck to be 15. If it cheers you up they stopped being your friends because they hate you and you're an insufferable loser they are not that offended by what you said :)

this balding ginger manlet can get a butterface girl friend and you've never even held a girls hand how does that make you feel Sup Forums

Looks like me and my wife

Every day the urge to drive my car off a bridge grows to a level I previously thought was unreachable. I don't know where my limit is.

What's wrong with dating a massage therapist?

i get this thought more often than i like to admit

Chris Chan'd infected gash vagina made me realize that I don't have it so bad

>Whats wrong with being a cuck?

You know that moment when the girl admits to Dante in clerks that she sucked 36 dicks?

>Whats wrong with dating a woman that earns money by touching different men every day...

she owns 2 massage studios that employ massage therapists :^)

>100 replies
>ctrl-f "feet"
>results 1 of 1

it's over
Sup Forums is dead
long live redditv