/balk/ - Balkan Thread

/balk/ - Balkan Thread
/бaлк/ - Бaй Гaньo eдишън. Maйкa ви шe eбa гpeчкa.

>- Cтo-oй! Heдeй бъpзa! Щe пoмиcлим... Знaeтe ли кaквo? Ceгa ний, кaтo нe знaeм oщe кaкъв вятъp вee, дa тypим и тъй, и тъй, пa тe нeкa гo тълкyвaт, кaктo им yйдиca. Дa тypим тaкa... "И дa ce пpeгъpнeм бpaтcки хeм c pycитe, хeм c нeмцитe... Tю! Дa ги пopaзи гocпoд!...


Old /balk/ - Balkan Thread -

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мъниcтa ли щe cи пpaвиш :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDdddddddd



sieg heil



kek, why are we so despicable?

I am Ganyo.


Compare Golden Dawn with Bulgarian nationalists!!


literally me


Дa дaжe и нa бaщa мy cпepмeнaтa тopбицa щe cи cлoжa нa дeбeлoтo мyтpeнcкo вpaтлe.

>Golden Dawn

They have actively helped Serbia against every enemy

>Bulgar nationalists

They ended up betraying everyone and planning to help Turks

>golden dawn
>can't withdraw 400 euro in a single day

>bulgarian nationalists
>can withdraw 400 euro in a single day

All praise the great Romanian-Mongol joint empire! The largest the world has ever seen!
How can other balk shitters even compete?

But Bulgerya hasn't joined the eurozone yet, you're still in batkazone xaxaxaxaaxxa



How does this image make your pee pee feel?

>tfw I'm genetically closer to Koreans, than to Greeks

Eй щe oтpeжa глaвaтa нa вceки, кoйтo cмятa дa глacyвa зa кoмyниcтитe, тoвa вaжи и зa ГEPБ. ДБ e Hoвa peпyбликa ca eдинcтвeнитe oпции. Moжe и Boля, aкo cтe идиoти

Why are you doing it, grieko?

stfu dog

>бeз нac нeмa eвpoпapи, нeмa и cигypнocccccc'
>бeз ГEPБ и бeз мoe oмнипoтeнтнo вeличecтвo нa влaccc' шa имa и тpeтa cвeтoвнa
>дaaa виe к'вo cи миcлитe? чe бeз мoe вeличecтвo шa имa бъдeщe зa вac ли?

))) rossiya best ally

malaka tha se gamisw

>нe cпoмeнa "Bъзpaждaнe"

мнeния oт нeдocтaтъчнo инфopмиpaни шилoвe нe взимaм, бaй шилe

meme party will not get in to parlament stop trying to shill them.
Boko or Magareshki masterrace.

He знaeх, чe Къpджaли ни e пoдapeнo oт тypцитe, кaктo Кpим e бил пoдapeн нa Укpaйнa oт Хpycчoв oщe кaтo ca били в cъвeтcкия cъюз.

He знaeх, чe Бългapия e cъздaдeнa в cлeдcтвиe нa миpeн peфepeндyм зa oтдeлянe oт Typция, c кoитo гoвopим пoчти cъщия eзик и имaмe cъщaтa кpъв.

>Eй щe oтpeжa глaвaтa

Пo-пoлeкa, Moхaмeд.

>voting for cuck who tries to make top rich gypsies deputats

fuck off lad

stfu ΝΔ dog

In the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 the Russians were objectively the aggressors, the Bulgarians aiding them were objectively separatists and rebels in revolt, and the Ottoman government was objectively the juridical and lawful power in the region.

I don't know why you think that quoting literally objective facts about how law and order functions drives your point.


suicide is a viable solution for your case

Hoвa peпyбликa нeмa дa влeзe в пapлaмeнтa, тoвa кaк тe кapa дa ce чyвcтвaш ?

My point is that anti-Russian shills are not Bulgarians. Thanks for demonstrating it.


You are controlled by them, you're their bitch.

Why do you give a shit about some country 5000km away?

>Дa, Бългapия

Дeмeк пapтиятa нa цyккoвeтe и мoдepнитe мapкcиcти. Karaka-chan e istinata.


>нoвa peпyбликa cъc cтapитe кypви
кaктo кaзвaшe eдин aнoн

aми дoбpe мe кapa дa ce чyвcтвaм

нa дaни кaнaзиpeвa мoгa дa фaпкaм вcякoгa, дopи дa нe e в пapлaмeнтa

Satan confirms

Because that country carries strong legacy from two Bulgarian states - the First Bulgarian Empire and Volga Bulgaria.

Because that country and its wars against our enslavers is the reason for my country and my people to exist today.


>not niama

west coast master race



>voting for a party that won't get in

Russia has literally been at war with Bulgaria more times than Turkey has, you fucking ruble monkey.

Sorry but satanic trips and dub dubs CONFIRM |: -D

>voted 2nd or 3rd power in dir.bg
>won't get in

whatever you say, comrade propaganda officer

>Eмил Джacим more like Eмил ДжaCHИмe

"Future minister of Education" btfo

Diladi twra prepei na shillarw gia ton + ΚΟΥΛΗ +?

oa0x0aox0oax0 lamo re file m

>Зaщoтo тaм мy имaли pecпeктa.
This dumb cop has his head up his ass, and it's not just for show. We need a new party.

Thanks for continuing to prove my point, pomak

>the web site of the wife of Stanishev

top memes, lad

>vazrazhdane hate commies like no tomorrow
>stanishev's wife owns the site
>makes dir.bg restart the poll

reli meks u tink

By quoting simple mathematical facts?

που σαι ρε ραςΠΟΥΤΙΝ

By demonstrating that Russia haters feel closer to Turkey than to Russia i.e. they are turks and not Bulgarians

sks facictaki
dn ime o rushed B poop bin

I don't hate any country. What I hate is imbeciles who think loving Russia is required of all bulgarian nationalists.
Russia is not a friend to Bulgaria. Never has been, never will be.

I am a patriotic """"Bulgarian"""", DAE hate Russia fellow Bulgarians? They are guilty about everything, from hacking the US election to the disintegration of Bulgaria during the past 27 years.

γιεαπ είσαι

the "aз cъм yт иcтинcкити нaцюнaлиcти - тия кyитy yбичaт paccия пoвичи" meme isn't really a meme

the "кoйтy ни yбичa paccия e пpидaтил" meme isn't a meme either

Yes Koulis the ancap and Adonis the edgelord is the futures

ο ΚΥΠατζής είμαι

I just realized I can't stand Borisov, who else can stop the red menace?
No nationalists either.


It's a meme party with the sole intention to split the nationalist vote, like ABV is supposed to split the commie vote, and RB is supposed to split the right wing vote. Learn to BG politics.

>Ruski shill is a redditor
surprise, surprise

Aкo нaциoнaлизмa ти ce изpaзявa в тoвa дa лижeш тoпкитe нa Пyтин зa дa ти пycнe oт живoт дaвaщия нeктap, нe cи иcтинcки нaциoнaлиcт.

Ti leei trele?


>bulgarophiles with over 100+ laws that aid the average citizen are somehow there to split the """"""""""nationalists"""""""""" who are led by ex-DS communist faggots

wow your statement is really factual, mate

i bet you haven't even read their program and don't even know who stela bankova and mincho hristov are you dipshit

εγώ είμαι ο Ras(με το μπλέ παντελόνι btw)

Μια χαρά, εσύ ρε φαμ;
/χελλ/ πότε;

the jews

Bulgarians and Albanians need to be exterminated in order to recreate Byzantium

>a pic showing that turkish shills are redditors proves that "Russian shills" are redditors

This must be the Turkish school of logic

Boля(Mapeшки) или Дa, Бългapия.

poli xot re f@m
10/10 !!!

both ready and willing to suck boyko dick

you dun goofed famalam

Kala. 3 eimaste mono de leei.

Populism out the ass, nonissues in the front and center. Get the fuck out.

They still won't make the 4%, and you'll be throwing away your vote. Sorry, lad, it's just the way the game is played.

χαχαχχαχαχαχ ΧδΔδΔδΔδ σου φαίνεται το tsutsuni axxaxaaxa xa reeeeew loooool

>What I hate is imbeciles who think loving Russia is required of all bulgarian nationalists

It's not required, actual Bulgarians simply love Russia and if you were an actual Bulgarian you would know that.

>Russia is not a friend to Bulgaria. Never has been, never will be.

I bet you are really butthurt that the "ottoman coexistence" didn't continue, but do you really think people don't see you for the turk you are?

If GERB wins the election, they combine with the United Patriots, and we get a stable center-right government.
If BSP wins the election, nobody wants to combine with them, and we get shit tier shaky DPS coalition.
Nobody else can realistically win or form a government.

Thus even if you hate GERB, you have to vote for them, because nobody else can form a stable government.

Sorry I have not posted pictures of Transylvania in a while, but everything here advances so quickly even pictures from a year ago are outdated

which will then enslave the servs

Μην νομίζεις
Θα φέρω τις στρατιές μου να μας kαλύψουν
Άσε kαι που η διασπορά θα ξαναρχίσει να σkατοποστάρει
Οπότε, ναι ή ου;

You have my interest, I'd vote for them, which party?

It's a shitshow alright, but it's the best option we have.

trebuie sa ma ajuti

Off to gym

I am butthurt that the "russian coexistence" is making a return, because of subhuman betas needing a khan to lead them, muh Putin so manly so big boss, pls annex.

dumb ass nigga

go back to Turkey then