What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


I actually don't know.




My mother's husband has a 40ft pinnace. Should I be worried?

They are mocking white bois.



That's actually a pretty big boat.

literally the only thing I can really conclude here is that they're tacitly saying if you don't own a big boat you're inadequate as a man.

there's no other way to read this and have it make any sense.

What did they mean by this?

Can't say I'm surprised a twitter account literally called BBC is making fun of white dicks. OP, do you get upset over every random twitter account making fun of white people? Get over it, how insecure are you?

For you

I got this notion that the motion of your ocean means small craft advisory

We're gonna need a bigger boat (upvote if you get this ref :D )

Hey arnold?


What did England mean by this?

pls be real

Oh it is


Bet you were so happy to see a thread about something England related so you could use that little image, huh? You're pathetic. I could fucking kill you and nobody would miss you, you know. In fact they'd be glad. They'd thank me for destroying such a useless waste of oxygen. I should. Fucking. Kill you.

I just made that image lol.


holy fucking shit why would you even risk talking to a woman now. Fuck this place. Can you imagine the types of reports the cops have to put up with now lol

wew lad

Can you kill me as well?

t. Nottingham Uni bellend

Pretty much everywhere, it's gonna be hot

This thread memed on me and made me LEL

Kill me too please


do you think that charlie stayt gets embrassed when he poos out small vessels in front of louise sorry if this ofends anyone but i thought it was a funny thing haha

>literally being a wife's son

What did he mean by this?

Being a wife's son is awesome. You are a symbol of your mother's husband's inferiority everytime he sees you.

I live with my Dad though.

Jaws, you retards.

Bit cheeky 2bh m8.


apex kek

I don't get it

u mean asians mister big dinger