No one will talk to me, everyone hates me, i'm completely alone, i will never hug a girl, let alone have a gf

no one will talk to me, everyone hates me, i'm completely alone, i will never hug a girl, let alone have a gf

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Hey, i remember you from r9k months ago, hows it going?

Start working out man. You'll feel a lot better about yourself and shit will change. Confidence is key

this is stale

But since i am retarded anyway, invest all your time in getting a really good job. Make getting a dream job your job and go to the gym or something idk


I guess this is pasta but if its true hit me up on kik, my name is Pr1ke.

I remember you from r9k from years ago. You were taking pics of yourself crying even back then. Why are you always taking pics of yourself crying?

this might help.

not very good
i started working out about a month ago, it does help but i crash hard and feel bad after i lift heavy
that's what i'm in college for. but what do i need to make 6 figures for if i'm going to be by myself? idk it just demotivates me

So you can buy shit you want
Start collecting shit
I collect Klan related records and racist records from the 20s - 90s and Vietnam war era stuff.
I have a gf and will be getting a decent job soon. If i didnt have a gf and somewhat of a social life I would invest all my time into my hobbies


i'm usually crying
i have everything i want, in terms of tangible objects
i remember those commercials

well don't get your hopes up. just find something you like to do in the meantime. maybe one day you will find someone. also try meeting new people.

buy a gun problemo solved im sure you know what to do nxt

i think i will do that soon. i can't fucking hang myself i always pussy out. but i could get drunk and pull a trigger. worried i'll fuck up and live

Ahahah I have a gf OP fuck you

People usually do what they feel most comfortable with, or what they think will help them the most.

You obviously enjoy sitting on the computer all free time, crying and whining and doing nothing about venturing out into the world. That's perfectly AOK.

What's NOT okay, is that you *keep complaining,* expecting people will sympathize with you. You ignore advice, you won't move your lazy ass outside, this might even just be a troll, and you waste time and emotions of anyone who might care.

You are....






try time stamp. i saw so much of you that i think someone take your pics

Don't lift heavy unless you're a faggot, run, swim, lift light/medium, do planks and shit, have a good diet.