>Pulling a DDL on a forgettable summer action flick
I call autism
I feel like Smith couldn't wait to talk shit about this movie. He looked miserable
Wtf? I hate sosaisqa now
Lmao! All that work for a short 20 mins (maybe) of screen time. And then having papa Smith air your shit out the same day as your premiere
Was the joker blacked?!
that kid looks like a little girl version of todd barry
Has he gone too far?
So why would he go to so extreme only to be in the film for a small amount
Publicity probably
Jared leto is an asshole who is full of himself. He is genuinely not a nice guy at all.
>stay in character for over 6+ months
>film over 50 minutes of footage
>the film cuts your character down to only 15 minutes of screen time
Is Jared going to freak?
>turned successful actor
>with a confirmed huge dick
tell me you wouldn't be an arrogant bastard if you were walking in his shoes
The dude is constantly method acting every character he plays. Of course he won't be heaps friendly or a "normal" person because he has chosen to live in his roles.
Was it autism?
>ripping on Leto
signs of a full blown plebmaster
All this effort and he honestly ends up being a pretty bad actor.
>rock star
*smacks lips*
*smacks lips*
*smacks lips*
*smacks lips*
name one other actor in Hollywood apart from Bale who looses and gains so much weight?
>honestly ends up being a pretty bad actor.
found another pleb
That doesn't make you a good actor.
I for one enjoy the works of leto especially his music it speaks to my 12 year old girl self.
Fuck off nubs!
*holds up spork*
Shit man, fair point
That's called being a media spectacle, not a good actor.
Method isn't the end-all be-all.
It's a crutch if anything.
Fucking hell I thought it was just a meme but it's actually real
>that time leto won the Oscar and he used his acceptance speech to promote his shitty band
Ultimate cringe
Beats "environmental concerns" and "human rights violation in whogivesafuckistan"
>his shitty band
alternate rock is way better than lil wayne shit
From left to right:
>average american male
>guy who goes to the gym and doesn't use steroids
>guy who goes to the gym and does use steroids
>guy who doesn't eat and probably uses stimulants
It takes more than drug use and having free time to be a good actor. Not that anyone here needs convincing.
Actually his band and post Carter 3 Lil Wayne are about the same quality, you fucking stupid neckbeard
They're both equally shit
Mum mums gonna be cranky
Oh look another autist parroting his 13 year old fedora tipping peers.
> he fell for the ss+ gomad meme
I don't understand this. Why take a role that he fucking hates?
He obviously doesn't need the money
because he wants to be Batman, just watch as they eventually turn Deadshot into Batman. Pretty sure there was a comic about it or something
Will Smith is the most unconvincing bad guy there is. He's too much of a schmuck to make himself play anything but a hero 100% of the time, even in this movie he'll act like he's a good guy
Tell that to Daniel Day-Lewis pleb
He should have starred in Independance Day 2 seriously!
You can only imagine how much better that film would have been with him in it and his mediocre son (not actual Jaden I mean the actor who played Will's character's son in Independence Day 2) was written out.
That's the dumbest shit I've read today
>That moment when you realize that you were nominated twice to best actor a decade ago and you're doing capeshit now.
>subversively uses the entire genre to divert focus away from this particular shitty band
He can't even properly pretend to be a good musician.
>tfw a qt Asian enters a scene and you too sad to even be happy to see her
It's not that he hates the role, he just can't play a villain
This is the extent of his acting depth. Being anything other than the role model protagonist firing quips is so foreign to him, he just puts on a "I gotta go take a shit" looking face
well he did try to act bad here... referring to himself as a "bad guy"
But so true. He is such a great hero actor but is obvious he wasn't that trained to act fully "evil"
He works so that he can stay away from his fucked up family as much as possible. His fucked up son and his mentally unstable wife.
I only date tall men because I want tall children hehe xD
Women can be such cucks.
My guess is that he took the role just so he can fuck Margot Robbie again
Does his wife know?
He can't do it.. even if they forced him by docking his pay he couldn't pull it off. That criminal thug attitude doesn't exist in his repertoire
he could have any woman in the world and he settles for... that
>i want to stay relevant so my fucking son can be a weirdo without the media judging our family
>i want to win something meaningful, not another mtv movie award
It wasn't even method acting, Jared Leto is just a notoriously bad human being, he just had an excuse to do whatever the fuck he wanted with the occasional 5 minute """work""" every week.
>Jared Leto (while in his Joker mind) sent porn magazines and sex toys to Karen Fukuhara
Jared Leto talks about the reason he sent all the actors different sorts of "gifts":
>"The Joker loves to play games, he loves to manipulate and that was part of the reason to do that and when you do give a gift to someone, even in real life you think about what do I get them. You think about who that person is to you. What would they like? So that immediately started to be really good homework for me. What do I give Deadshot? What's my relationship with Deadshot? What's our history? And down the line with every character you start to think about what would I give them, I gave Deadshot a briefcase full of bullets. It was kind of a message, it was kind of a threat..."
Director David Ayer would say very disturbing things to his cast members before filming a scene with them. Cara Delevingne recounts what he said to her:
>"Imagine you've woke up, you've blacked out last night and you look at your phone and you find pictures of you molesting a child"
He can't tell them apart anymore. Maybe he never could.
He's not good enough to "act" in some arthouse shit, but he's not bad enough as a personality to not be considered for a really good, honest fun blockbuster.
It's a guessing game with contracts, millions of dollars to do nothing with, and two daughters who probably don't love you.
>i want to win something meaningful, not another mtv movie award
Doing capeshit?
Imagine being Will with all those white women on the movie set, but at the end of the day he has to come to home to his lunatic wife who theatens to castrate him if he messed with those "whores on the set"
I was thinking the same thing
If Will isn't cheating then he's a really good man because I don't have it in me to go home to that family of mutants
>Will Smith who plays himself in every movie he's in not understanding method acting.
Cringing and laughing aside working with this guy must've been a fucking nightmare.
>having Jesus Christ play the Joker
>good nig
What did they mean by this?
Except theyre in an open relationship. Will fucks whores on set while his wife is fucking other guys at his home.
>questioning whether a man who can turn water into wine would be a good actor
Who would voluntarily fuck Jada?
I FREAKED a little.
Homeless people. She lures hobos into her home offering them sex and booze so that she can torture them in her basement.
>you will never look as attractive as him
kill me
Reminder that five years from now his 'performance' will be seen as outstanding and he will talk about the following depression he had.
Good eyes user kek
Reminder that five months from now Sup Forums has completely forgotten this flick
It would only be rightful, but it won't happen. Capeshit is these retarded teenagers' lifeforce.
We already knew that before the first trailer was released. How fucking stupid can you get?
what a cringefest.
thats not dr strange
found the kike
>dying of painkillers overdose
screenshot this
serious question, what's Jaden done?
not such a good actor now is he?
For a shitty performance in a shitty movie, and even more expected as such, it would be pathetic as fuck.
Nothing. He has done absolutely nothing.
Jonah Hill
If the only thing stopping you from being an asshole is your level of success then you're already an asshole
>Imagine being Will Smith on that set and being all like ''Damn Leto you a great actor and scary as hell man'' while tolerating his edgelord attitude and cringy as fuck DAMAGED tattoos for hours and hours, take after take. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
He has made some really good music in the last 2 years, his music before that wasn't that special though
lol fucking manlet
Jealous much, Willy Boy?
Low quality, apply yourself
>muscle definition = steroids
That man-bun wearing faggot.
Will Smth just plays Will Smith in every movie he is in.
I always wondered why Will Smith would take a part as a b-list superhero in a DC movie of all things (not even Marvel).
Then it hit me. His wife is, against all odds, a recurring character in the tv show Gotham. I wouldn't be surprised if some kind of deal was made on the side that Will Smith would star in this so his wife could take a prominent role in the tv show.
Stellar acting: youtube.com
It's the only reason he acts. It's always been a means to promote and finance 30stm