Who is this guy and what did he do wrong?

who is this guy and what did he do wrong?

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>implying hitler did anything wrong

i think he said that classical music isnt good for you

Some youtube douchebag video game guy named jontron. apparently said a bunch of racist shit and people didnt like it. something about playtonic cutting his cameo from the yooka laylee game because of it

He's funny, and he did nothing wrong. People are critisizing his opinion. Nothing we haven't seen before.

He's an e-celeb and he molested the kid from Stranger Things

He agreed to have a debate about his politics and didn't prepare for it.

Fuck off Aaron.

endorsed white nationalism and couldn't take the negative response

Free speech goes both ways niggers

He thinks blacks are a myth and his name is Robert Paulson.

everyone else is wrong, dubs speak the truth

saying white people are genetically superior to blacks and saying that rich black people commit more crimes than poor white people.

Yup definitely not racist, but this is Sup Forums everyone here are conservative trump loving racist republicans

provided accurate and truthful information about the black community

that means he's a nazi


I like how e-celeb is an insult still. He has more eyes on him and his work then most hollywood celebs

didnt know how to debate and got corner trapped into saying something in a bad way

dont get me wrong, i hate niggers too, but look at this fat fuck. his fat neckbeard white genes are definitely superior fucking kek what a loser

He's not white, faggot, he's from Iran.


And yet he has less legitimacy than the child he molested. Cry more.

He's Middle Eastern fag

He made sane points on valid opinions, but as a person with light skin, you can't do that in 2017.

I didn't say that it was an insult, I simply stated the most accurate description of his station.

Middle Eastern nationals are white you ignant piece of dildo cheese.

Holy shit, really? I though everyone here hated sand niggers too, why the fuck are people defending him? They are worse than black niggers, holy fuck this level of hypocritical autism is off the spectrum.

So even questioning blacks and their perpetual culture of glorifying violence is racist now.
>just admit to yourself that you want to control speech and shut up people who say things that are inconvenient to your world view

John Tron is a funny mother fucker. What did he do wrong? Posting like 1 new video a month?

Fuck off conspiracygrumps reddit

He was born

He spoke truth.

Is this the new meme?
>Glen Beck killed a guy
>Cruz is the Zodiac Killer
>Lazy memes

You're drunk Suzie, go home.

YouTube personality makes more sense. E-celeb is like you are trying to belittle his achievements

I dont give a flying fuck what he said, all im saying is that those remarks are racist as hell. not that i have a problem with that, i hate niggers too lol but thats ok, just keep assuming you know my beliefs. just stating facts here.

Pewdiepie and he did nothing wrong

literally hes not that famous.

They are not racist remarks, misinformed awkwardly presented yes
>You dont want me to assume your beliefs but you do the same to JonTron motives.

Old media want to shut down the new media.
Ask pewdiepie what he thinks.

But he isn't really a "youtube personality", per se. He does twitch and social media shit too. E-Celeb is honestly the most apt term, and you are just a giant smelly nigger.

he is an e-celeb

Doing shitty math about 40 million people have seen deadpool in theaters.
>JonTron has over 410,363,684 views
Not even going to get into subs and followers

again, i dont give a fuck what he said or what he belives, nor do i care to know. all im stating is that to most people on the outside of the scandal, with no context, he sounds like a total racist. so with no context, youre telling me those statements dont sound racist? (whether he meant them to be or not) go ahead, make either one of those statements to a black person and see if you get shot.

Old media wants to merge with new media real bad and vice versa, but no one has found a way to successfully join the two that people have been receptive to. The Pewdiepie shit went down because many journalists are just shitty people like anybody else who were looking for self gain in the form of sensational clickbait.


Aye u fahs. watch dis. CHECK EM

check em AGAIN


wELL NOW IM goNNA kil l MY seeflf

"You know, black people shoot more white people than white people do blacks."

"UOOGA BOOKA DA FUK U SAY TO ME HONKEY" *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang*


did he really?

aye never mind lmao

literally exactly how the situation would go. although, i fail to see the point youre trying to make.

jontron just want the united state to be majority white but people forgot that white man build democratie. less be real. if white become minority in united state, america will destroy himself. just look at the rest of the world and you can see that woman are kill in the street in musulman country and that every third country are rule by dictator etc.. only the white race have build a good futur for manking and no other race did that. this is something to worry about

I would assume so, yes.

He's just a dude. Human, like you or me. Nothing more, nothing less. You shouldn't give any more weight to his opinion than you would give to the guy down the street from you. It means nothing.

okay but see if i went to a corner in lets say, los angeles. i could show people a picture of jontron and i bet you only 3-4 people are gonna know what his name is let alone know where he is from. now if i take a picture of an actor from deadpool, they will instantly recognize the actor or at least know where he is from.

>citations needed.
that's basically the gist of why he's so hated, if you're gonna spout inconvenient truths you can't just say "Look it up" and expect people to be cool with that shit.

He's not even white

Jon "A man, his bird, and 14 words" Tron

Believes that immigration is an invasion and that America must protect its white purity. Quite sad really.

from what I gather he is a manchild who plays video games. he had a channel on youtube called game grumps. then he fucked off and started his own channel called jontron. gained about 4 million subscribers mostly preteen boys. then on his twitter he revealed his power level.

Timeline is wrong friendo

The point is niggers can't accept (or don't understand) the truth that they are inherently violent. And by extension, neither do the hundreds of thousands of social justice crusaders that live to brainwash children on the internet and suck off nigger cock

They are making real, quantifiable changes to the state of the world. Strengthening the dichotomy between 'good truth' and 'bad truth' and making sure the 'bad truths' (such as that rich niggers commit more crime than poor white people) never see the light of day. Lynching anyone that acknowledges the bad truths like Jaunt Ron here

Wait, what did I miss? Does someone have a link to this shit?

>Sounds like a racist
>Is therefore a racist
>Black Males are 58% of those killed legally by private citizens in self defense
>However, 75% were killed by other blacks
>Black men are about 6.5% of the US population but they commit 52% of all murders (40% in recent years)
>must be racism

He dared to speak about race, as a white man.

Meanwhile, in Black America...

Black Entertainment Television, Black History Month, Black Business Initiative, Big Black Comedy Show, Black Journal, Black Magazine, Black Biker Week, State of the Black Union, Black Heroes of Comedy, Black Film Festival, Simply Black, American Association of Blacks in Energy, Black Enterprise, Black Women's Network, Congress of National Black Churches, Black Security Execs, National Association of Black Journalists, National Association of Black Telecom Professionals, Congressional Black Caucus, African American Male Empowerment Summit, Blacks in Government, Harvard Black Law Students Association, National Alliance of Black School Educators, National Association of Black Accountants, National Association of Black SCUBA Divers (seriously?), Black Nurses Association, National Association of Black-Owned Broadcasters, National Black Flight Attendants of America, International Black Film Festival, AND MANY MORE

>sane points on valid opinions
They were poorly researched and regurgitated talking points, but ok

Why do I have to spoonfeed sjws information

They should learn to be adults and digest information that isn't in the form of a tumblr blog post or a rednosebeanmouth comic

>make either one of those statements to a black person and see if you get shot
and make a similarly structured argument towards a white person and watch yourself not get shot. see, even you admit blacks are more prone to violence.


so that makes them lies? interesting. i didn't know logic worked that way

jontron is not a master debater i can accept this but that doesn't make what he says instantly false

youre still not getting the point, i agree with you 100%. i know im racist, i admit it. the fact of the matter is that the statements he made are targeting a specific race, whether they are true or not. thats literally all im saying.

Definition of racism

: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

He's a guy that at one time, was dear to me, now he's as low as Sup Forums scum.

>just admit to yourself that you want to control speech and shut up people who say things that are inconvenient to your world view

Holy shit the autism; I never never special olympians could jump that far to conclusions.

A lot of people seem to have problems understanding that free-speech doesn't mean consequence free speech. You are free to say you hate niggers, but I am also free to call you a fucking retard. And me calling you a fucking retard also has its own consequences when not on a weeb message board.

then we're arguing semantics

also going off of this, it appears as though reality is racist

holy shit, can anyone read? i AGREE with what hes said. all im saying is that the statements uttered from his mouth are racist against blacks. whether hes right (which he is) is or not is irrelevant.

Well, it's obvious who the real racists in America are... holy shit.

How is this socially acceptable?


the same could be said about the other side being fed nothing but Sup Forums memes day in and day out. If you honestly want a better change in the world and not just seem like an ignorant asshole you would be more than happy to give information as to how you came to have your views.

What are you gonna do in real life? REEEEEEE like the fucking autist you are?

>Why do I have to wah wah wah

Because in an argument/discussion you need to support your points with evidence to strengthen them, otherwise they lose validity.

The fact that this needs to be explained to you is just embarrassing. Read a book, nigger.

You mean how the precious white gene pool and culture must be protected


>so that makes them lies? interesting. i didn't know logic worked that way

Where did I say they were lies? They were points supported by flimsy evidence due to laziness in research.

Oh and here's a freebie: there's a difference between lying and being wrong. One is done with intent, the other is not.

he did nothing wrong

maybe if black people didn't commit so much crime maybe people won't be racist. and say : black commit commit crime because they are poor is not a good argument. we are not the result of our environment. as human we have control over our action. beside this is not like there is barrier to become someone great why so few black people want to become like Neil DeGrasse Tyson.